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Everything posted by Haiduk

  1. About drone usage, there was interesting interview of Aerorozvidka volunteer UAV unit commader. There is no need to give all text here in Ukrainan, so main things: - Ukrainan units have huge advantage in tactical drones of close and average zone. He says in some moments about half-dozen of DJI or AUTEL drones can fly over battelfield. Russians have small drones like Granat and Zala, but only in special units like recons, when UKR units sometime have commercial drones even on the level of mech.platoon (but most usual of course are recons, AT-teams, HQs, mortars etc). In avarage class we are using Leleka-100, Furia and PD-1, they all have about 50-100 km of range and 1,5-2 hours of endurance. - But the main problem - Russia has huge advantage in operative level drones. This is about Orlan-10. It can fly 16 hours and sneak up to 600 km in autonomous mode (120 km in guiding mode). It can carry various equipment - optic, thermal, ELINT, SIGINT, EW. New modification, which was adopted since 2017 alraedy has 5500 m of ceiling instead 5000 m, its control lines became more stable for EW, so UKR forces have minimal chances to shot down or to hijack new version of Orlan-10 if the weather is clear and Orlan flies over 5000 m. Even our newest EW systems often can't do nothing. Our commander said Orlans is hovering like a bees over battlefield and monitoring situation on battlefierld almost all 24 hours. This caused many problems on open terrain, because Russian HQs get information and transmit it to artillery - TB2 Bayraktars became to use mostly for recon missions and don't approach to frontline too close. Since the war became more positional, Russians deployed many AD assets like TOR and Pantsyr, which dangerous for TB2. Today's operation near Zmiinyi island became possible only after destroying of Moskva cruiser (huge floating SAM platform) and destroying of AD assets on the island. But on the other hand TB2 already several times used for strikes against facilities on Russian territory. 2 or 3 TB2 were shot down. - Other problem the same both of UKR and RUS - low integration level of drones to weapon systems and information systems of battle control, especially for close zone drones. For example, only Furia can make targeting and automatic fire adjustment. Other drones can maintain only visual adjustment and if you need to know coordinates with better accuracy than "on eye" from the screen, you should return drone back, take a memory card and visually match the image with a map.
  2. Translation errors: Not a company of CBRN, but flamethrower squad of flamethrower platoon of divisional CBRN comapny ? - ПАН (PAN means Peredovoy AviaNavodchik)- FAC
  3. When I posted this video, I cited words of Roman Donik, the source of video - he said this was Grad strike. And more - only part of the strike. Indeed, closest point to Zabavne is Husarivka area - about 30 km.
  4. It's really "terribly important". As a part of continent it allows to move our economic zome further to the sea - during contest with Romania for the shelf, reach of natural gas, we proved in Internatinal Arbitration that Zmiinyi (Snake) is a continent, not a rock, as Romania insisted - this allowed to achieve decision, wich kept most part of the claimed shelf as Ukrainain economical zone Zmiinyi also situates nearby close to traffic routes to our ports and not only ours. So, whoever conrols Zmiinyi, controls shipping to the the Black Sea and Danube ports. Radar, AD/artillery assets, small base for patrol ships - all this can provide this island.
  5. @Battlefront.com All things about our aviation are stricktly classified now. There was several photos and videos, which allow to make conclusions our jets use highways as runways. One Su-27 flew so low, that hit road sign, part of which hooked to its air intake. Regarding of new pilots.... Now is not WWII times. You will not train a pilot for 2-3 weeks to sit him in Spitfire or La-5. We have Air Force Univercity in Kharkiv, which prepare different military specialists, including pilots of different military planes. Pilots are practicing initially on light KhAZ-30 planes, then L-39 or An-26 of 203rd training aviation brigade in Chuhuiv airfield near Kharkiv and in last year on combat aircrafts. After graduation they got lieutenant rank and continue own training in combat units. I don't know how much cadets of 4th/5th years have been studying, which could be trained for combat sorties in shortest time after Chuhuiv base turned out in zone of active warfare.
  6. Why untrained? Russia has enough retired contractors and former conscript servicemen, enough veterans of local conflicts - yes, they already 30-35-40+, but have enough experience. Also many different paramilitary groups, like cossacks (most of them just clowns in WWI style uniform, but they aren't infantil millenials). If Putin claimed mobilization, I wonder, how much of those 74% Russians, which now support the war will go to enlist offices. Or they will hide, bribe and run away to Georgia, Armenia, Kazahsyan, India etc. to avoid the war. Because one matter to shout from own armchear "Go, boys! Destroy this fascist ukies!" and other matter to turn out in dirty and bloody trench under fire. By the way I heard that average age of UKR army also not too young - 30-35 years.
  7. About situation on Azovstal. Despite on agrrement, about cease fire since 10:00 of 30th of April to start evacuation of civilians, Russian forces continued shellings up to 12:00. During the night 29th-30th their artillery caused again some fcilities collase, which partially trapped the people underground. After shelling ended, UKR fighters have been disassembling ruines and helped civilains to go out. Russians delayed evacuation buses, so they arrived only at 17:00, so yesterday only 20 civilians could evacuate. Today already 100 civilians evacuated, but Russians at 17:00 renewed warfare, because formally the truce should be finished at this time. Ukrainian fighters demand from Red Cross and UN to maintain evacuation of wounded soldiers, but Russia rejected this. Acting commander of 36th marines brigade also appealed to president of Turkey Erdogan for extraction procedure for UKR soldiers. Here is a video, how UKR soldiers help civileans to reach the buses
  8. @akd They had one sniper per company in 1st platoon. Rifle battalion had 4 companies, so four snipers should be. But they could to change structure due to combat experience - for example to increase number of snipers and move them to their own unit like a sniper squad. Our General Staff claimed Russians is moving to Izium axis about 1000 LDPR conscripts. Maybe this battalion will go there too. In Donetsk the weird thing happened - local symphonic orchestra was invited as if for TV filming, but when they gathered, DPR militaries gave them all mobilization notices. So, soon whole orchestra almost without training (most of them never took a weapon in the hands) was sent to frontline. In present time knowingly already three KIA among them, including the conductor of orchestra.
  9. 30th mech.brigade's 2S1 howitzer hit enemy BTR
  10. See my post above, today he has departed to Russia, not injured. Author of "sensation" - Anton Gerashchenko on own TG Pravda_Gerashchenko. He is former advisor of former Minister of internal affairs. And his unverified information was shared throughout social networks and even respectable media. All want a good news. But Gerashchenko already not for the first time issues "victorious news".
  11. Photos of collapsed railway bridge in Kursk oblast appeared. This is near Bondarevka village 5 km east from Sudzha town and 11 km to Ukrainian border
  12. Moscow is also needs a brigade of psychiatrists. Looks like 1st of May event run-through. The writing on the red banner is a phrase of Putin : "Why do we need such a world if there is no [place for] Russia in it?!" This is real state-level shizophrenia, when Putin blames Lenin and Bolshevicks in destroying of Great Russia, artifical dividing of "unite Russian nation" and creating of "artifical national republic", like Ukraine, and in the same time occupants is setting again monuments of Lenin in occupied cities and raising red banners.
  13. No, this is old photo of 2020 from Murmansk oblast
  14. Railroad bridge partially collapsed in Kursk oblast between Sudzha and Sosnovyi Bor. There is no photos in present time, just a statement of Kursk oblast governor. This is close to Ukrainian border in Sumy oblast. Also this railway branch goes to Belgorod There is unknown either this was diversion or again consequences of heavy military trains movement through old infrastructure Ukrainian Operative Command "South" reported about new strike at Zmiinyi island. Claimed that communication vehicle was destroyed, three AA assets. Part of Russian ships and Raptor assault boats are sailing to Zmiinyi area now. Zmiinyi situates within range of heavy Ukrainian MLRS Uragan, Smerch and Vil'kha. Ruslan Leviyev, member of OSINT community CITteam, writes from the words of his source in Belgorod, that today army general Gerasimov and his officers arrived to Belgorod airport on two Mi-8 helicopters under the guard of three Ka-52. During Gerasimov went from helicopter to own Tu-154, which arrived here like and two other such planes (probably they took aboard other generals), Ka-52 flew around airfield. Obviously this "helicopter sounds" heard citizens of Belgorod, but this wasn't UKR attack. Some our media told Gerasimov got light wound in the hip during command post shelling near Izium, but source of Leviyev told him Gerasimov walked quet normally without help. Here is Russian helicopters, circling over airport area
  15. @sburke @Kinophile Mayor Grigoriy Artemyev, officer of military commandant unit. Killed 25th of April
  16. According to Russian sources, together with 57th mot.inf. brigade is fighting 1st Special purpose operative brigade of National Guard. You can see their videos in forest terrain, marked with yellow cross in green circle sign.
  17. After first hit of Ka-52 with Stugna-P 3rd-4th of April, there was information, that since two of three days 95th air-assault brigade repeated this. So, looks like this can be that episode, happened between 7th-10th of April
  18. He hasn't a uniform of VDV on the photo and one of authors of article about EW - EuroMaidan is just news collector media, alas, our journalists often don't understand enough in military issues and don't verify information. Regarding Arestovich. I don't recommend him as a source. Before the war he had a reputation of narcissic peacock and swindler. All his statements are just "victorious lullaby for housewives", where the truth is mixing with fiction. He has diploma of psyсhologist, so authorities hired him to reassure the population, which isn't versed in military affairs. Dubious decision, when many people learn about the course of war not from General Staff reports or really good analysts, but from this storyleller.
  19. Building in Rubizhne after UR-77 mineclearing HE charge explosion
  20. Denmark is going to give Ukraine 25 Piranha III APCs, 50 M113 APCs and heavy 120 mm M/10 mortars (M120 in US) with ammunition https://olfi.dk
  21. Deputy chief of Electronic Warfare Troops of Armed Forces of Russian Federation
  22. No, Simonov was allegedly killed during the strike at rear comamnd point in Zabavme village near Izium. The same video with first rocket of MLRS lucky shot
  23. Yes, now I'v found it with request Андрей Симонов РЕБ - only mention as co-autor of this article. And in images - there is and article about his promotion to mayor general rank. But w/o any details who is this general. Secret man
  24. Not confirmed by Russian sources jet ) Also I can't find any information about general with such name. There is only Denis Simonov, mayor general FSB. But this one Alexey or Alexandr, judging of his name Simonov A.D. on the uniform
  25. Update about UKR advance on N/NE of Kharkiv. General Staff today claimed during 28-29th of April UKR forces liberated not only Rus'ka Lozova, Kutuzivka and Momotove, but also Slobidske, Prelesne (very small village next to Slobidske) and Verhnia Rohanka. Russian social media say in that time when in Tsyrkuny area Russian troops is deployed, the flanks of Tsyrkuny group secured mostly DPR conscripts with some Russian reinforcements. If UKR troops can eliminate Tsyrkuny group they can after this advance further to Staryi Saltiv and Vovchansk to cut one of two Russian supply ways Belgorod-Vovchansk-Kupiansk- Izium.
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