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Everything posted by Haiduk

  1. Ace-level dropping on Russian ATV near Kurdiumivka (southern Bakhmut front section)
  2. After failed attempts to breack through to Berdychi village through Stepove, Russians now shifted attacks more NW to come to Berdychi directly from the north. They could push UKR troops from one of railway section. Vehicle losses count of Avdiivka battle since October. Even if we count only destroyed vehicles, Russians already lost full equipped tank division there + 4 motor-rifle regiments or more than 3 full-equipped motor-rifle brigades + two motor-rifle batatlions.
  3. Situation near Robotyne - UKR troops froced to withdraw further to make contact line more short. Since most capable 47th and 116th brigades were moved to Avdiivka, rest of troops are either too exhausted or have many control and personnel issues, so can't effectively fight. Also soldiers form this dirction report about lack of artillery support and artillery shells - lilekely main priority for artillery supply now are Avdiivka and Krynky bridgehead. UKR troops also rarely can use armor for support and supply - Russian artillery, Lancets and FPVs search own victims and muddy fields it's a horror for pickup logistic, so not rarely positions can't be supplied with ammunition in time, which led to tragedies, like about week ago, when Russians executed two groups of UKR soldiers from 82nd air-assault and 117th mech.brigades - they surrendered because were out of ammo. Reportedly on this directions Russian often didn't take prisoners, because very angry due to own big losses. Describing of current situation there from UKR TG: On Zaporizhzhia direction losses situation was significantly minimazed: from our side all active assaults are stopped, only if we really can advantageous to restore positions. Russians still use active assaults and what funny, when they all die, only then they stop attacks. In that time for us from 20 men group it's enough to have 2-3 KIA and 5-6 WIA to stop assault.
  4. Second visual confirmed incident, when Russians could spot HIMARS after his launches and tracked it. Russian "Smerch" or "Tornado-S" has struck the area with cluster munitions, but result is unclear. Two rockets obviously hit empty field, only one partiallay hit tree-plant after which Russians in other video showed as "evidence" that something unclear is smoking in tree-plant This happened in Donetsk oblast about iin 15 km behing frontline, 20 km SW from Bakhmut.
  5. This video is a part of "Ukrainska pravda" article about first operations of naval drones. Alas in didn't translted to English as whole, only as shortened atricles, so briefly: 1. First strike on Russian ships in the sea not far from Sevastopol should be conducten in the night from 16th on 17th September 2022. Five drones with 108 kg HE onbaoard each, despite large waves could approach to Sevastopol. Russian flagman frigade "Admiral Makarov" was spotted as main target. 70 km was left to the traget. But... Elon Musk turned off Starlink and UKR drones have lost control. Minister of digital transformation Fedorov (one of initiator of drone program), who was present in situation room tried to communicate with Musk, but he didn't want to listen. Attempts to convince him through US military channels also failed. Operation was foiled, Russian ships after this could launch missiles futher. By the way, by statistic, less then 50 % of Kalibrs were intercepted. Only two UKR drones could return to base. Other either sunk or self-exploded because of waves hit, being uncontroled. One of them was washed ashore near Sevastopol several days ago, so that was first unplanned ("thanks" to Musk) appearance or UKR naval drones on public. 2. Afer this incident with Musk, developers team researched returned drones and made many improves in construction. Gradually drones got three independent communication systems to avoid losing of control. So next attack was in the night from 28th to 29th of October. Four drones sailed to Sevastopol harbor, three prepared to attack Russian ships on the roadstead. Three drones attacked "Admiral Makarov" again, but only one could breack throug the waves and hit the ship in the stern part. Frigade lost speed in half and turned to harbor. In that time three other drones sneak to Streletskaya Bay, but was shelled by Russian coastal assets. Fortunately almost near the entrance to the bay the minesweeper "Ivan Golubets" has stood and she got own 108 kh HE - explosion damaged trilling compartment. Other drones in this moment struck oil terminal. Damaged Russian frigade sailed to Streletskaya Bay too - Russian artillery from the coast mistakingly shelled the ship and frigade also returned fire. In this khaos, two drones, which coouldn't approach to frigade in first attack followed them and could sneak to the bay. Russians turned on all own EW assets, so GPS signal was lost, reserve communication was partially supreswed too, but allowed to control drones by TV channel. Vice-admiral Neyizhpapa, who served long time in Sevastopol and knew all bays, personally sat in drone operator chair - first drone was directed on second frigade "Admiral Essen" but hit the point between her and ASW frigade "Ladnyi", slightly damaged both (in the artcile claimed the drone was directed between two ships, but likely unstable control caused dron missed and hit a pier between ships) 3. After this attack, new drone "SeaBaby" was designed. Unlaike "Maliuk" with 108 kg of HE, It could carry 850 kg of HE (now it equipped also with thermobaric launchers). Also this drone got new comm system with 300 000 $ cost and was build from radio-transparent materials. Also unlike "Maliuk", developed in coperation with SBU and private companies, "SeaBaby" was designed and built exclisivley by own SBU engineers and IT team. Exactly "SeaBaby" drones hit Kerch bridge at the second time on 17th of July 2023. The team, developed "Maliuk", after SBU decisiosn to develop own drone by own team signed agreement with GUR (Intelligence Service Directorate) and soon "Magura" drone project has appeared - these drones are under Budanov's hand. In September 2023 "Magura" in first time damaged Russian patrol ship "Sergey Kotov", though damages weren't heavy. Also claimed "SeaBaby" and "Magura" struck several other Russian ships and auxiliary vessels, but damages also weren't critical or weren't confirmed. 4. In July 2023 Russia broken "grain agreenment" and became strike on UKR ports and elevators. Their patrol ships threatened to intercept any cargo vesels, sailing from UKR ports. Zelenskiy on Stavka meeting demanded to force Russian ships get away from western part of Black Sea. Was made a decision to show Russians theuir fleet will be vulnerable even in Novorossiysk, their second base. Cooperated operation was planned by Zaluzhnyi, Maliuk (SBU chief), Budanov (GUR chief), Neyizhpapa (Naval forces chief), Oleshchuk (Air Forces chief). So, ib the night on 4th August 2023 new fastest drone "Mamai" went to sea. "Mamai" has lighter warhead than "SeaBaby" - 450 kg, but this is fastst drone, it can sail with a speed 110 km/h. On the way operators had many temptatins to hit tankers, carring Russian oil, but command prohibited atatck any civil vessel in neutral waters, even Russian. At last "Mamai" encountered LLS "Olenegorskiy gorniak" and successfully struckj it on the roadstead of Novorossiysk. In the article no mentions about other destroyed target - likely there were two drones, because off-shore oil terminal was hit too. On the next day other "Mamai" damaged Russian tanker "Sig", suppliying Russian miliyry. These attcks gradually forced Russians to minimaze own presence in western part of the sea and this allowed Ukraine to avoid new blocade. Reasons for Russia was not so military, but economical - after these atatcks insurance companies and freight companies have been rising own prices, so to calm situation and prices Russia was forced to withdraw. By the way western partners were very dissatisfied with these attcks on Novortossiysk and Kerch strait - UKR leadership got many suggestions "do not do this anymore" - Novorossiysk is a huge hub for Kazakhstan and "grey" Russian oil, which go to markets, bypassing sanctions as other brands or for delution of brands. With one hand we help Ukraine, with other hand we buy an oil in Russia, supporting their capability to wage a war. Damned real politic. Even recent scandal that Pentagon bought Russian oil only confirms this. So, if you ask why Ukraine don't hit seriously Russiaon oil export infrastructre, adress this question to Washington.
  6. Now we have 28 killed in missile strike of 29th Dec in Kyiv. This is largest number of deaths in the city since 24th Feb. The works of ruins disassembling is continuing (on the photo). Reportedly employees covered in light shelter, but the missile or warhead of shot down missile hit almost in the shelter area, caused terrible consequences. Beacme knowingly, in Smila, being struck by Kh-22, one of eight wounded died in the hospital. This night Russia launched 90 Shakheds, 87 of them were shot down. Alas, L'viv region and city again passed most of UAVs. Russians didn't spare two Shakeds to hit the house-museum of UPA commander Roman Shukhevych, where he had own HQ and where he took last fight with NKVD. Other drone hit univercity building in Dubliany town (3 km NW from L'viv), where in own time Stepan Bandera was studying. In Odesa oblast Shaked explosion killed a teenager.
  7. Likely TOW from Bradley hit attacking Ruassian BMP and then finished it with 25 mm gun. Disembarked infantry tries to cover behind oppose side of vehicle, but the drone dropped grenades on them
  8. Why stupid Allies just didn't work with population of Axis countries so as they uprise against own nazi dictators, why didn't invite them, didn't surround them by care and smiles, but instead dropped hellish tons of bombs on their heads? So, inhumane... By the way USSR conducted successful bombing campaing against Finland in 1944, forcing them to change the side. . Oh... I feel a smell of leftism...
  9. Neither USA, nor UK, France, Australia etc didn't became "barbarical societies" after WWII. Though their aviation was bombing Axis cities, causing death of dozen thousands. Existential wars or wars for independence never wage in white coats and gloves. All who think this is possible will get defeat. I don't believe that Russians can overthrow Putin themselves - only when they will feel a lack of food, like in 1917. But Russians will elect the same like a Putin, who will offer "make a Russia great again". Those, who have a bravery to fight with system too few. And most of them are in jails or in RDK or LFR - and these units Russian "liberals" hate very strong, because they show them all their pathetic and cowardness "we can't uprise, because they will beat us and throw to jails". If Russian is still "hesitating" after two years of war - he is just hidden imperialist under liberal skin. Russia deserve for worst scenartio. Even this can give a chance to heal their nation from inner slavery, snobbery, chavinism and imperialism.
  10. I've been traveling to Kharkiv three times by my work in this year, so my clients there said if they hear air raid alarm signal, that with big probability nothing will happen. Because of most of strikes on the city Russian make with S-300/400 or Iskanders from Belgorod oblast. Fly time so low, that AD systems just havn't a time to switch on an air raid alarm signal. So, in first order they hear BOOM and then since a minuite sirenes are on.
  11. Aftermath of S-300 strike on Kharkiv from Belgorod. Reportedly 16 people wounded according to last information. Upd. There were two S-300 hits. One at the hotel, the second is almost completely ruined old building. The hotel is close to regional hospital, where can be treated wounded soldiers too, so maybe hospital was a target. British journalist was wounded.
  12. China is fueling Russia in their war. Biden is correct - if so-called democracy world will allow Russia to win, next time western soldiers will die in future war, which will come very quickly.
  13. Hiroshima and Nagasaki - two nukes and Japan is capitulated. No bloody fight for country occupation, no sea battles, dozen thousands of Allied soldiers lives resqued. Not always peace time morale useful at the war. Especially if this war is not a conflict between cicvilized countries, but total war "we are or they are" between civilization and barbarism. You will never win barbarians if you show "humanism". They recognize this like your weakness. Barabarians respect and understand only brutal force
  14. Belgorod is not "tiny". This is oblast administrative center with 330 000 of population. The city has five machine-building factories, most of them also have orders from MoD. Not saying now this is important railway hub and location of AD assets, attacking Kharkiv as well as place of many military units around
  15. I very doubt common IT specialist or any other of middle class of large Russian cities will hurry to enlistment office after this. Rather they join to so called "relocants" - those who went abroad. Snobbery of Russian midlde class so high, that they can't recognize themeselves neither as "political refugees" (because they are "out of policy"), nor as just "refugees of migrants" (because this is humilitating for their ego). And from there they will complain how boring in western countries, how it's bad because no Russian language in restourant menus, what a terrible service westerners have, because no 24/7 supermarkets and nobody will not deliver them pizza or analgin at 2:00 of night, and why rusophobic westerners call them "agressors" and didn't want give them resident card. This "relocants" already claimed something like "Ah, rusophobia of westerners and Ukrainians so high, that we now will stop to donate for AFU and will support Putin, we have no choice". Really? I do not care what these "liberals" can think. They too coward to make any decisive thing - either come to meeting against the war or enlist to army. What they want - comfort life, where they coul feel them like little nobles, and some more poor serve them, delivering them pizza at the night for a penny and lot of obscene words. Real "good Russians" never hesitated who is guilted, never say "not everything is so clear" and they clearly kno what need to do to stop the war. And this is not hypocritic "you should start negotiations" and "we are not responsible for Putin's crimes, so no any reaparations from usual Russians!"
  16. 3rd assault brigade posted in own TG a video about price of peaceful Christamas and New Year holidays for Ukraine - during their more than half-year campaign near Bakhmut they lost 181 servicemen.
  17. UKR ZSU-23-4M-A1 "Rokach" - upgraded "Shilka" with "Rokach-A1" digital antenna grid radar, also 4 MANPADs can be mounted. Can detect usual aerial targets on 25 km and drones on 6-9 km. If we could solve the problem with 23 mm AA barrels and ammunition it can ve useful for frontline covering and infrastructure objects protection
  18. Result of next meat assault - BMP with pilled dead bodies on the top. FPV hit BMP, it burns and likley widows of these soldiers have a risk never to receive own millions - "no body, no case"
  19. The version, that Russia itself shelled Belgorod with MLRS Grad (calling it "Vampire") during UKR drone or "Vil'kha" attack on some military or industrial objects in the city. But well, let see maybe other OSINTers can conirm or refute this
  20. Not support of Ukraine, but own fear to go at the war. But they have nothing against if Russia win. Becase "then the war will be finished, people will no longer die from both sides, our nations will make friendship again and we can walk along beautiful L'vov again"
  21. If you see more videos from there, many of scared citizens say "we have to flee from the city". The citizens of European part of Russia cities have much more comfort life, than inhabitants of villages, small towns and depressive regions, which mostly enlisted to army. Do not shoot at the cities, this is the same as "do not provoke Russia" before a war. Every Russian MUST. MUST. MUST to feel that the war is fear, blood, dirt, loss of property. Not tells about endless victories "with small blood" onTV. Then maybe they can ask authorities - WHY? Because now they have moods "go,go,go, we are winining! Khokols, surrender!" But Belgorod really has many (around)military industry factories and military objects. What was a target - we don't know. Because all missiles were "intercepted by Russian AD in unpofessional way" %) Official reaction of UKR command - "Belgorod suffered because of mistakingly Russian AD work"
  22. Among my parents, friends, familiars, clients were noboby, who I could name "pro-Russian". So, our point of view very depends on our enviromment
  23. Belgorod. Why you should never come close to the window, when hearing explosions. Even this is very interesting to see and film this for Instagram %) The guy came close and in this moment either custer submunitions or fragment of rocket hit the window
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