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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Haiduk

  1. Now this is standart for both RUS and UKR squads
  2. @sburke @Kinophile Mayor Nikolay Kolomoyets, 61st Naval infantry brigade, 14th Army Corps of Norhern Fleet coastal units
  3. Looks like this is not antimaterial rifle, but DSHKM-TK, popular crowdfund upgrade of DSHKM during positional war since 2016. Each fire support company in battalion has 6 such HMGs or mix of TK and usual DSHKM. This is some average between HMG and AM rifle, which shoot with short bursts. Mostly used against fortified positions, MG nests, light armor etc. Unlike ususal DSHKM, which just maintaned "density of fire", upgrades of DSHKM-TK allows it to fire with more accuracy and precision, so skilled gunner can use it like a sniper rifle. DSHKM-TK also can be equipped with thermal sight. Special trainings since 2016 were established for DSHKM-TK gunners, so the gunner could hit a "man" target from 800 m at least with one bullet from ten, usung usual mechanic sight.
  4. Meanwhile in Sumy oblast the "small border war" is continuing. Russians periodiclally shelled border villages and towns with mortars, sometime with artillery and MLRS, rare they conducted airstrikes through the border. Russian recon-diversion groups alsmost each day try to sneak on our territory. Most hot areas are Seredyno-Buda, Bachivsk, Bilopillia. As wrote a man, who likely served in Border Guard Service in that area 25-26th of May Russian recon group about 20 men conducted attempt to breakthrough on our territory, but was engaged and as told that man almost all elimiunated (and most of KIAs were on the count of snipers, when Russians became retreat). Today in Russian social media appeared information about 7 KIA and 9 WIA Russian servicemen because of UKR strike on the school in Vorobzha village, Kursk oblast (14 km to the border), where Russian troops were depolyed. Also in Russian media appered photos of 6 Russian border guards/VDV, "killed by UKR diversants" near the border village Zyornovo, Briansk oblast - against UKR border town Seredyna-Buda. According to twitter information of the same UKR border guard servicemen, this was a crews of Russian mortars, which shelled our town recently and hit with return fire.
  5. Some words about Lyman. UKR troops reportedly still to hold SE part of the town and the area close to NW outskirts of Lyman around Blue lakes. On this axis Russians have 3-4 BTGs based of 80th tank regiment of 90th tank division, 15th motor-rifle brigade and 30th motor-rifle brigade + battery of 2S7 Pion guns and platoon of TOS-1A From Kreminna in area of Bilohorivka (yes, again) moved "shortened BTG", probably of 35th motor-rifle brigade - 8 tanks, 12 BMPs, 4 2S3 SP-howitzers. Also 6 PMP sections and two tugboats already there in the forests - Russians again thinking about river crossing
  6. Looks like crisis of first days of Popasna breakthough passed, UKR troops got reinforcements and more 155 mm barrels, so in last two days we have seen Russian advance stalled. Initially they tried to attack from Popasna in several directions simultainously. In more critical night (two days ago, as I recall) Russians could reach the Bakhmut - Lysychansk road and set two chekpoints there with 50 men (likely VDV company). But at the morning UKR troops after artillery strike counter-attacked and pushed Russians away from the road, clearing the road again, though, Russians could shell it anyway. Yesterday UKR troops pushed Russians further from the road. Also, reportedly they recaptured Komyshuvakha village north from Popasna, which partially was captured by Russians in previous days. On this directions Russians already have a lack of manpower, throwing in the battle elements of 6th cossack motor-rifle regiment of LPR (regular unit) and probably LPR conscripts. During one attack cossacks lost almost all company. More northward LPR forces advanced from Toshkivka toward Ustynivka on 1,5 km. But Toshkivka still an arena of heavy clashes - today UKR froces again restored own positions in the part of this village, lost in previous day. In Siverodonetsk Russians rejected from mass attacks, which cost them many personnel and involved special units, in particular Kadyrov's troops. Two days ago they could seize "Myr" hotel and bus station area on the NE outskirt of the city, all attempts of UKR troops to push them off were unsuccessfull, but enemy's attempts to avdance further inside the city also failed. Looks like Russians "plan D" to make a pocket between Siverodonetsk and Bakhmut is also failing so, Russians can claim "plan E" victory - to make three little pockets - Avdiivka, Zolote and Siverodonetsk "Plan E" Left to right - Siverodonetsk, Komyshuvakha - Zolote, Avdiivka
  7. T-84 Oplot mod.2001 in action. Last known place of service of theese 5 tanks was 14th mech.brigade. Probably they involved on Popasna - Bakhmut axis Single specimen of BM Oplot belongs to manufacturer and doesn't participate in combat. Or at least wasn't spotted yet
  8. "Tachanka" of 110th TD brigade (Zaporizhzhia oblast) with Browning HMG. Unlike some unstable TD units, 110th fights tough on own defensive positions from Huliaypole to Velyka Novosilka
  9. This map some incorrect. What I could understand from some information from locals, our troops crossed the river in Bilohirka, where we can see natural bridgehead, but not in Davydiv Brid (meaning in eng. "Davyd's ford") - this village still under Russian control or in grey zone, according to different information. Against our troops, again, according to differnet information either elements of 11th air-assault brigade or 56th air-assault regiment. Very likely first line of defense occupied LDPR conscripts, so our forces hit exactly their positions to breakthrough, but this is just my opinion. As I know, the clashes for Inhulets crossing have been lasting about 10 days or even two weeks, maybe not very intensive, maybe there were some unsuccessful probes, and only now, when our troops firmly took the ground and could push the enemy, OPSEC curtain was lifted officilally
  10. Around Avdiivka except 61st naval infantry brigade involved also very specific unit - 269th separate counter-PDSS (underwater incursion forces and devices) detachment of Northern Fleet. There was a report about death of sen.lt. of this unit on 12th of May near Avdiivka. Unit also was involved in combat for Volnovakha and Mariupol. Also in assult of Avdiivka participate regular units of DPR - 1st motor-rifle brigade and 100th "republican guard" brigade of DPR (some sort of VDV/National guard), probably some conscrit rifle regiment too. After direct assaults of Avdiivka, which just brought heavy losses, enemy now is trying to encircle the town, advancing along H-20 road
  11. ATVs for Stugna-P crews of 93rd mech.brigade According to TO&E battery of Stugna-P is a part of brigade's AT-battalion. Transport for Stugna-P by pre-war tables was either a truck or MTLB, or armored pick-up Novator. Before a war 93rd brigade was a single in Ground Forces, who use ATVs for theese purposes (also theese vehicles has AT-unit of 1st operative brigade of National Guard). The experience of war showed ATVs or civil pick-ups are best for AT-crews mobility Geon Strike 1000 ATV with mounted Stugna-P launcher and Argo 8x8 amphibious ATV of 93rd tank hunters.
  12. Russian TG channel FighterBomber initially rejected any jet losses today and wrote "all Su-35 at home", but a hour later has written about "fu...g bad day" and some vessel was lost. Other source wrote as if the two-seater jet made sharp maneuver on extreme low altitude, launched flares and hit the ground. Nobody have seen any launches at it. Troopers of Russian 56th air-assault regiment could take the body of one pilot, where the body of second - unknown. From our sources, Russian jet was shot down near Stepne village, Kherson oblast - this in 26 km SE from Davydiv Brid, where according to rumors our troops crossed Inhulets river and could advance toward Beryslav town. I have read the twitter of Kherson citizen, which wrote he called to own familiars from theese places, but they can't say anything about this breakthrough, but he wrote maybe really Russian aviation stopped our advance, but where now our troops - still near Davydiv Brod or retreated on western bank, he doesn't know. Other news: - locals from Kherson reported about powerful detonartion in Chornobaivka area and work of Russian AD. Some sources claimed two ammunition storages were hit - Tochka-U missile hit town administration building in Svatove town, Luhansk oblast, occupied in first days of war. Somebody writes this was Ukrainain missile, somebody this was Russian provocation, so still unclear.
  13. Russian TG Kherson.ru writes Russian aviation stopped breakthrough and destroyed all BTG, on LosArmor writes "looks like despite losses they captured the crossing and could hold positions", some our twitters are now writing there is nothing happened. All unclear
  14. There was information in our twitters 5 days ago, but without name of the place. Since no any other information - neither OSINT, nor RUMINT, nor official. The screen is from Russian LostArmor - they claim UKR BTG breakthrough in Davydiv Brod
  15. @sburke @Kinophile He was a deputy of battalion commander of 137th guard airborne regiment of 106th guard airborne division
  16. I think, their real number is about battalion. For example, despite Azov calls itself "regiment", indeed official name of this unit "special purpose detachment" and it pre-war structure more corresponded to BTG (own tanks, arty, etc) All foreign and volunteer units are not TD. They are under subordination of GUR (Intelligence directorate) or SBU. They are considered as "special purpose units", but not a level of SOF.
  17. Several days ago in Kyiv were burials of recon from 93rd brigade, he was in tank-hunter team, armed with Javelin, but Russian tank could spot it first... Javelin is good stuff, but it requires enough many time to lock on target, theese seconds can cost a life..
  18. This is howitzers of 2S1 artillery battalion of 92nd mech.brigade and looks like this is NE from Kharkiv. More likely they got information from brgade's recons or infantry that "in village X spotted some ememy forces", so artillery started own work. Spotters now have drones, so they do not have to be close to infantry lines to spot the target and transmit the data for firing. Though, as told their commander, UAVs not always can be useful, so old-school optical artillery recon remains in demand. They use DJI drone, it can have range in 6-10 km, so they enough close to target. Usually artillery battalions have specialized UAVs Furia for artillery adjustment, but also they use commercial drones like AUTEL or DJI for preliminary of additional recon of targets if the range allows. Interesting, that the commander of battalion in command of the firing of platoon or reduced battery. Probably he is just very experienced. Also we can see battery commander.
  19. Forward position "Raschioska" (eng. "hairbrush") in front of "checkpoint 29" - large company strongpoint near Novotoshkivske, Luhansk oblast. This is first week of war, recon platoon of 4th LPR motor-rifle brigade participated in assault.
  20. Yesterday Izium group tried to attack simultainously with assault of Lyman. Two enemy BTGs after artlillery shelling tried to advance to Krasnopillia - Bohorodychne line, but our artillery forced them to stop. Also Russians made a probe engineer recon of Siverskyi Donets bank in Pryshyb village area, but TD unit engaged Russians and they retreated. Reportedly the commander of "Izium group" is colonel-general Gennadiy Zhydko, the deputy of MoD of Russia - the chief of main militray-political directorate of Russian Armed forces. Speaking simplier he is main "politruk" or "zampolit" of Russian army. Interesting coincidences: - Russians launched own main phase of offensdive on 22th of May 2022. This day is 22nd anniversary of Putin's ruling. Putin likes symbolism - almost simultainosly with offensive, suddenly strong choir of voices on the West raised "Ukraine must make concessions to Russia for the sake of peace / for the sake of avoiding of world food crіsіs" - Putin's trade "cancel sanctions against Russia for UKrainian ports unblocking" - EU meeting on 30-31th of May where can be a "battle" for 6th batch of sanctions angaisnt pro-Russian lobby
  21. @sburke @Kinophile Mayor Pavel Reuka. No info about unit and death data
  22. UKR troops reportedly continue resistance in Lyman, but in SE part of the town, there is a clashes reported around railway station and 5-storey residentilal areas. The video which I posted above with retreating UKR soldiers was geolocated as northern part of Lyman On this picture the route of BTR from this video - they drive to SE part Approximate defense line of UKR trops in Lyman several hours ago.
  23. UKR troops withdrawing from Lyman and taking aboard of own BTR-80 a group of own comrades, which withdraw on foot. The words of background song: There, where we stand to the end And the war will not break us Our faith unites hearts Ukraine is alive forever! Reportedly on Izium axis Russians prepare to use for next step of operation combined artillery group of 45th high-power artillery brigade of Western military district - 2 2S7 203 mm SP-guns and 2 2S4 240 mm SP-morars. Also together with them spotted 2 Tochka-U launchers and 2 TL vehicles. Probably all this stuff will fire on Sloviansk and Kramatorsk, but maybe also on Siverodonetsk and Lysychansk
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