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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Haiduk

  1. Probably UKR Island class patrol boat near Odesa. There was information two days ago drifting mine was spotted (in previous month several mines of our minefield were blown off the anchors), probably the boat fires to destroy it
  2. UKR planes still fly - pair of Su-25 and Su-24M with fighter escort
  3. Turkey can conduct extraction and further internment. I think he has levers on Russia, but... Erdogan wants to seat on two seats.
  4. Mariupol. Three days ago Russian troops launched next decisive assault of Azovstal. With support of aviation, naval and ground artillery they managed to breakthrough on Azovstal territory and held taken positions. Despite Arestovich told Azov repelled all attacks, today Azov commander said this is not true, Russians slowly grasp the circle, so all who fight there very angry on this stupid peacock. Sitauation is critical. Ukr fighters have a lack of ammunition, but worse of all, lack of food and medicine. Probably almost all reserves of medical stuff was destroyed when Russians hit a part of underground hospital. Looks like Putin need a victory for 9th of May and particiapation of hundreds of Ukrainian POWs in parade in Mariupol. Azovstal now Captain Sviatoslav Palamar, Deputy Commander of the Azov Regiment: “We call on the world community to evacuate civilians and I personally appeal to the Supreme Commander-in-Chief to take care of wounded soldiers who are dying in agony from improper treatment. Civil paramedic, Crimean Tatarian, muslim, which now with Azov appealed to Erdogan to evacuation of civilians and wounded soldiers (English subs)
  5. There is a joke that Back-and-Alive fund will substitute Logistic Comamnd soon. They have crystal reputation, so many people, especially IT sector from all world is donating them many money in crypto. This is huge funds. But we have as minimum two similar funds with some less turnovers. And hundreds of small volunteer team, which supply own familiars and units, where they serve with difefrent minor things, small parties or single items of optic, drones etc. Or often soldiers and units request via social media that they need some of equipment or goods and this resolve via direct donations, because big funds engaged only in large party of equipment and continuosly have big queue, so they can't waste time to buy one sight for some platoon.
  6. I can say only troops have two logistic support - official of MoD/General Staff (weapon, ammunition, fuel, militaryu equipments, gears etc) and volunteer funds, which have own direct channels of supplying the troops (pick-ups, jeeps, spare parts, thermals, drones, gear, electric generators. PDA for artillery and recons, special soft etc). Without latter our army would be in very difficult situation. For example, olny one day of Back-and-Alive fund activity: Equipment for 140th marіnes recon battalion: 20 drones and spare parts for its, 2 generators, 2 notebooks, 20 PDAs, 40 radios, 1 printer. Artillery unit of 54th mech.brigade: meteostation, 3 PDAs+fire control soft, 5 radios, 20 accumulators. SOF Command: 200 helmets. SBU unit: 2 drones (2000 $ each) 5th BTG of 81st airmobile brigade: 5 drones (1400 $ each), 27 PDAs+fire control soft 3rd SOF regiment: 4 drones (8200$ each) Bought 52 pick-ups Nissan Navarra, arrival is expecting.
  7. Here such photo. Allegedly M777 already in action and among other ammunition use also M549A1.
  8. That were Lybians (Popasna). Locals from Zaporizhzhia oblast told they have seen some arabs too, but probably Syrians. They were well equipped, didn't use the violence to civils, but all time was asking them to eat somethng and often was stealing chickens.
  9. No, Operative reserve 1 (those, who passed ATO/JFO and retired) was about 178 000. Also Operative reserve 2 (who served as conscripts, but didn't participate in the war) - about 30 000.
  10. Some news from Luhansk oblast, looks like this guy either in action, or has communication with own comrades in 81st airmobile brigade, which elements fight both in Rubizhne and Popasna May 1st Gifts [ammunition+equipment] at last came to our lads in Rubizhne. Slightly calmed down orcs. No artillery support. Barely not shot with friendly fire with SBU [special force "Alfa" of Security Service of Ukraine], which draged motherf...s [captured enemies] to "zeros" [forward positios] but HQ has ruled this mess. 81st keeps strong. Special forces against us. They take back own "200", make smoke, armor support, all feng shui. We can't take back ours. Advantage in some places 1 to 20. On old positions sometimes came to hand-to-hand combat. The house three times a day the house changed hands. There are just f..g alot of them. Our withdrew. About Popasna. 200 our guys were ready to go in order to maintain corridor for heroes for their breathrough, but HQ cancelled. Memory to the heroes... There is no communication with them. They in encirclement. There is no any fight there anymore. There were about two platoons [maybe exactly this episode was on long video, where Russian PMC fighters is capturing 7 UKR soldiers in Popasna] May 3rd Popasna. Road juction is ours. Our arty at last worked this night. Orcs began to dig in. Our tanks on positions. There will be no more offensive. Guys stood out May 5th Popasna today. Right flank keeps position in the town. About 15 houses are ours. We saged there a lot for theese days, but didn't withdraw more. There is 81st only. The center. Road junction is our. For two days we have crumbled about company of SOBR [I doubt this was Russians, probably either PVC or LDPR police special forces]. This wasn't street fight. They just came at us in the open. We were fuc..g astonished. Their spetsnaz so stupid. Our tanks on the place. Our artillery today keeps silence, so we make nightmire for orcs themeselves. Other article was issued with interview of volunteer battalion (actually rather reinforced company) "Svoboda" (Freedom), which fights in Rubizhne. This guy said Russians used there own standard tactic - alot of artillery, then tanks ruined buildings with direct fire, then LPR conscripts attacked, after them - regular LPR units, after them - Kadyrov's troopers or Russian units. If they havn't success, all repaeted. Our artillery answers 1 shot against their 15-20. On their small position Russian artilelry each day is sootong about 500 shels. Thus each day on Rubizhne enemy fired whole military train of ammunition
  11. What do you mean under failure? And what do exactly do you want to know about logistic? I never interested deeply of this, but I will try to answer )
  12. Russian helicopter which was shot down 24th of Feb over Kyiv reservoir during the raid on Hostomel, is recovered from the water. Looks like this was Mi-28
  13. As I know Kraken is new-formed volunteer unit under subordination of SBU or GUR (Intelligence directorate), though it formed by Azov. But Azov in Ukraine is more wide sense than regiment. This is and political and paramilitary movement National Corps, and veteran organizations, and different organizations of work with kids and youth. There is controversal information, former "Tornado" fighters, convicted in 2016 and pardoned by Zelensky, when the war began and they made a statement they are ready to fight and prove own innocence by own blood, also in composition of this unit. This gave to Russian media the case to say Kraken is a band of criminals and headcutters
  14. Former (?) Russian DPR fighters Mofack and Wayne Howel wrote on Lost Armor forum about stalled assaults of Maryinka and Avdiivka and about big losses of armor in "regular" DPR units Translation: - All around stuck dead. They can't take neither Marynina, nor Avdiivka - But do they really try? - They are trying - Avdiivka exactly [can't be taken]. Maryinka, more probably no, than yes. - But on what basis such conclusion? It's seems nobody seen a bunch of destroyed armor around Avdiivka, more similar on assault groups actions - That's pretty much how it is. Almost all armor already knoked out, now only infantry and artillery are acting
  15. On the photo UKR military correspondent Oleh Tsaplienko. He wrote that Russians tried to retake one village, which our forces liberated recently in Kharkiv oblast, but in the fight lost T-90M, BMP, MTLB and withdew. No more any iformation
  16. More interesting, our General Staff to this time didn't confirm this. Some people from there hint Russian counter attacks and shelled with artillery, but we hold taken positions. Also maybe operatoin is more longer and have more deep goals, than reaching Siverskiy Donets bank, so official information will be later. The chief of miliatry-civil administration said only that evacuatin of civilians from Staryi Saltiv is impossible, but he will not comment antthing about either this village liberated or not.
  17. Odd... Fleet Ka-27 escorting combat pair of Ka-52 and Mi-28N (second video)
  18. UKR troops hit oil depot in Makiivka city, Donestk oblast (occupied since 2014). DPR representatives told four reservoirs per 5000 tons each destroyed. Also several refueler trucks were destroyed by fire
  19. Russians claim they bombed and destroyed bridge today. The bridge was unseen for Russians about a week until DefMon3 wrote about this yesterday and today Russians already destroyed it (maybe). Damned "experts".
  20. UKR position under heavy mortar or artillery fire. Interesting bastion-like position
  21. Russians have a lack of fresh infantry - after losses in Ukraine, probably many contractors, which stayed in Russia, have a low motivation and reject to go at war. So, their General Staff and MoD try to involve volunteers either for contract service or even by esteblishing of volunteer units. Russia has many patriotic and paramilitary (like cossacks) and veterans organisations, so they theoretically can reinforce their army. Our intelligence claimed Russian MoD demanded from each Federal region 200 enlisted per week, except large cities. Two examples of such volunteer units: Cossack volunteer detachment "Don", armed with upgraded BMP-2M. Established in the mid of April. Sinse 26th of April involved in fight on Izium axis. As I can recall this unit was formed in Orenburg, so BMP-2M obviously were handed over to cossacks from the park of 21st motor-rifle brigade (heavy), which armed with these IFVs. BMP-2M of this brigade already was spotted somewhere in NE direction in March/April. Either cossacks formally signed contracts with this brigade and some unit was formed from them, or they are just volunteer unit subordinated to some "Izium group HQ", I don't know. One more volunteer unit "Sever" ("North") - it was formed probably from citizens of Russia, members of Donbas Volunteers Union (DVU) or similar veteran organizations. DVU leader Boroday claimed in 2015 this orgainzation can have more that 30000 members of those, who fought on Donbas, but much later he told his organization has 1500 members "Sever" is subordinated to 1st Army Corps of DPR.
  22. No, this is new one. And this could be even company HQ. "Strike on Kherson, killing many officers" - looks like this is another fairy tail of Arestovich based on information from Kherson citizens, that building of one of city enlistment offices was set fire by molotov coctails or even blew up. And as if several officers were lost or injured. Though, our artillery and MLRS often strike at Chornobaivka airfield, so maybe there also some HQ was hit once again
  23. Starlink had plans to come in Ukriane as far as month before a war. Now about 10 000 terminals already brought to Ukraine by USAID. Not for militarues only, but also for critical infrastructure, hospitals, local authorities etc. Azov fighters in Mariupol also received Starlink terminal, when was possible to bring supply with helicopters to the port. Reportedly for militiaries more appropriate old version of terminal with round antenna, because it has Ethernet port, when the new and more compact terminal with square antenna has only Wi-Fi connection which cab be detected by Russian EW and ELINT units. UKR mech.battalions have satellite communication terminal SSZ, based on commercial VSAT terminal TooWay of our local DataGroup company. But I read theese terminals in combat conditions often had some problems with stable and fast connection even without enemy EW impact. On the photo two variants of SSZ
  24. He counts junior officers and captains. It's redundant, because junior offciers in war of high intensity is "short-living resourse". One guy from Izium azis wrote, in their company all officers are wounded, but all light or average. Other guy of 95th brigade (also Izium) wrote his company already have about half of personnel. So on companies level both sides suffer big losses.
  25. Russian propagandist and military corerrespondent Aleksandr Kots writes: The practice of Special Military Operation shows that one Ukrainian sniper can turn T-72B3 into dozer, firing at gunner's sight Sosna-U. One precise shot and all firepower drops to zero. Multilayer sight galsses of the UKR tanks can be replaced easily , because they have reserve, but we don't have it. Somebody in comments anwered Sosna-U should have reserve glasses So, either our snipers so lucky, that Russian tankers exhausted own glasses reserves or thesese spare parts were absent or even stolen before a war. And here is our SOF snipers claimed they destroyed Russian BMP-2 with sniper rifle. Maybe second was .50 cal, but first guy has UAR-10 .308 There is no moment of BMP hit on the video. You can see it first how BMP burns and one sniper jokes to other: "So, are you now sniper-artillerist?" then the writing "several minutes early" you can see moving BMP filmed from drone of this SOF unit
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