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Everything posted by Haiduk

  1. Briansk also under shelling. Reportedly "Kremniy" chip factory was hit and areas around
  2. Ukrainian MLRS "Vil'kha" have been struck Belogorod about hour or less ago. Russians claimed AD intercepted 20 missiles, but locals write after explosions the electricity and water were cut off in several districts. Reportedly there are wounded after impacts in residental areas.
  3. Our twitters, wich usually report first about such sensations now keep silence about this.
  4. Probably upgraded Kh-101 missile, launching flares in potential dangerous areas
  5. Updated information of civilan losses for today's strikes: 30 killed, 160 wounded. Death tall in Kyiv reached 9 people - all they from that storage facility. According to some information it was not only storage, but workshop too. Military plant "Mayak" is located in that area AT the day Russians launched several Kh-22 missiles. One of them hit outskirt of Smila town of Cherkasy oblast (homeland of my wife). Russians likely targeted railway bridge through small river Tiasmyn, but because of this missile isn't accurate, it hit eastern city suburb, destroying 10 private houses completely and damaging more than 40. Nine citizens were wounded.
  6. Training range somewhere in Russia. Enlisted citizens of Somali, India and Syria
  7. Training range somewhere in Russia. Enlisted citizens of Somali, India and Syria
  8. If this letter of BSF Command to Novocherkassk city admimnistration is true, it says 74 sailors were killed and 27 wounded (I suppose this is not only LLS "Novocherkassk" crew) after strike on the ship
  9. Two Shakheds fell down so far in Romania, and no reaction. I not say about mysterious loss of Romanian MiG-21 over the seashore and rescue helicopter, searching its pilot at the beginning of war - there were rumors both were shot down by Russian ships or fighters
  10. On LostArmor claimed this was Iskader-M strike. But explosion not so large
  11. Damn, I've slept so soundly, that didn't hear anything. About 30 aerial targets were shot down over Kyiv and suburbs. One killed and 12 wounded in the city. Storage facility destroyed - most of victims from this place. Also damaged the lobby of one subway station across "Artem" military plant Total result of attack throughout Ukraine 12 killed and 76 wounded civilians
  12. Interesting, this UTS-150 trainig vessel, belonged to 50th group of supply ships of Feodosia base, had long story. In past she was one of project 254 minesweepers (NATO code T43), developed in 1946. Pr.254 was most mass produced minesweeper in the world - total 295 ships were built This ship was built in Kerch shipyard in 1952 as T-79 minesweeper and served until 1965, when was reclassified into experimental vessel OS-5. Since 1976 became reconstructed into training vessel UTS-150. In 1997 after agreement about Black Sea Fleet dividing, UTS-150 passed to Russia. Two her sisterships were handed over to Ukrainian naval forces, but both were decomissioned in 1999-2000.
  13. And I recall cadres of Christmas party for Russian POWs three days ago. Maybe we must stop to wear a mask of "humanism and civilization" when we have a deal with beasts? They just lost a right to call themselves human beings and deserve of any conventions.
  14. I would be post one of example of this "inhumane treatment", nut I think Elvis will delete this. Russians proudly posted this temeselves "so as cowards fear". Four soldiers were naked, beaten and forced to fu...k each other into a..s because they abandoned positions.
  15. LLS can't be a flagship. After "Moskva" gone, the frigade "Admiral Makarov" became a flagship. BSF has three of these newest ships (NATO Admiral Grigorovich - class). One of them out of Black Sea now in the Medditerranian.
  16. Just RUMINT, but... Allegedly on the board of "Novocherkassk" were 62 sailors, also the ship was loaded with 4400 artillery shells and 280 MLRS rockets.
  17. Despite next LLS lose, Russian BSF keeps capabilities to substitute with these ships probable destruction of Kerch bridge Here is list of LLSs in Black Sea on 24th Feb 2022: BSF 197th landing ships brigade: Pr. 1171 (NATO Alligator-class) "Saratov" - destroyed by Tockha-U hit Pr.1171 "Nikolay Philchenkov" Pr.1171 "Orsk" Pr.775 (NATO Ropuha-class) "Tsezar Kunnikov" - was damaged, cought fire in March 2022 in Berdiansk. Likeley repaired Pr.775 "Yamal" Pr.775 "Azov" Pr. 775 "Novocherkassk" - was slightly damaged in March 2022 in Berdiansk. Now destroyed by Storm Shadow hit LLSs deployed to Black Sea from other Russian fleets on the eve of war and given under BSF command: Northern Fleet: Pr.11711 (NATO Ivan Gren-class) "Pyotr Morgunov" Pr.775 "Georgiy Pobyedonosets" Pr.775 "Olenegorskiy gorniak" - damaged by naval drones attack. Under repair Baltic fleet: Pr.775 "Minsk" - badly damaged by Storm Shadow strike. Probably can't be repaired Pr.775 "Korolyov" Pr.775 "Kaliningrad" So there were 7 "native" BSF ships + 6 attached. Now from these 13, 10 still remain in service (actually 9, because one under repair)
  18. Reportedly, detonation of "Novocherkassk" caused damages and fire of cargo ship "San Cosmas" (Tanzania flag), involved in shipping of stolen Ukrainian grain. Also probably one more vessel of Black Sea Fleet could be destroyed or damaged by this explosion - this is sea tug MB-304. On the day-ago sattelite photo she stands close to "Novocherkassk". And here is one more good video of explosion from more close range (upper video)
  19. Reportedly LLS "Novocherkassk" was involved in ammunition supply chain, i.e. she was delivering "Shakheds" to Crimea. So huge explosion because of some HE cargo was onboard. Port facilities and residential quarters near the port got damages because of shock wave. Local authorities reported one civilian dead and six wounded. Of course, no words about LLS crew - 87 men. Explosion happened since 30 minutes after hits. UKR Air Force Command claimed this was successful strikes of Storm Shadow/SCALP missiles,conducted by Su-24
  20. At the Christmas night "Magyar birds" continued to burn Russian armor near Krynky. At this time they finished off abandomed vehciles - Grad, tank and BMD or BMP on M-14 road
  21. These unit have to receive full set of Bradleys/CV90, modern tanks and artillery systems. Their recruiting and training system have to be scaled on whole ground forces.
  22. Russian BMP probably disembarked assault group in tree-palnt near Stepove and was immobilized with RPG by UKR soldiers of Bakhmut TD battalion of 109th TD brigade of Donetsk oblast. Arrived Bradley of 47th mech.brigade shot out this BMP and two other abandoned armor nearby as well as probably remained Russian infantry
  23. What doom looks like. Drones completely paralized a will. Warning. Brutal videos
  24. Russians don't abandon their own %) This guy didn't win a race with MTLB %)
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