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Everything posted by Haiduk

  1. Krynky bridgehead. Next TOS-1A, which was spotted by SOF was destroyed by night drone bomber of 36th marines brigade Situation in Krynky still heavy for Ukrainian troops, but completely catastrophic for Russian troops Just some Russian TG messages from there: They are killing our guys. No EW. They [command] just wait something. Krynki. Situation is very hard. Khokhol's artillery fu...ng hit us, we can't supress it, drones like a bees. My friend called yesterday. There is meat grinder. Arty and drones hit like fu...g hell. On Tuesday a company in 130 men came there on positiosn. And yesterday so far they were withdrawn to the rear. Only 18 men left. Tell anybody about bodies evacuation. There is too hard in Krynki. We can't go out within three days until it's quiet. It's obvious, why NYT issued two days ago pessimistic article with interview of "UKR wounded marines", who told about "useless operationin Krynky", "huge losses". Russia invested huge money now to PsyOps. Putin on own briefing told "Russian troops has only several sanitarŅƒ losses in Krynky, when Ukraine - dozens of killed"
  2. Russian TGs claimed yesterday not one, but two Russian Su-25 were lost. Allegedly they completed strike mission, but conducting evasive maneuvers to avoid MANPADs launches both planes collided in bad weather conditions. Both pilots are dead. Fighterbomber didn't confirm this yet
  3. What do you know about HERA - Hunan ERA? UKR Javelin team of 14th mech.brigade hit Russian BMP with embarked infantry on the top. This is Syn'kivka area, Kupiansk direction. Red marks - previously destroyed Russian armor PS. Extended version of this video (but with violence warning) - it's seen how first BMP has driven some dozen meters forward and halted, and how infanryman of teh second BMP was hit directly by 120 mm mortar shell
  4. Well... Next "ethernal flight, bro" from Fighterbomber. Even our sources didn't report today about Russian Su-25 loss. But maybe non-combat reason or friendly fire. PS. Likely friendly fire - Russian TG with glad reported Russian Buk M3 shot down UKR Su-25 over Mykolaiv oblast near Yellizavietove village (wrong name - Yelyzavetivka indeed - 27 km north from Kozachi Laheri). I think, the author will be dissapointed soon %)
  5. This night according to Russian reports, they shot down about 30 UKR UAVs, which attacked Rostov, Lipetsk and Volgograd oblast. Later became knowingly part of UKR frones have struck Morozovskoye airfield in Rostov oblast, where is deployed 559th bomber aviation regiment of 1st mixed aviation division of Air-Space Forces. This regment is aremed with Su-24M and Su-34 aircraft. On one of videos, filmed by locals it's seen at least two explosions on the horizon and he told about sound of 6 UAVs. Later theses photos from airfield appeared Damaged Su-34... And remainings of kamikadze drone (probably Mugin-5 or UKR analog) Later Russian TG wrote that in result of strike one Su-34 and one S-300 launcher were damaged with unknown perspectives of their quick returning to service
  6. I recall discussions on our military forum 15 years ago about ways of development of ground forces. And discussions will it worth to completely substitute tracked BMPs on Ukrainian BTR-4, which indeed is wheeled IFV. Now we can be shure in our mud season conditions in the fields and dirt roads, any wheeled vehilces lost to tracked ones.
  7. This is true and 35 is very optimistic lower threshold. In some brigades average age of soldiers is 50+ years. Now is sharply put a question about mobilization of more young people, because of men over 45 y.o., having many health problems (and trench life doesn't add health to them) can't be effective infantrymen, especially in assault actions. Currently you can be mobilized from 27 y.o. All youngers can be enlisted only by own free-will as contract servicemen. But indeed most people, who are mobilized are older than 40-45 years. Recently a law was passed, reducing the lower age of mobilisation from 27 to 25 years, but president didn't sign it yet On other hand example of 3rd assault brigade and Azov brigade, having own recruitment system, shows most of their soldiers are young and middle-age people, having good motivation and much better physical conditions. This was one of factors of 3rd brigade effectiveness in offensive. But one brigade can't tow whole front
  8. I don't know why you told about such extreme things. This is will not help to win. I also can't agree with comparison of current war with warcrimes and "warcrimes" during wars, which USA waged on foreign territories. We withstand much more stronger and numerous enemy, who invaded on own land. And they are not those, who had upbringing and traditions of western civilization. Our enemy is a nation, for which a will to live uder "strong hand", a violence on all levels, wars, cult of force and humilitation of weaker, semi-criminal rules in society, feel of own supremacy over other nations, imperialistic snobbery to other cultures, semi-religious messianism, envy to neighbour's success etc is a natural thing. As sings the new Russian pop-star Shaman, frontman of Z-idology in music: "I'm Russian - I wil go on till the end... I'm Russian out of spite to the whole world" Most of Russians support this war. Even those "liberals", who "against" Putin and war indeed against own participation in this war. They were long-time proud that "we are out of policy". But indifference of millions borns dictatorship of one. Russians don't feel the war. Their largest cities stiil bask in luxury and idle life. They maybe have a hunch about dozen thousands of kileld, but believe that Ukrainians lost much more anyway (how else?) and these victims were acquitted for future dominatin of Russia in the world and humilitation of West and espacially their impudent puppet - Ukarine, "who betrayed Russian world". When I read stories our former POWs, how Russians treated them in jails, how they tortured them, beat up, starved them, when I've seen how they proudly post videos with executions of our POWs and they when I've see Russian POWs, having faces like after normal restourant menu, I ask - maybe let they sit too on poor food, maybe to send them to hard works? Russian blocked POW exchanges and more and more executed our POWs. So, why we need to feed this trash, spending our budget? We had already several cases, that Russian POWs on camera told they against the war, they don't know, they were mobilized by force, they never more come to Ukraine with a weapon if they exchanged. And since some time the same Russians were captured again. So, did you surrender by free-will? Welcome to POW camp. Did you rise own hands during trench cleaning? Sorry, bro, too late. Russia has much more "meat" than we are. And I afraid even ATACAMS, Taurus and F-16 will not be a magic wand. Until Russians inside own country will feel a war. Not a poor single "Bober", who will fly in window of luxury skyscrapper or even into the roof of military factory. And even these episodes then will be debated in "civilized world" - either Ukraine has a right or not? Yes, we have. And we MUST to do the same as Israel does in Gaza. Where "innocent people" - from kids to olds dancing and celebrating on the streets the carnage of Jews and then crying about "how dare you bomb peaceful innocent cities?!". We must to force Russian civilians feel a panic, when they just hear any wistling sound or any sound similar to explosion. Let their children learn in subway and basements. Let even their AD shot down our missiles and drones, but let it be not single, but dozens, fragments of which will damage their appartments, cars etc. Let RDK made more raids to Russia and West don't alarming "OMG! They had Belgian rifles and two HMMWVs!!!" Let be more strikes at Russian power plants - let they sit in darkness and without work. Let be more strikes at Russian oil facilities without Western concerning "not so much, this will cause rising of prices on the oil" Russia is a nation, who recognized only feel of fear. They wage a war on annihilation. It's stupid to see in this usual "border conflict" like between civilized nations with all rules of war, conventions etc. Allies in WWII ruined whole cities just because this played a role of revenge and psychological blows and had also some military demography objectives - reducing of potential number of mobilized or workers for economy. Two nukes on Japan maybe were warcrimes from point of view of modern humanism, but they saved lives of dozen thousands of Allies soldiers, who didn't die in further war with Japan, which could last more in 1946-47.
  9. And here how Russians advanced near Robotyne - Russian soldiers of probably from 234th air-assault regiment of 76th air-assault division used as live shield hostages three captured UKR soldiers, hiding and shooting behind their backs. It's impossible to win, when you have a deal with cruel orcs, which spit on all conventions, but "deeply concerned" international community to force you adhere to these conventions for orcs. "If you take no prisoners, if you hit their cities, power plants, if you allow losses among their "innocent" civilians, you will turn to orcs themeselves! This will be not correspond with democracy values, human rights etc!" People lost feeling of reality and live in own ivory towers with rose unicorns...
  10. Kupiansk direction, intensive clashes around crucial Syn'kivka village with varied success. In this time UKR troops of 2nd mech.battalion of 30th mech.brigade recaptured previously lost position and captured three Russian soldiers Soldiers of 108th separate mountain-assault battlioan of 10th mountain assault brigade storm the enemy trench, disembarking from M113. It's pointed out this is also Kupiansk direction, but as I know 10th brigade operated on Siversk direction (NE from Soledar)
  11. One more fly-over above a tree-plant, captured by Russians. In this time from 110th mech.brigade. I was laze to cound all read squares - Russian bodies. The video claims "more 100".
  12. 46th air-assault brigade has moved from Ronotyne sector to Maryinka. Likely because of this also can be explained last successes of Russians near Robotyne. As soldiers told 65th mech.brigade has not enough competent command. But this is "trench true" of course. Though, obviously transferring of 116th, 47th and 46th brigades from Robotyne salient to Donetsk oblast significantly reduced capabulities of UKR group there
  13. Denmark will send next military aid for Ukraine on 1 milliard USD
  14. Drone video of smal part of tree-plant, seized by Russians near Stepove village. Russians to this time couldn't evacuate all bodies of own soldiers. Drone operator flies over and counted 48 bodies left there. At least half company of dead for small piece ot trees. But Russians can allow to do this. We are can't.
  15. It's about particular part of front. Near Krynky, for example situation is reverse, but this is because UKR High Command concentrated there most capable UAV units. But total development is not favorable for us. I already wrote about this. I doubt we can't contest with mass production and direct supply from China to Russia, so except drone manufacturing we need urgently invest into different "trench/vehicle" EW systems, which will maintain local energy shie... "cupolas" against mosty of enemy kamikadze drones
  16. UKR troops lost almost all gains of previous two months west from Robotyne. Situation here and in Donetsk oblast is very bad. UKR troops exhausted almost without rotations for several months of intensive combat. Many companies turned into platoons. In that time, when Russian moved here fresh troops or have opportunity to replenish battered units directly on the place or during short-term rotations in close rear. I suppose brigade general Tarnavskiy, who is commander of Operative-Strategic Troops Groupment "Tavria", which operated from Donbas to Zaporizhzhia oblast can have very hard talk with Stavka soon...
  17. After about two year of assaults, artillery shellings and bombing, Russians could seize "Ukrainian Hirosima" the place, which was Maryinka town. Piles of trash and crushed bricks under which previous streets can't be recognized, with some more or less "boxes" of houses, surviving on the west of town - here that got Russians. UKR troops still control small part of town on north-west, but for Russians western part of Maryinka is more important - here they got access to the road on Kurakhove, important town on Donetsk oblast, where thermal power plant is located. Despite on shellings and damages it still work.
  18. Today we have very loud night. At 3-00 Russians launched 10 ballistic missiles on Kyiv from Briansk oblast. It was combined strike of S-400 and Iskander-M. Our Patriot crews again were on the top and shot down all missiles. But, alas, because missiles were detectad again with delay, there were interceptions over the city itself, so fragments of them and at least two warheads fell down with detonations. More - 6 of theese missiles have fell in 2-3 km from my home. I heard very loud explosions and seen bright spashes in darkness through the curtain. Objectives of Russian strike obviously were two thermal power plants and water pump station, feeding left-bank part of Kyiv (it located in 2 km from my house). This station has chlorine supplies for water disinfection, so hit of reservoir could lead to local chemical catastrophe. In result of attack 53 citizens were wounded (most of them by debrises of window glasses), 18 of them were hospitalized (2 kids amid them). Several multistorey houses, kindergarden and one hospital corps got damages from missile fragments, there were fragmnents impacts in tall house under construction, the warhead of shot down missile impacted and exploded on the avenue in 2 km from my home, making large crater, so the movement was closed
  19. More interesting, Kyivstar to this time had Russian benifeciars (including Russian oligarch Michail Fridman), hidden through the chain of off-shore companies. Russian hacker group "Solntsepyok", who claimed they are responsible for attack and derstroing of "Kyivstar" servers and cloud databases, expressed a gratitude to some "Kuivstar" personnel, who assisted them. Alot of work for SBU. I think, now the state will move nore quickly in the question of "Kyivstar" nationalisation. This question was raising many time, because of hidden Russian control over the company, but it seems somebody had cool lobbists in state structures. On other hand GUR claimed four days ago their cyberwar department succesfully destroyed Russian Taxes Office database, so they never can restore it as it was and as if they will need about month to rise the system again. Thus, attacks on Kyivstar and "MONObank" (IT-security department of latter could repell the attack successfully) couyld be revenge for Tax Office attack, but I can't find yet information about any troubles on Russian sources.
  20. New secret anti-drone weapon of Russians - tossing turrets. In this time the drone of "Azov" brigade was lucky and wasn't shot down %) Kreminna area. PS. Recently "Azov" fighters pushed back Russians in the forest and recaptured several previosly lost positions.
  21. Component origins by countries in Shakheds-136, producing in Russia
  22. 79th air-assault brigade repelled next attack in Novomykhailivka area, but situation here also getting worse - Russians already almost reached eastern outskirt of the village. Since several month of artillery and airstrikes they managed to demolish most of fortifications and UKR troops each time were forcing to withdrew back.
  23. As writes UKR soldier likely of 65th mech. brigade, there is bad situation near Robotyne. They stuck in the terrible mud around - many wheeled vehicles (jeeps, pick-ups) just stuck dead and abandoned in fields. Problems with ammo supply and evacuation. Russians use it in own favor and conducted several successfull assaults, throwing our troops to the SW outskirt of the village. From other source - UKR troops yesterday took back most of fortified position south from Robotyne, which was lost 2-3 days ago, but Russians with counter-attack could recapture trenches again, so now western part of trench system is under their control and eastern - through the road either contested area, or under UKR control
  24. Next day in Krynky - Russian stormed with about 10 armored vehicles. 5 were destroyed, 2 were hit, but could retreat, one tank still intact. Russian TG report about today's attempt: "Units of 328th air-assault regiment of 104th air-assaut division tried to attack from three sides, but a miracle isn't happened and enemy advantage in artilelry accuracy and FPV drones did own sad work. We lost 1 tank, 3 BMD-2, 1 BTR-82A and 20 men" One of tank hit by "Magyar birds" for today. Need to say, on Krymky direction works likley more equipped and trained UAV / counter-UAV/ EW units - evcept "Magyar birds" this also 14th UAV regiment and some other.
  25. Well, now we have Latin American battalion "Bolivar" - the group of Columbian and Bolivian fighters has grew up with other nationalities ) Initially about platoon of these fighters was in composition of "Karpatska Sich" volunteer unit and our soldiers had very good opinion about their capabiities. In contray, fighters from Cuba in Russian army. Not only Nepal %)
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