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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Haiduk

  1. Briansk oil facilities, belonging to "Transneft" is not only storage, but the hub of oil distribution to Europe. On this map Брянск=Bryansk. Looks like this is Ukrainisn contribution to oil embargo %)
  2. This is not for sburke list, just new spotted Russian unit from most distant point of Russia - at least one BTG of 39th separate motor-rifle brigade was moved to Ukraine. This guy was tank platoon comamnder, though he was a captain and should be company commander according to own rank. 39th brigade is a part of 68th Army Corps of Eastern military district. Brigade dislocates in Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk on Sakhalin peninsula. Good opportunity for Japan %)
  3. Looks like Poland sent to Ukraine own loitering munitions Warmate. There are no official statements about this. After 2015 were some talks about plans of license producing of Warmate in Ukraine, but this didn't happen. Warmate can be equipped with HEFRAG, HEAT (120 mm RHA), thermobaric warheads or devices for recon
  4. Missile attack on Odesa area is continuing. At 22:00 Russians launched two cruise missiles from the sea. Both were intercepted on approaching to port Pivdennyi, 25 km NE from Odesa.
  5. Roman Donik about actions of UKR troops of OUV "Sloboda" (Izium axis) for yesterday 22nd of April. OUV - "Operatyvne ugrupuvannia viys'k" (operative grouping of troops). Main strenghth of OUV "Sloboda" consists of BTGs of 92nd, 93rd mech. and 95th air-assault brigade For 22nd of April: 5 engagements, 85 artillery shelling, 2 distant minelaying, 1 airstrike and two missile strikes (Tochka-U) at UKR positions In the sector of 92nd brigade: from 10:27 to 14:25 elements of xx battalion of 92nd brigade have conducted offensive actions in area X. Enemy (in the strength about company) withdrew, The settlement X is taken over control. In the sector of 93rd brigade: From 11:50 to 15:20 there was engagement in area XX against opposing forces in strength up to enforced motor-rifle company with tank platoon. The enemy hadn't success and withdrew. From 11:30 to 12:40 there was engagement in area Y (3 km west from XX) against opposing forces in strength up to enforced motor-rifle company. The enemy hadn't success and withfrew. Enemy losses 3 tanks, 2 BMP, 1 BTR, personnel losses 20 KIA, 30 WIA From 16:00 the enemy in the strength of motor-rifle company have conducted offensive actions in area XX. Enemy was hit with artillery and fire assets of defenders and stopped. 17:24 enemy conducted air strike at our positions in area XX In the sector of 95th air-assault brigade: from 11:30 to 12:00 there was fighting against enemy company (6 BMP) in area Z. The enemy withdrew w/o success. Total enemy losses for 22nd of April: 4 tanks, 2 BMP, 1 BTR , 3 trucks, 2 UAVs Orlan-10, 20 KIA, 30 WIA (only results of one fighting)
  6. Some other allusion on WWII battle. 2nd Kharkiv offensive operation 1942 of Red army, which finished with disaster. Almost similrar positions. So "Little Saturn" vs. "Fredericus"
  7. Training of some Marines unit, which now in process of combat capabilities restoration. Reportedly they got MG3 and Browning M2 machine guns
  8. Reportedly there was salvo of dozen missiles from Tu-95 over Kaspian sea. Four flew at Odesa. Two were shot down by air defense, but parts of one intercepted missile hit residual, cusing fire and destructions. Other missile hit other building, but didn't explode. Fourth hit military object. Also were shot down two UAVs, which either maintained filming of strike results or were used for EW interfering of AD assets. Reportedly 6 civilians killed, including 3-month child, 18 wounded. Other missiles flew on Ivano-Frankivsk and Dnipro. Results currently unknown. Screenshot of missile over Odesa
  9. Our intelligence made a statement about the same - currenst stage of offensive is a series of active probes with intensive artillery and aviation support to take more advantageous positions before throwing in the battle main echelone. Main phase expects within next week Slowly and costly it will better tranlate like "dolgo i dorogo" (a long while and costly)
  10. Azov fighters brought some food to children, hiding in underground shelters of Azovstal. You can see systems of passages. Most of civilains say they came here as far as ater 20th of March, but some sit here from behinning of March. Kids say they want to see a sky and sun again - they didn't see it so far two months.
  11. Occupants disassemble Drama theater ruines in Mariupol. Bodies, found there, transport to Mangush town for burials in mass grave. There is assesment that from about 1000 of people, which found a shelter in this theater about 300 were killed or died from wounds under ruins, when Russian hit the building.
  12. Longer video of how Russian Mi-8 was shot down with Igla MANPAD 21st of April near Malynivka, Zaporizhzhia oblast with
  13. Enemy artillery shells positions in NE part of Maryinka, Donetsk oblast
  14. Ukrianian snipers of 28th mech.brigade on positions somewhere in Kherson/Mykolaiv oblast UAR-10 .308 rifle (military version of Zbroyar Z-10) with thermal sight
  15. @sburke @Kinophile Mayor Pavel Gareyev, unit and data of death unknown. Judging by the signs on lapels he served in air defense unit and his rank is AD battalion command/staff duty. Out of list, but just for information "Colonel" (DPR promoted) Vladimir Kovalenko, chief of "non-departamental security of Internal affairs ministry of DPR" (prisoners guarding service). Citizen of Ukraine. Former officer of Ukrainian 20th separate convoy service battalion of Internal troops (later National Guard), dislocated in Donetsk. After his unit was seized in 2014 by DPR he defected to separs side. Killed in Mariupol about month ago.
  16. Actually Tochka-U is old missile and can be relativly easy intercepted even by ground forces AD assets. Our Tochkas are also often intercepеpted by Russian AD.
  17. Now we look on east to Rubizhne-Kreminna-Lyman area Despite the rumors of Russians after capturing Kreminna reached to Zarichchia they actully stood in Dibrova and Tors'ke. There is no confirmation they in Zarichchia. There is unknown either some defense line in this village or Russians didn't advance forward by other reason. Today this video was issued, when our soldiers on position near Lyman watch how some incendiary ammunition falls probably on Zarichchia area Russians traditionally started own action against Lyman with rocket shelling of town. The town hospital was hit with Uragan MLRS cluster ammunition Russians also launched Tochka-U at other important town on their way to Sloviansk - at the Siversk. The missile was intercepted, but it fragment fell on the town, causing some destructions. Situation in Rubizhne still hard, about 2/3 of the city already over Russian and separs control, many buildings of the city is ruined, but elements of 4th fast reaction brigade of National Guard and other units still fight tough. Here they hit Russian armor, hide in the yard of building Also need to say about Pryvilne area. This is a place, which dominates over Siverskyi Donets river, standing on chalk cliffs. During WWII Germans about half year hold this so-called "Privilne bridgehead" foiling all attempts of Soviet army to take Lysychansk. So this place also can be anothe rstronghold and in our times...
  18. Summary about last two days of most hot place - Izium area. Many of Russian BTGs, concentrated on spearhead are BTG, based on tank battalions. But instead one "big steam roller push", Russians each day are attacking with several "small steam rollers" in different directions, trying to penetrate our defense. Sometime our troops conduct own counter-attacks, so as told in twitter one soldier, terrain in many places covered with knoked out and abandoned vehicles of both sides. Russians also, understanding hazard of UKR mobile AT-teams, inolved more SOF and recon forces for hunting on them. Especially Russians actively conduct own search in night time. Most fierce fights were on eastern bank of Oskil river. Three days ago Russians captured Lozove village and attacked our troops in neighbour villages Rubtsi and Yatskivka. Russians use own standart tactic of "burned earth". They just hammered villages with artillery and MLRS, then tanks attack and shot out remained houses, if they encountered strong resistance, they withdraw and artillery strike the village again. So, the same procedure Russians used on latter two villages. As result they could push off our troops from ruines of Rubtsi, Yatskivka also burns, but situation there still unclear. Also Russian conducted attacks on Dovhen'ke village - the key to Izium - Sloviansk road, but without success Ukrainian civil volunteer Roman Donik, which supply 92ns and 93rd brigades wrote about clashes in area south from Izium. He pointed Russian aviation increased quantity of sorties, though for yesterday this also increased their losses. Donik claimed many shot down manned aerial targets, but visually confirmed only two-seats jet. Also he described two clashes - first was probably 2-3 days ago in unpointed place. Russians atatcked with company tactical group of 6 tanks and 10 BMPs after three hours of fight they withdrew having losses 3 tanks and 1 BMP. Today he described Russian attack of presumably 64th motor-rifle brigade on positions of 93rd brigade near Virnopillia village with the same force - comany tactical groop - 10 light armor and tanks. Result - enemy repelled, 3 tanks hit/abandoned, 3 light armor destroyed (I think, 1 BTR and 2 trucks more correctly if his photos corresponded to this episode) - akd alredy posted these photos Also some of OSINT source issued photos of Russian losses in Brazhivka next to east from Virmopillia - about dozen of armor for small village. But our says Russians are throw new and new tanks in the battle instead burned, so UKR troops forced to withdraw from village to willage after 1-2 days of fight, despite Russians pay high price for own achievments
  19. According to this: https://bmpd.livejournal.com/4289299.html they got T-80BVM in April 2021. Before this brigade had T-80BV. There is no info how much T-80BVM they received, maybe part of T-80BV remained. But I look on other photo and see trucks with O marking. If this was 64th brigade from Bucha, it should have V.
  20. Rare Russian equipment - BMP-1AM "Basurmanin" in Kupyansk, Kharkiv oblast BMP-1AM is BMP-1P with weapon module from BTR-82A. Such vehicles since 2021 were brought to service for units of Eastern military district, where remained enough BMP-1. Probably this BMP-1AM belongs to one of 10 BTGs of 5th CAA, which were moved to Ulraine from Far East three weeks ago.
  21. K-2 UAV unit and mortar battery of 54th mech.brigade struck Russian tank convoy of T-72B3M and UR-77 mine clearing vehicle. Despite only several close hits, part of Russian convoy retreated and part of tanks and UR-77 were abandoned by crews. At the end of video, UKR soldiers take HMGs from these tanks to own pick-up. It is seen one tank has damage of gun barrel, and some other were immobilized because of torn tracks. Background song is UKR parody "Fried "Tigrs" on very popular Russian song "Crimson LADA" in style of "90th dance-pop"
  22. No, like and with 50 soldiers in US training this will be not crews, but instructors, which will teach UKR crews
  23. Trudoliubivka is north of Kherson oblast, so this is Kryvyi Rih direction, not Mykolaiv. I think, he could tell about Oleksandrivka, where intensive clashes more than week.
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