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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Haiduk

  1. They struck railway bridge in Zaporizhzhia three days ago (or about this), but both missiles missed. Today Russians hit the bridge in Zatoka, Odesa oblast in second time and destroyed it. Yesterday they launched at it three missiles, probably coastal AsM "Bastion" (SSC-5), but only one hit the bridge, which kept possibility of wheeled transport movement. There is an opinion, railway through this bridge was last possibility to transport Ukrainain grain to our Danube river ports Reni and Izmayil, from which possible export to Europe. The bridge in Zatoka had raising section to maintaining of cargo ships passing to Bilhorod-Dnistrovskyi port
  2. Two US volunteers were wounded near Orikhove, Zaporizhzhia oblst
  3. About Yampil' information is contraversal. Now local source in Lyman writes Russians are still assaulting the town.
  4. @sburke @Kinophile Mayor Alexey Varnavskiy. Data of death and unit unknown. He has signs of signal troops on lapels. His rank corresponds to HQ of divisional level signal unit.
  5. Situation on Sloviansk direction going worse. Russian troops captured Yampil'. UKR forces blew up the overpass bridge near Lyman over the road Yampil' - Lyman. From NW our forces withdrew behind Olexandrivka. Looks like Russsians have too big advantage in personnel and vehicles, so our General Staff decided to narrow the front
  6. All types of armor, which can drive ) BRDM-2 even in version of BRDM-2L with 7 seats, designed specially for motorized infantry units armament is terrible tight tin can (initially it was designed for 4 comfort seats only!), so even old M113 will be a penthouse in comparison with it TDF is already a part of army. They are not irregulars or partisans. Each TD battalion has own TO&E and each TD battalion is a part of TD brigade. TDF units by our doctrine shouldn't have IFVs or APCs, but in the future it was planned to equip some units of battalins with armored cars like "Novator" or like it
  7. UKR hit large ammunition storage in Irmino, Luhansk oblast, occupied since 2014. Locals say not only ammunitions was there, but SP-howitzers too. Explosions is continuing to this time, when the night came.
  8. Reportedly Russians today conducted an attempt to take Orikhove settlement in Zaporizhzhia oblast. All previous day they shelled the town and our positions with artillery and MLRS, but today probably our forces move some artillery resereves here and they struck grouping of enemy vehicles, ready to attack. After this Russian close artililery of brigade/regiment level was supressed and kept silence. Russian advance was foiled again. On this video the part of consequences of our artillery responns. It says this is work of 110th territorial defese brigade artillery. I know taht before a war there were plans to arm in future TDBde with D-20 howitzers, but maybe some brigades already got some barrels. Because before it there was only 120 mm mortar battery on TD brigade level.
  9. I read this is a video as if our Su-25 shot down Russian Su-25 with R-60 (AA-8) missile, who knows...
  10. He is just soldier or sergeant or junior officer - I don't know. And this is just a "view from the trench". About motorized infantry it obviously was a figure of speech, but not far from the truth. The number of motorized infantry battalions armed with BRDM-2 or trucks and territorial defense battalions (trucks), air-assault batalions (BTR-80/70, armored cars/MRAPs and relatively less number of BTR-3/BMD with 30 mm guns) is much higher than mech.infantry battalions armed with BMP-1/2/BTR-4. And even mechs now in defense warfare mostly fight in the trenches or in ambushes, or hit and run actions, where they use own IFVs mostly like transport and fire supoprt, but not as asset to direct fight with hordes of Russian armor. According to ORIX we already lost 96 IFVs (he counts as IFV all stuff, armed with 30 mm gun). And this is only visible loses. This is 3 full mech. battalions wiped out. So, if we want to liberate our territories after Russians will be grinded and moved to defense, we will need new artillery - Soviet systems will burn in the flame of war - even if they will not be destroyed, they just will shot out own barrels and we will not get such outstanding accuracy. We need in new armor for infantry carring. Let it be even old BMP-1, M113 and Marders. Because it anyway better that pick-ups and legs.
  11. UKR soldier tells about how changed the war, what matches with Dvorikov's conception Translation: Heavy fights is continuing. Occupants is jamming comms constatntly. Exactly because of this there are no videos [means form his axis] with killed or captured Russians and even more - the situation is canged in waging of war. Taking huge losses, occupants moved on what they do the best - the typical Soviet f...ing matter. F...ing alot of preliminary bombardments (and 100% they have advantage in artillery and this is a fact) and after this crawling advance - the village by village. Now we will have more losses, and some more of our captured. Because having continuous front, somewhere we retreat, somewhere we beat up them. But now in whole the objective of AFU is to hold itself about two months. Because during this time many heavy wepons will come to us. And our light motorized infantry brigades will turn out to mech.brigades. You get the gist. Bad news will be, it will be mixed with good. In addition, it plays a role, that we can't conduct rotations, alas, it is so. One roatation = one months of battleworthy, fresh and extremaly motivated unit. The situation in such, that guys can't be rotated so far from the autumn. They have to be rotated in March, but by fact they are on positions to this time. About stupidity of Russians. Yes, they stupid, in strategic layer they fight worse, but on tactical layer we have almost parity. A partity, because we fight for our families, our land, our country, our freedom. I'l clarify, because of morale of our troops we are in winning position. Not to mention that to defend on own land always easier, than advancing. But that doesn't mean that is's too easy for our lads.
  12. Probably wron data of English wiki Each mech.brigade has motorized infantry battalion in own structure. 24th mech. has 3rd separate motorized infantry battalion Artillery brigades also have per one motorized infantry battalions, but they has a name security battalions, but have the same structure. Tank brigades, as I noted above have own mech.battalion and motorized infantry battalion (though Reserve Corps brigades may not have it) + recon company
  13. UKR brigade in whole comparable to Russian. Russian brigade has recon battalion, when UKR only a company, but this is because recon platoons of Russian tank/motor- battalions where withdrawn from these battalions and went to recon battalion. I think, one BTG per brigade in 2014 could be a reflection of coception of brigade usage. Developments of 2014-2015, when battalions of brigade operated in different places, showed brigade have to be able to maintain each battalion for autonomous work (i.e. establish BTG on the base of each mech.battalion) Each tank brigade has own mech.battalion and motorized infantry battalion + recon company. Though tank brigades of Reserve Corps may not have motorized infantry battalion, only mech and recons, I don't know
  14. Each BTG both and UKR and RUS is composing for own task. All what you see in open sources as "typical structure" is just paper BTG. Of cource, real BTG in most cases will match on 80-100 % with "typical", but, for example can have two companies instead three, artillery battalion instead battery, no EW unit, more supporting units etc So, all BTGs in CM - UKR and RUS are "typical" I don't know how it is now, but in 2014 each UKR brigade could establish only one, rare two BTG. Russian brigades and regiments could establish three BTGs.
  15. There is an opinion, Russians took idea of BTG from us, when Ukrainan army crossed to brigade structure from Soviet divisional-regimental. Though, in USSR BTGs and CTGs also existed, but just wasn't such term. This could name "reinforced battalion". I can't say that structure of our typical BTG will very differ from Russian. But for real tasks strucures of BTGs can be completely different.
  16. Now look at southern front between Huliaypole and Velyka Novosilka. For last 4-5 days Russian could advance enough far west from Velyka Novosilka - further they threw from this small bulge own main forces, for example, to cut highway M15 Zaporizhzhia - Donetsk in area of Pokrovske in 35 NW. Reportedly Russians gather much forces on south sector to offensive on Zaporizhzhia from Vasylivka - Orikhiv - Huliaypole line and on Pokkrovsle NW of on Pokrovsk SE from Temyrivka - Velyka Novosilka line. As told different sources, Russian here have huge advantage in artillery, so there is alsmost no infantry battles, mostly intensive artillery duels. Ukrainian force here has BTGs of 128th mountain assault brigade, and some marines and air-assault as well as territorial defense units and differnt volunteer detachments. From Russian side - elements of 42nd motor-rifle division (mostly 70th, 71st regiments), also was reported appearance of small number of arab merceneries. In Mariupol, despite of Putin's order to stop assaults and block Azovstal, airstrikes, shellinf with artilelry and naval gauns as well as assault probes didn't stop.
  17. Some updates. First of all this about JFO zone. LPR forces with support of Russian artilelry and aviation after about two months of shelling, bombing and assaults could take large Ukrainian strongpoint east of Novotoshkivs'ke settlement about week ago. Ukr forces withdrew to the settlement and held positions there, but since the enemy began to outflank them, advancing to Orikhove (also the clashes was so far and from the north near Nyzhnie), UKR troops abandoned compltely ruined Novotoshkivs'ke On Lyman axis Russian troops could to advance too and seiz eastern part of Zarichne village and engaged UKR forces south near Yampil'. Russians and LPR forces also activated on Severodonetsk direction, so we can expect assault actions of this city Information about explosion of police building in Kreminna, where as if was a meeting of local collaborants, Russians and LPR commanders should be verified. The map just for illustration. Actully frontline already near Nyzhnie (some maps show this settlement under LPR control, but there is no meants in their sources about this) Ruined Novotoshkivs'ke from the drone
  18. There was a statement yestarday, Russians concentarted own forces in Blahodatne to attack in Mykolaiv direction, but were struck with artillery, lost dozen vehicles and retreated to Chornobaivka. There was claimed 8 villages were retaken by UKR forces in Kherson oblast, but unknown what exactly. Kherson sector is most "war fogged", many information about actions there, but almost nothing specifically. In Vysokopillia Russians is gathering forces either to expand own zone of control to the north or to conduct next attempt to seize Kryvyi Rih. But they hadn't enough forces, I think for this tastk
  19. @sburke @Kinophile He is already acting commander of 1st Army Corps of DPR, not 11th regiment. The shell hit his comamand vehicle.
  20. Izium axis, Stugna-P crew hit 4 targets for 3 minutes like on the firing range. Russan spotting capabilities = 0. though, it seemed to me one BMP (?) made several shots "somewhere" It's noteworhy, the operator commands in pure Russian language PS. Flight time is about 11 second - the range to the targets is about 2200 m
  21. President Zelenskyi is Supreme Command-in-Chief. He assumes only political decisions and can agree or reject proposals of militaries for some actions and operations, of course, after discussions and recommendations of National Security Council. The Secreter of National Security Council Olexiy Danilov. He considers as man of party of "hawks" in president entourage. All main decisions about startegy, military politic, relations with allies etc for president final approval. Minister of defense Olexiy Reznikov - in terms of war his role went on background, now his main duty is a questions of military supoprt of allies, funding of army, supply etc. Directly in development of military operations involve three main persons in the army (indeed more, but I meant only main) General Valeriy Zaluzhnyi is Command-in-Chief of Armed Forces. He participates in development of startegy of defense and military operations and also can aree or reject proposals before to propose own decisions to President. Now he is mega-popular in Ukraine. Lieutenant general Serhiy Nayev - commander of the Defense Forces (in peace time - Joint Forces Comamnder). As I understand, he more responsible for coordination. Former JFO commander. Chief of General Staff - lieutenant general Serhyi Shaptala. Development of operations. During battle for Debaltsevo in 2015 was the commander of 128th mountain infantry brigade, which was a backbone of UKR troops there. On lower layer HQs of Operative Comamnds West, North, East, South exist. They have one more lower layer - OUV (ukr. "operatyvne uhrupuvannia viys'k"="operative grouping of troops"). For example, OUV "Sloboda" on Izium axis consists of as minimum of three BTGs of 92nd and 93rd mech. and 95th air-assault.
  22. Since WWII beginning someone (either Guderian or Stalin) has been credited with the phrase "tanks shouldn't fight with tanks" During the war 2014-2015 HE shells were most useful for infantry support, positions hit etc. So its waste rate was high. I think some quantity of tank ammunition could be destroyed during explosions on storages in 2016-2018. And now, when the war more intensive and additional three tank brigades (3rd, 4th, 5th) of Reserve Corps are deployed, there is a need in much more HE ammunitions.
  23. UR-77 mineclearing vehicle usage in Mariupol
  24. Balakliya area, Kharkiv oblast, Russian jet shot down, probably Su-34
  25. In Russian this calls "simulation of tempestous activity". To recognize their AD overslapt old Tochka-U or something else? Never. They will tell this is CIA/Mi-6/Ukronazi sabateurs on minivan with kamikadze drone.
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