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Everything posted by Haiduk

  1. Russian rocketman or ticket to the Moon
  2. It's hard video, but need to avoid "echo chamber effect". The price of our bridgehead holding and expanding in Krynky. Video of Russian propagandist account, shows result of failed attempts of river crossing and evacuation of fallen comrades (in black bags). Episodes lilkely filmed during late autumn or in early December. Those, who fight there say too much "missed in Krynky", because not always it's possible to find and evacuate bodies, especially if enemy sank boats.
  3. Usual strike on Russian SA-8 "Osa" SAM near Radensk, Kherson oblast day ago... ... But from Russian TG became knowingly in this vehcile occasionally sat commander of 2nd AD regiment of 104th air-assault division lt. colonel Ruslan Atanov. He was kileld in this strike. Next stupid death of high-ranked VDV officer there. 10 days ago a chief of VDV armor service in rank of colonel was killed, when tried personally to deliver a rope for evacuation of disabled BTR.
  4. It's hard to say. Here two more the same attacks from top-back with the same result - tanks were nuked. First... T-72B3 is nuked Second... I can't recognize the type. Fiers drone likely hit the turet protected by ERA, the secong drone hit top-back zone and tank turned out to fireball
  5. Bradley dismountles abandoned Russian BMP-2 near Avdiivka - video from close range
  6. Usually drones carry PG-7 HEAT ammo. It's enough to penetrate armor from the back, top or side, unprotected by ERA It's claimed we designed special EFP ammunition for drones - EFP-S. It will allow to to hit successfully enemy vehicles, protected by slat armor. But unknown where this payload will appear on frontline
  7. UKR tank after FPV drone hit. Looks like ERA has worked properly and tank got minimal damage
  8. Just TNT charges mounted instead PG-7, probably guys traded TNT with sappers for some chevrons of dead orcs - very vlauable "currency" on frontline along with captured ammunition and technic. Some other example of "drone terror" - Russians in partially captured Stepove can't gain foothold to etsblish positions so they forced to hide in cellars of completely destroyed houses. UKR drone operators of 47th mech.brigade just hit any hole where a movement was spotted At 1:39 drone operator shows joky chevrone on Russian soldier, which usually worn Wagners. Thus, 47th brigade claims in Stepove now remains of Wagners are present, gathered in some new PMC under MoD command.
  9. Plus this - I, alas can't find this screen from Russian TG for several days ago, Russian military blogger complained UKR uses over Krynky sophisticated drone control system - one big dron-transmitter, maintaining about two dozen independent control channels for FPV and recon drones for their longer range. Also over right bank of Dnipro flies UAV with "250x zoom" (probably exaggregation), which find the targets around Krynky, so they in few minutes can be attacked with drones or artilelry. Author complained that no possibility to reach that drone with MANPAD or ground forces AD system.
  10. Crashsite is in 110-115 km from frontline. By unconfirmed rumors onboard of A-50 was a deputy commander of Long-range Aviation Command major-general Oleg Pchela (in past he was a commader of 22nd heavy bomber division) PS. also RUMINT - losses amid IL-22 crew - 2 KIA, 2 WIA Before invasion Russia had 7 IL-22 and 12 IL-22M airborne command posts One IL-22M was shot down during Wagner coup attempt. One more IL-22(M), but maybe it was IL-20 (SIGINT plane) was damaged by UKR "Buk", but could land.
  11. Reportely Russian Su-34, launching a missile over Azov Sea "with great difficulty" could evade "high-speed missile", attacking his aircraft. Allegedly jet radio exchange was intercepted and pilot said he was under atatck of missile, incoming with 3600 km/h speed. I think this could be Su-35, mostly they lauch missiles over Azov sea, not Su-34, though both are capable to do this.
  12. Best point for FPV to cook off the tank is the hull top behind the turret Here two nice fireballs
  13. For Russians often is better to blame friendly fire, than to recognize "pathetic khokhols" were able to destroy their "no-analog" system. In better case they will claim "NATO instructors controlled all process, NATO ELINT plane gave targeting, stupid khokhol just press the button, because khokhol-villagers so stupid, that they just unable fully operate with such complicated systems"
  14. On other hand FPV mostly fly with HEAT ammunition. It's good for vehicles, but not so effective against groups of infantry (if this not about to strike MG or ATGM crew on position). Yes, we already begin to use some other sort of ammunition, including HE airburst, but looks likel this is "garage-produced", not serial. So in present time FPV can't substitute 155 mm arty and mortars by delivered HE weight.
  15. Thoughts from one of UKR military TG "Officer": While there is a delay in aid from partners - FPV drones rescue our as....s quite well. Main part of the aid, which is critically needed for us are artillery shells. Yes, not missiles and tanks. I don't argue - Bradleys are top vehiciles, they are really get the situation out, but several dozens of vehicles will not make a weather even on operational level. Looking on that 2023 was a year of arty, shells for it are very needed for us, because 155mm is NATO caliber, which USSR didn't have. And now this is becoming a problem, because we depend on allies in this. For example, if in summer artillery battalion fired appox 500 shells, that now some more than 20. Thanks God, we have such thing as FPV - cheap, portable, no need to tow heavy and big gun, which hard to hide. FPV have much more accuracy, this is "first person view ammunition". The accuracy is better than Excalibur. Our guys already hit targets on 25 km range and say this is not a limit. A single minus - FPVs are strongly affected by EW, but this can be compensated by mass-production. The war is going on new level, 2024 will be a year of FPV drones.
  16. Work of Bradley as a medical evacuator. 47th brigade prays on these vehciles, rescuing so many lives in combats and in evacuations
  17. Drone operators of SBU "Alfa" Special Forces hit Russian soldier near Avdiivka. His comrades dragged him inside damaged and anandoned AMN-590951 "VPK-Ural" armored car, but... didn't close doors. This was huge mistake. Next FPV has flew directly in the open door, cooking off the armor and everybody, who was inside.
  18. Two days ago, commander of Ground Forces Syrskiy: I would be want our ground forces have more air support, so we need A-10, AH-64 and UH-60 Day ago, commander of Air Forces Oleshchuk: I understand wishes of Ground Forces, but our priority is F-16, we havn't any resourses and time for training on A-10. In conditions of full Russian superiority in the air and AD systems, these aircraft will not survive. So, we need to get a parity with Russians in the sky, so as our Su-25 , Su-24 and Mi-24 could support ground forces in full strenght, so no need in A-10 ...Something happened... Commander of Air Forces Oleshchuk now (ok, let Mirage-2000D and A-10 will be too): PS. As became knowingly Ukrainian diaspora in Australia created a petition to government to hand over MRH-90 Taipan (Australian version of NH90) helicopters to Ukraine. Australia had been entering to service 46 helicopters from 2007 to 2013. Since two helicopters crashed in 2023 all MRH-90 fleet was gounded and was making decision do not return them to service. Since Australion government offer to sell MRH-90 fleet to other NH90 operators didn't interest anybody, now these Taipans can be just scrapped or gradually disassembled for spare parts.
  19. As I mentioned above, except devastate strike on Jan 6 on underground command bunker of radar regiment near Sevastopol, causing a death of regiment commander and more than dozen of servicemen, Saky airfield also was hit with Storm Shadow (Russian sources claimed four were launched, two intercepted, two hit target). Became knowingly in this strike command center of 43rd assault naval aviation regiment was hit with 4 KIA. Amid victims - deputy commander of regiment lt.colonel Alexandr Chernobayevskiy. Despite this regiment is amed as "assault", indeed it armed with Su-30SM and later due to losses several Su-24M/MR were included back (in 2000 - 2016 43rd regiment had Su-24)
  20. Sensation! Russian captured one of those notorious and elusive Polish mercenery in Krynky! Native Polish speakers can evaluate level of copium %) This guy says usual thing, he lives in Pulawy and came to Ukraine for money, Russian shelled Krynky, his Ukrianian unit fled and abandoned him wounded. In captivity he feels good, even better then in ZSU, got proper treatment
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