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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Haiduk

  1. Aftermath of the fighting somewhere on the southern front. Soldier says four Russians armored vehicles attacked their position, but couldn't reach it. They abandoned all own vehciles and run away across the field, but not all. He says "now we will go to take vehicles. But they damaged our tank, fortunately all alive and inact. Some more enemy knoked out vehicles there in ravine" Soviet ATGM Fagot on position amd UKR RPV-16 thermobaric ammunition (not enough good copy of RPO-A)
  2. @sburke @Kinophile @akd I don't know either relate this death to this war or not, but... it suspicious Lt.Colonel Grigoriy Tarasenko. Until 2013 was a chief of 243rd miliatry range Molkino, Krasnodar kray. This unit and military range was officially disbanded and closed in 2013, but the range continued own work. It became training center for LDPR separatists, Russian volunteers and Vagner PMC. Current duty of Tarasenko is unknown. There is no official news in local media about his death. Local citizen just saw his grave on the cemetry. Data of death 23th of March
  3. Vicinity of Vesele village - looks like strike on supply routes of Rusian group in Tsyrkuny - Lyptsi area.
  4. I have a feeling our troops pointed the intention to attack directly from Chuhuiv to Kupiansk. Russian moved here some BTGs from Izium axis and probably from the NE of Kharkiv. And maybe this is what expected our comamnd. Though way to Kupiansk through Staryi Saltiv and Vovchanks much longer, but it turned out relatively free from concentrations of Russian forces except some screening units and LPR conscripts. But now we should aware Russian counter strike from the south. Also we must to cross Siverskyi Donets. It enough wide in Staryi Saltiv area, so I, suppose we will move 11 km north along it eastern bank to Rubizhne village (not to be confused with Rubizhne city in Luhansk oblast), where the river is narrowest. We also can cross the river on a dam in Pechenihy, but its controversal information about who controls this village and what conditions of the dam
  5. Some more details of operation, when were liberated villages on the T02104 road Kharkiv- Staryi Saltiv - Vovchansk. Three Russian armored vehciles (likely BMPs) destroyed/abandoned in Bayrak village near Momotove. Also somewhere near Kharkiv, Russian Grad crew tried to drive across "tiny bridge" with predictable results
  6. Because on the north of Kherson in Vysokopillia - Davydiv Brid area Russians concentrated enough forces, which allow them not only hold this area, but even try to advance toward Kryvyi Rih or Nikopol
  7. Two BTGs according to that map. Probably to Izium moved the third. Also our General Staff reported Russians is moving to Izium axis Smerch MLRS and the battery of 240 mm 2S4 heavy mortars. Latter probably from Mariupol, though it can be useful there too
  8. New episode of the strike on Zmiinyi island, probably on 30th of April. UKR Bayraktar destroyed some radar and comms equipment and hit SA-missiles depot. Operator says "we destroyed two antennas and two were slashed with fragments" According to information of military journalist Roman Tsymbaliuk, Russian garrison on Zmiinyi had 42 men of 1299th maritime intelligence center and 744th communication center. Both units belong to Black Sea Fleet and dislocated in Sevastopol. Also there were several ZU-23-2 and Strela-10 of unknown unit. Reportedly only 8 servicemen survived and were evacuated, rest of personnel consider as missing. Operative Comamnd "South" made a statement, that Russian Raptor boats conducted recon mission near the mouth of Danube during the night before their elimination. Probably both boats belonged to 338th maritime recon post of 1299th intelligence center - it has 4 boats Raptor/BK-16 classes. On the video were hit both types.
  9. Who tracks for units involved on Izium axis, there is new unit appeared - 56th air-assault regiment of 7th air-assault division (mountain). This regiment (whe it was a brigade) recently was dislocated in Kamyshyn, but since it was deployed in the regiment in 2021, it was moved to Feodosia, occupied Crimea and sibourdinated to 7th division. This guy from 56th regiment was killed 28th of April. Fresh one.
  10. Сurrently territorial defense units can be moved to other areas only according of the Comamnd-in-Chief decision. Probably parliament is going to to pass changes to the law to simplify and clarify the procedure. In January edition TD could be moved to other areas, but only for territorial defense tasks (i.e. without participation in combat operations). Since 19th of February the change was passed that TD units can be involved also in zone of combat actions.
  11. Heh... Good morning, mr.Horowitz . This law was passed two months ago. Many TD units already moved to the eastern and northern regions.
  12. @sburke @Kinophile @akd Mayor of reserve Valeryi Statilko. Killeld 24th of April in Sulyhivka, Izium axis, during mortar shelling. 60-years veteran of VDV, enlisted to the war as volunteer on 12th of April in Omsk. Looks like he had a time about a week in Ukraine before death. His military career has stared in 1979, when he was conscripted to VDV, then he graduated as lieutenant of Omsk command college and was appoined as commander of recon platoon of 4th separate guard recon battalion in GSFG. After USSR was collapsed he served mostly in VDV training units like instructor. Participated in Russian operation in Kosovo in 2000-2001. Retired in 2004 in the rank of mayor. Since 2017 worked as mentor-officer in Omsk military cadet corps. Typical tough Soviet-ideology follower. Many veterans of GSFG and other European groups have fanatical moods about USSR 2.0. and ready to fight for this idea again
  13. Not only Orlans. Downed Russian UAVs: Zala 421-16e5G. Operative-tactical class. Range 1200 km (automomous), 100 km (guided), 12 hrs of endurance, 3600 m ceiling ...and Takhion. Tactical class mostly for artillery targeting or radio relaying. 40 km range, 2 hrs of flight, 4000 m ceiling
  14. https://inf.news/en/military/3ffe50c1ae6059ddd38c4adb8fb15621.html
  15. No, elements of 90th tank division, Spetstaz was on photo in your post
  16. Some more footage of 79th air-assault brigade, Yampil' or vicinity, probably previous days Two destroyed BMPs Captured BMP-2 with "O" marking and gears of probably killed Russian soldiers. Chevrons of units of 90th Guard tank division of Central military district
  17. Mariupol All the night Russians bombed Azovstal with aviation, now they try to assault the plant again.
  18. @sburke @Kinophile @akd Mayor Azamat Alimov, company commander of 3rd Special forces brigade, Central military district. Got killed 3rd of March
  19. Our Air-assault Comamnd claimed this was troopers of 24th Special force brigade (Novosibirsk) of Central Military District (spetsnaz subordinates to Districts, not Armies). About "General Staff", all Russian Spetsnaz units are subordinated to Main Directorat of General Staff (ГУ ГШ, GU GSh), reсently this structure named Main Intelligence Directorate (ГРУ, GRU) I've seen a video of this episode, but it too graphic to post it here, On the photo you can see seven dead troopers, but actually there were burned corpses and destroyed BTR-82A But probably this videop was filmed several days ago. Reportedly since 1st of May, UKR trrops abandobed Yampil' and it vicinity
  20. During the war 2014-2015, especially during Debaltsevo battle radio operators of 128th mountain brigade from Transcarpatia spoke on own local dialect - crazy mix of Ukrainain, Russian, Hungarian and local dialectisms. The same did units from Western Ukraine - they also spoke on Halicia dialect, so Russians thought "the Polish merceneries fought against them"
  21. @sburke @Kinophile @akd Mayor Andrey Kunakov, chief of the staff, 153rd separate SOF detachment of 346th separate SOF brigade, Special Operations Command. Killed 19th of March in Mariupol This is interesting unit. This is not usual "Spetstaz" brigade, this is exactly SOF. Since 2013 in Russia were established own Special Operations Command (first attempt was in 2009), which has under own comamnd two SOF centers "Senezh" and "Kubinka-2". 346th brigade was established in 2012 as a part of "Kubinka-2" center (Moscow oblast), but later was moved to Caucasian Kabardino-Balkaria Republic before Sochi-2014 Olympic Games. They participated in occupation of Crimea, snipers of this brigade were spotted on Donbas in 2016
  22. Clouds our allies ) Operators of Orlans forced to go down and here we can reach them with MANPADS, Strela-10 and Osa
  23. Looks like this is true, but not confirmed officially yet. Our Genral Staff made a warning to influence bloggers don't tell about libarated settlements until this will be done officially. About Stary Saltiv, yesterday evening there was information about "enemy sufferd losses after strike at Staryi Saltiv". As if locals write actually in Staryi Saltiv was deployed small unit of LPR conscripts. UKR hit building, where they lived, so about dozen of them or more were KIA/WIA, rest just ran away and UKR forces took the settlement without a fight, but this is rumors. Maybe our forces conduct some actions (and maybe on eastern bank of Siverskyi Donets so far, who knows), which not finished yet, so official corraboration can be during next day or two.
  24. Olexandrivka and nearby Shandryholove already two days under attacks. There are no "breaches". Our troops is winning a time defending villages 2-3 days and withrawing to next. Obviously we will withdraw behind Siverskyi Donets, because Russians have too big advantage. Locals write UKR troops abandoned Yampil in the night on 1st of May There is no street clashes in Lyman, but the town is heavy shelled with Russian artilery
  25. RQ-4 is strategic level. It flights there and back again 1-2 times per day. Orlans fly continously and transmit operative and tactical level situation to brigade/divisional HQs
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