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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Haiduk

  1. Tu-154M of Russian Naval Forces arrived to Sevastopol. Probably a committee for investigation of Moskva incident.
  2. This was already several days ago, I've writen about this. But situatuion around Izium is very changable. Both sides is attacking and counter-attacking, seizeng and loosing the same territories, so mabe this is new wave
  3. @sburke @Kinophile +1 Mayor Yevgeniy Osipov, 18th Guard assault aviation regiment "Normandia-Neman" (Su-25SM), Chernigovka airfield, Far East of 303rd mixed aviation division of 11th AF and AD Army. Get lost on 4th of March in Chernihiv oblast.
  4. Hm... Single bridge through Dniestr was demolished in the first day of war. Where this convoy can drive? Probably this is distorted news about new column in Kharkiv oblast
  5. About units of 36th marines brigade in Mariupol. There was information, that marines and some other forces, which held Azovmash plant, in result of operation could join with forces, held Azovstal plant and seaport (mainly Azov regiment). Now became knowingly that in real Azovmash group had sharp debates inside what to do, because they almost hadn't ammunitin and food. So, these forces divided on three parts. All, who had no more moral forces to continue a fight, decided to stay on the place with wounded and surrender. Russians claimed yesterday they capture 1000 Ukrainan soldiers on Azovmash, but to this time was only one video with about 50 captured, including wounded. Other group, led by colonel Volodymyr Baraniuk, commander of 36th marines brigade, on 12th of April conducted desperate attempt to breakthrough to the northern directin to join our forces in JTO. Alas, his group during heave clashes and strikes from the air suffered losses and was dispersed. Some small groups probably continued to go out. Some soldiers were captured. There is no information about colonel Baraniuk. Here Russian aerial tracking of their column Third group of several hundreds marimes and other forces breakthrugh to south and joined with Azovstal group. In own adress, commander of Azov Denys Prokopenko and acting comamnder of 36th marines brigade mayor Serhiy Volyna (he comamnded by one of marines battalions of 36th brigade) claim they will continue a fight and say that we shouldn't make heroes from those, who could fight, but decided to surrender.
  6. More informatin came about this. BTG of 201st MB is operatinhg around Borova, Kharkiv oblast. This is estern bank of Oskol river. Also became knowingly, units of 5th CAA of Far East military district (8-10 BTGs) already arrived and involved in fight. At least one BTG, with elements of tank battalion of 218th tank regiment of 127th motor-rifle division was engaged by UKR 53rd mech.brigade, probably southern axis of JTO. Documents of 1st tank paltoon of 2nd tank company were captured Interestning, that this tank battalion has obvious problems with personnel. On this page we can see from 57 names 19 or 20 belong not to 218th tank regiment, but to 114th, 143rd and 394th motor-rifle regiments and even from HQ of 127th division. Also battalion commander has a rank of captain and has a mayor like a deputy of armament under own subordination.
  7. According to some information, on Moscow detonated stocks of 30 mm ammunition for AK-630 gun systems. This is not enough critical for such large ship, but two per 150 kg warheads strikes and the fire will obviously throw it out from the game. Though, if the ship could save control systems of its main caliber, P-1000 ASMs, it can keep capability to shell ships and probably coastal facilities (I doubt this missile can be targeted at the ground targets, but Russian sources claims it can shell targes on the coast line)
  8. @BeondTheGrave @OldSarge @G.I. Joe And other, who asked about Neptune ASM The missile R-360 of Neptune complex is not a version of Kh-35U, though has similar parameters. Yes, it has very similar hull, and initially since R&D works have started as far as in 2013 or earlier, the missile should be as localized and upgraded analog of Kh-35. This gave to Russian propagandists a reason to claim "Stupid Ukrainians proud because could copy old Soviet missile ahahaha!", so far like their claims "BTR-4 is reworked BTR-70". Russians in own chauvinism believed that without Russia all industry in Ukraine completely declined and we can't develop nothing own, but upgrade USSR lagacy. But Soviet/Russian Kh-35 was really "long played" project, started as far as in 1977, first prelimilary design was ready only in 1983, brought to tests only in 1992 and adopted to service in 2003! And Kh-35U with some improvements, like coordinates transmittion via satellite, was adopted in 2015 Currently Russian navy use this missile in next versions: Kh-35 (AS-20) for planes and helicopters, Bal (SSC-6) - coastal missile complex, Uran (SS-N-25) - ship-bases missile complex Turning back to Ukrainian R-360 - since 2013 the missile have changed at least homing heads (or even three) and many more. First test launches were in 2018, but despite on success, there were found many problems in homing, flight stability also sea-skimming mode had enough hight altitude of flight. In 2019 new tests with new homing head and some constructive changes were conducted, but anyway missile demanded many finalization works. Also there was main problem - previous launches were conducted with USA aid - they detected target and transmitted coordinates to launcher vehicle via own sattelite. Ukraine has been developed own targeting radar Mineral-U, but encountered with many R&D problems, so manufacturer tests were passed only in October 2021 and two radars has been preparing to state test program, but unknown either it was started before a war or not. So, in present time Mioneral-U is nor adopted, but probably can be used in test mode. So, the strike at "Admiral Essen" and "Moskva" could be done both via US satellite and Mineral-U tergeting. Also results of test showed that the carrier of missile complex and radar, based on 8x8 KRAZ-7634NE has low reliability and because of bad financial situation on KRAZ plant, technological problems and inability to provide timely technical support and implement constructive changes, there was assumed a decision to change the carrier to Tatra T815 (Chech Republic). Both Mineral-U radars were produced on Tatra chassis, but crossing of RK-360MC on Tatra took some time, so first battalion of Neptune have to be operational in April 2022 only. To this time the unit, armed with this complex - 65th coastal missile battalion had on armament only one launcher on KRAZ chassis and support vehciles. There is unknown either was a missiles or not, because in 2021, when this battalion was established, there was an information he had only dummy of missiles and first real nissiles have to arrive also in 2022. So, this is one possible answer, why Neptunes have awake only now. First reason - they got a missiles only now, second reason - they could have very short number of missiles and kept its for case of enemy landing attempt n Odesa area. But since new missiles issued and UK/Norway offered own ASMs, they could fire free. So, about R-360 pararameters: 7 ... 280 km range, 150 kg warhead, velocity - 900 km/h, radar/satellite coordinates and targeting aquisitoin, seeker field of viev +/- 60 deg (even more than Harpoon), sea-skimming mode, seeking during maneuvering, EW protection, maximum range of launcher from the sea shore - 25 km Composition of battalion: Three batteries per 2 launchers: 6 launchers USPU-360 (each has 4 tubes of R-360), deployment time 15 minutes Technical battery: 6 transport-loader vehicles TZM-360 (4 R-360 missiles on each), deployment time 10 minutes, reloading time 20 minutes 6 transport vehicles TM-360 (4 R-360 missiles on each) 1 mobile command post RKP-360, deployment time 10 minutes. 1 targeting radar (optional) Mineral-U So one battalion should have 72 missiles. Full salvo in 24 missiles simultainously is possible. First version of launcher USPU-360 on KRAZ-7634NE Serial version of launcher USPU-360 on Tatra T815 Transport-loader vehicle TZM-360 first version (KRAZ) Serial versin of transport-loader vehcile TZM-360 (Tatra) Transport vehicle TM-360 (KRAZ) Transport vehcile TM-360 (Tatra), serial variant Mobile command post RKP-360, first variant Mobile command post RKP-360 (Tatra), serial variant Mineral-U radar
  9. There was a photo of destroyed vehicles of this unit and captured documents, so at least one BTG (4th) of 201th MB is involved. Region unknown. Photos was issued by Air-assault Command, so this can ve also Izium direction 201st MB is not Dagestan (this is Russian Caucasians autonomous republic), but Tadjikistan. Since Taliban came close to their border, I didn't think, Russians can detach many troops from this deirection. 201st MB has three moto-rifle regiments and tank battalion. The latter was equipped with T-72AV/B1, but in December of 2021 was rearmed on T-72B3. Also MD got at least 18 BMP-2M in 2020.
  10. @sburke @Kinophile +2 Mayor Alexey Martiushev. Killed 30 of March. No other information. Lived in Transbaikal region, maybe served in one of units of Eastern military district Lt.colonel Denis Mezuyev, commander of 1st Guard motor-rifle regiment of 2nd Guard "Tamanskaya" MRD. News from 13th of April, but he can be killed earlier.
  11. I trust this guy on 100% and more than official reports. Translation: "yes." [regarding information about cruiser Moskva hit] Some new details - the ship was in 20 miles from Zmiinyi island. Now four vessels around Moskva - the resque operation is ongoing.
  12. Translation of dialog: - We fu...g hit the cruiser! This is 100 % information, awaiting confirmatin that it sank completely. - The cruiser didn't sink, they told it burning If this true, this is the third launch of Neptune. First missile reportedly was launched in Russian frigate "Admiral Essen" more than week ago. But by unconfirmed information the ship was damaged, but not seriously. Some sources told the missile hit in the water close to the hull, but this just a rumors level. I think all details we will see after the war
  13. This is not vehicles of mothballs, some Russian brigades and regiments, especially from Seberia and Far East use BMP-1 to this time as it turned out. For example, 5th tank brigade, deployed NW from Kyiv had BMP-1 in own motor-rifle battalion
  14. Contract was broken. We hadn't Dana before the war
  15. @The_Capt I already meant some things about UKR internet infrastructure. Don't want to repeat, just say in whole again - decentralization, flexibility, survivability, revivalability. Fortunately, for 30 years Ukrianian state in bad sense of this word, couldn't regulate in tough way development of internet infrastructure and later development of IT-sector. Yes, some force structures extored the money from IT business, corrupted officials demanded bribes for "non-obstruction of business", but they didn't interfere to their work with instructions how to establish communications. So, as result we got very flexible network, which very hard to supress by single strike. I can add in the night before 24th Feb our cyber-forces with support of Western specialists repelled most powerfull cyber attack on our critical infrastructure, government resourses, network nodes. So, Russians conducted operation to "shut up" UANET, but failed. Internet is enough accessible and relatively cheap in Ukraine. For example i use home wire internet with unlimited traffic for 4$ per month and 4G/12 Gb in cellphone for 5$ per month Here, for example, a map of 4G cover
  16. Russia conducted hybrid warfare. On initial stage they have a plan to create "people republics" throughout whole Ukraine with support of local "5th column" or at least on territories of so-called "Novorossia". Putin's goal in that time was not "demiliatarization", but "federaliozation" of Ukraine in turning in again in Russia's sattelite. The war is the continuation of politics by other means. Of course, in March 2014 together with Crimea, Russian troops could almost without significant resistance reach to L'viv and Uzhhorod, but this didn't correspond to Putin intentions. Like now in 2022, then in 2014 he believed, that "russian-speaking population, opressed by Maidan junta" just would overthrown "nationalists power", for this need only money and agents, who just set fire anf lead - corruption, helpless and pro-Russian moods among authorities and force structures would be do other job. But great surprise for Putin became total fail of these plans, especially in pro-Russian Odesa, when despite police actually took a side of pro-Russian forces, pro-Ukrainan self-organized forces decided a fate of the city in violent street clashes. In other cities pro-Russian elements was too inert to do something, so they could win only in part of Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts with support of southands of Russian "tourists", which came to participate in meetings. So, when our troops started ATO and "republics" turned out on the verge of elimination, Putin changed own plans and conducted limited invasion - only in order to force Ukraine to sign agreement on own terms, but not in order to conquer all Ukraine. Alas, they could do this, because of strategical mistakes in conducting of ATO, when part of troops were placed on the border and suffered big losses not so in personnel, but more in equipment and because of Poroshenko didn't want to fight, hoping only on force of agreements and that West would make all job insead him. Putin expected, Zelenskyi, having reputation of "moderate pro-Russian guy" would change politic of Ukraine and Russia would take Ukraine back in own sphere of influence, but this didn't happened. Putin had no more time to wait for implementation of his sick neo-empire ambitions in diplomacy way. He is probably terminally ill with cancer, so he wanted to have a time to see "crash of the West domination" and eliminationon of Ukraine, hated by them, like a main destructor of USSR and "Russian world" conception.
  17. Mariupol. Reportedly several hundreds of marines could in unknown way to join with Azov and other forces in Azovstal plant and port area: https://t.me/mariupolnow/6227
  18. Before 2014 there was full decline of army. Our politics repeated the fatal mistake of Ukrainain socialists in 1917, when they decided that "new era coming without wars, when all nations will be brothers etc" and army was almost completely disbanded, so when Bolsheviks launched offensive, there too few forces remained to defend Ukraine. Since 1991 our politics told to society that Ukrainans are peaceful nation, we should be "pigeons of peace", never respond with agression on agression, we don't need in big army, because we will not attack anybody and will never be attacked, because we hadn't potential enemies etc. There were two exclusions - during Kuchma was a president. Despite he was moderate pro-Russian, in 1994 during Crimea crisis and in 2003 during Tuzla crisis his tough decisions forced Russia to cool in own ambitions. Army has been shortened in several stages, prestige of military was very low. Many officers retired and go to business, securiy, police or even to criminal. Among soldiers in military units reigned ugly Soviet-era semi-criminal habits, so almost all young people tried to avoid conscription in any way (bribe or gaining of officer rank in military department of university - this was pure formalism w/o any military practice or service, I myself am such "lietenant", which made three shots with PM for two years) Attempts of reforms after 2008 war in Georgia failed because of inconsistency and indecision of authorities and resistans among high-ranked military, which according to Soviet habit didn't want to take any response or to do real things like increasing of real effectiveness of trops. This looks weird, but most sucessfull attempt ot reforms were when pro-Russian Yanukovich came to power in 2010. In this time we have territorial contest with Romania for the shelf around Zmiinyi island, so Romania suddenly became unspoken potential enemy. There was defensive strategy vision was passed, according to which we could expext "border conflict of low intensity" in middle-time perspective. The vision of army was "small, but high-mobile professional troops, equipped with modernized Ukrainain weapon". Main focus - international cooperation, international maneuvers (both NATO and CIS/Russia), peacekeeping operation etc. Army was shortened again. Russian agents in MoD (and minister himself, citizen of Russia) made all to foil development of new Ukrainian weapon - project of ballistic missile Sapsan was cancelled, BM Oplot program remained w/o funding year by year, delayed building of new corvette and many other. Because of profesioanl army was claimed, MoD issued an order to liquidate all databeses in regional enlistment offices about persons, liablle to military service. So, when 2014 came, we met this crisis with completely disrupted mobilization system, with many "cadred" brigades, which in real had 200-400 of personnel, with faulty vehicles etc. But despite this, our "frontier soul", awake on Maidan and capability to decentralized self-organization saved us from full catastrophe.
  19. Commercial drone-bomber of 59th motorized infantry brigade hit enemy armored vehicle
  20. @sburke @Kinophile Yes, pull out, but here new one instead this Lt.colonel Miras Bashakov, commander of 133th separate guard tank battalion of 138th separate guard motor-rifle brigade, Vyborg district of Leningrad oblast. This brigade is a part of 6th CAA, Western miliatry district. At least one company tactical group of this brigade participated in Debaltsevo operation in 2015.
  21. At the beginning of the video a soldier jokes: "Look, that it [tank] didn't fu..g shot at us accidentally!"
  22. First visually confirmed destroyed 9P162 Kornet-T tank destroyer. This is BMP-3- based vehcile, which has been coming to service since 2013-2014 year. Kornet-T has 12 9M133 (AT-14) missiles in autoloader and additional 4 in stock for manual reload. Launcher has two tubes, two missiles can be lauched and guided in one target simultainously. Also the portable launcher 9P163 can be assembled for the usage outside of vehicle. Vehicle is equipped with 1PN80 Kornet-TP thermal sight with detection range in 4000 m and recognition range in 3500 m
  23. @sburke @Kinophile This guy should be out of high-officers list, because he is DPR-officer, but just for information. Mayor (?) Pavel Yevgkevskyi. Commander of 4th battalion of 105th rifle regiment of DPR's 1st Army Corps. This is third spotted number of rifle regiment for conscripts (now we have 105th, 113th, 127th). This person had typical military career of Soviet officer. Initially he graduated military college in Minsk. Then, he graduated high military collage in Donetsk. This collage existed up to 1995 year and was for training of junior officers - political instructors ("politruks") for engineer and liason troops. He received the rank of lietenant and further his biography is unknown, but pointed he paticipated in many local conflicts. Probably passed Chechen wars. Then returned to Donetsk again. Since war in Donbas began he took the side of DPR and became a commander of 2nd special forces company or Republican Guard. Got injuries in 2015 and probably retired after this. His shoulder strips have mayor star, but unknown who promoted him. Mobilzed again in 2022, appointed as battalion commander. Was killed on 9th of April in Mariupol - he led attcak of own battalion
  24. 93rd brigade attacked small convoy of 423th Guard MRR of 4th Guard TD. At least two BMP-2 destroyed ...also one tank and BMP are seen intact, but maybe BMP is Ukrainan. Tank has H2200 marking, usual for Russian vehicles during railroad transportations ... The chevron of 423th Guard MRR Despite 4th GMRD consider as "elite", it still to use Soviet BMP-2, as in this regiment.
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