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Everything posted by Haiduk

  1. South from Protopopivka village west from Izium
  2. According to statement of Serhiy Hayday, the head of Luhansk oblast military administration, Russians are preparing to new attempt of Siverskyi Donets crossing in more huge force. I don't know this is true or not, captured Russian tanker was asked "You have seen a lot of wrecked armor, why did you go to this grinder?" And he answered: "Commanders told us this is destroyed Ukrainain vehciles and Ukrainains just put Z or O marks to demoralize us as if this is our destroyed armor"
  3. There was a video for 4-5 of March - two Russian tanks without any cover entered to village near Brovary, east of Kyiv and just stood there near the road. UKR special police team came to village and shot out both tanks with RPG-7. This is Russia. They have many tanks. One more, one less...
  4. This sytem partially realized in GIS Arta and newer Kropyva info sytems. It also locates coordinates of FO vehicles, spotters and main gun by GPS and allows to calculate corrections for each gun in the battery or platoon depending of fire mission type. Of course, all adjustments on the guns make not automatic, but crews manually, according to comamnds of senior officer of battery, which get information on own PDA from spotters for final calculations and transmits it to platoon commander(s)
  5. According to Peacemaker database he lived in Luhansk
  6. @sburke @Kinophile "Lt.colonel" (LPR-promoted) Roman Medvedev, artillery chief of 4th motor-rifle brigade of LPR. Got killed 11th of May. Citizen of Ukraine. Probably retired officer Captain of 3rd rank (mayor equivalent) Roman Pasynkov, chief of troops service department of Black Sea HQ. Data of death is unknown, probably Zmiinyi island garrison
  7. Engineer troops are part of Support Command. Recon squads has one recon-sapper in squad, but also all other have basic sapper training. Battalion has engineer-sapper platoon. Brigade - Engineer support group (some similar to sapper battalion) Operative command - Operative support regiment (sappers+CBRN) Support Command has in own subordianation two engineer brigades, road support center, and support regiment (pontoon-bridge unit)
  8. @sburke @Kinophile Mayor Ramis Zagretdinov, motor-rifle battalion commader of 35th guard motor-rifle brigade, 41st CAA, Central military district. Got killed 8th of May. Very likely he is a victim of Siverskyi Donets crossing in Dronivka-Serebrianka area, where BTG of 35th brigade was involved. Retired (?) mayor (?) Ivan Kravchenko. Battalion commander. He has a chevron of GRU, but also has a sign of Donbas Volunteer Union, so currently he was not officer of Russian regular troops. Either DPR battalion commander (regular or conscripts), or Russian volunteers battalion commander. Experienced soldier, which passed many local conflicts. Got killed 15th of May
  9. @akd @Battlefront.com Russian source on LostArmoour wrote these tanks are remains of tank group on bridgehead. Russians couldn't transfer them back on own bank, so they drove them to the river and sunk them so they would not be captured. You can see trails of the tracks, when they drove into the water. But on other hand, they could just set fire own tanks. So, strange version, but this is irrational Russia...
  10. No, I havn't such information. There wasn't information which brigades received upgraded tanks, this is classified info. T-64BV and T-64BV mod.2017 visually distuguish itself only with small GPS antenna, so not always can understand what exactly tank you see.
  11. Looks like one of theese two Nona-K later became a victim of hungry tractor
  12. Why not? ) This information was in open sources. So, main upgrades of T-64BV mod.2017: - "Nozh" ERA packed in Kontakt-1 ERA boxes - gunner's thermal sight TPN-1-TPV (6000 m detection reange of "tank" type target, 4000 m - recognition range, zoom 1x, 2x, 4x) - commander's observation device TKN-3VUM (3rd gen EOP, 1000 m of range with full moon, 550 m with 1/4 of moon, angle of view 11 deg) - driver's observation device TVNE-4BUM (3rd gen. EOP, 500 m of range with full moon, 100 m with 1/4 of moon, angle of view 32 deg) - digital radio Lybid' K-2RB (licenced Mototrola) - up to 70 km range - CN-4215 GPS navigation system There are about 200+ T-64BV mod.2017 were in service on the end of 2021 Also T-64BV mod.2022 was under tests in January
  13. Captain of 2nd rank is lt.colonel equivalent
  14. Pions worked very good, firing from position in 5 km from my house to Hostomel airfield (33 km by the map). Alas, their shell hit hangar with An-225 Mriya, destroying it, when dozens of Russian VDV vehicles gathered around it for refueling (
  15. The chief of Luhansk oblast MCA claimed in the morning Russians conducted the fifth attempt to put the pontoon, and he hopes our artillery will hit it as well as previous four. In the middle of the day military jourmalist Yuryi Butusov, reported from Bilohorivka area that Russian attempts to make bridgeheads in Dronivka, Bilohorivka and Serebrianka completely failed and their troops either destroyed or expelled from bridgeheads, so 8-day battle on th ebanks of Siverskyi Donets is completed and he is going to write soon about this in details. Though, Butusov Is often wishful thinking, but lets's see... He wrote he, as if, was an eyewitness of Russian withrawal from Bilohorivka. Russian discussion on Lostarmour as if also confirms Russians lost Bilohorivka completely. Girkin-Strelkov wrote about total senseless pogrom on Siverskyi Donets and heavy losses in personnel, including units' top brass. But who knows, maybe Dvornicov will make another attempt... And again we have seen repeating of the WWII history - battle for Pryvil'ne bridgehead. On 8-9th of May 1943 in the same place, but in area of Privil'ne - Shypylove villages (8 km NE from Bilohorivka), Red Army launched operation to seiz Pryvil'ne settlement and from there advance to Lysychansk. There were hills around, which Germans turned out in heavy fortified zone. Four sapper battalions were involved on 9th of May additionally to maintain crossing of three rifle divisions. Despite Red Army managed to hook on enemy's bank of river, they couldn't advance to expand bridgehead - Germans fill the area with artillery and bombed with aviation. After 25th of May both sides exhausted and stood on positions. After 17th July during Izium-Barvenkovo operation Red Army tried again to attack on Lysychansk direction from bridgehead, but again was stopped. Only on 2nd of September 1943 they could breakthrow German defense and liberate Lysychansk
  16. We hadn't any BM Oplot in combat units (one item is for exhibitions doesn't count), we had 5 T-84 "Oplot" mod.2001, we had T-72/B/AV/AMT not less 100-150, I can't say exactly.
  17. And this is true. Our military experts pointed that Russians shifted own effort exactly on "Plan D" - to encircle UKR forces between Popasna and Rubizhne-Lysychansk-Severodonetsk agglomeration. Russians are still massing forces - reportedly, as claimed the chief of military-civil admministration of Luhansk oblast, during last day there was spotted a movement of 2000 vehicles through Luhansk oblast to combat zone. Looks like Russians are throwing in the battle own reserves and now exactly this group will conduct main strike, not Izium group. The latter will only suport their efforts, operating N and NW from Lyman
  18. I live too far from the center of city. I suppose, there were some attempts to sneak on guarded territory of Govt. quarter, because even in our distant district I heard several clashes with short, but intensive sounds of rifles firing, so there really were many diversion groups around. But I have too little faith to the words of Arestovich about dozen attempts and "epic battles" near Bankova street with Russian diversion groups. My advice to you and all - never believe the words of Arestovich. Even he say something true it should be divided in many times. The mission of Arestovich is not bring true picture of war, but to calm population with heroic victorious tales. He is just a part of PsyOps for inner customer.
  19. I can't recall now what exacly VDV platoon variant, but I suppose it the same like in motor-rifle units. Flamethrower platoon is a part of CBRN company of brgade/regiment and usually consists of 3 squads per 6 men + 1 platoon commander. They armed with RPO-A thermobaric munition launchers (platoon has 180 launchers in the stock). Usually squads operates by pairs. Each servicemen carries two RPO-A, but of course all depends from situation.
  20. @SeinfeldRules You asked about video, where crews near the guns could be seen during counter-battery fire. Here Russian Nona-K mortar-howitzer in Pytomnyk village, Kharkiv oblast, liberated two fays ago. Looks like crew had seen a drone above of them and abandoned position before impacts. Looks like 120 mm mortar hit their position
  21. Another video of Bilohorivka bridge (some distinguish from other similar) from 58th mot.inf. brigade. Looks like they and elements of 17th tank brigade engaged Russians here
  22. The first source of this information is Serhiy Bratchuk - speaker of Odesa civil-miitary administration. But there is no official confirmation from OC "South" or General Staff for now
  23. Siverskyi Donets current is directed eastward to Russia, where it flows into Don
  24. Added to previous post zomed image of penetrated pontoons
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