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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Haiduk

  1. Other video (the lower one) of ammunition storage explosion in Krasnyi Luch, filmed by local citizen close to the epicenter. Very laud detonation on 1:05 - if your dynamics on 100 % you can scare own family )
  2. Russians today conducted attempt either probe or breakthrough of small task force on UKR territory in Sumy oblast in area of Hlukhiv town - on the arc of border from Katerynivka to Bachivs'k villages. Most heavy fight took place near the border check point "Bachivs'k" - 32 km NE from Hlukhiv on E391 road. This is part of Moscow - Kyiv highway. Reportedly Russians attacked with two task force groups with support of 3-4 diversion groups and 4 UAVs. Situation was enough serious, so UKR forces opened fire with artillery on Russian territory. After several hours of intensive fight, Russians withdrew. Reportedly 2 UAVs shot down. Maybe tomorrow will be more details. On the video - sounds of UKR artillery in Hlukhiv
  3. S-300V1 in Ukraine use for infrastructure objects protection, because this is single AD asset, which can work on ballistic missiles more successfully than S-300PS/PT, though V1 is simplified V with limited parameters. Claimed that usual S-300 also theoretically capable to intercept ballistic missiles within 35 km range, but anyway this is not easy
  4. The second video of Russian Mi-24/35 downing from Azov SOF. Location - about 1 km north of Rivnopil' village, Donetsk oblast and 9 km SW from Velyka Novosilka - key point of defnse on southern direction
  5. @sburke @Kinophile Mayor Yevgeniy Kushenko, instructor-chief of the staff of training motor-rifle battalion of 467th guard training center, Western military district. Died from wounds in hospital on 11th of June https://vn.ru/news-mayor-instruktor-evgeniy-kushenko-iz-kochenevo-pogib-na-ukraine/
  6. Reportedly UKR missile hit huge ammunition depot in Khrustal'nyi town (old name Krasnyi Luch), Luhansk oblast, under occupation since 2014. Locals wtite there was hit in Krasnyi Luch factory and heavy detonation stressed the town. Due to the range to frontline it could be Tochka-U. Tochka's launches became more rare - either we are already running out of stocks or personnel of 19th missile brigade is mastering HIMARS now
  7. Slovakia gave us S-300PMU - more moderm export version of S-300PS, but unlike PS, PMU's launchers move on semi-trailers. Ukraine has S-300PS, S-300PT and S-300V1. Though, "big AD" work is mostly taboo for TV reportages. For three months of war I saw only two videos in twitter and several short TV reportages.
  8. Civil volunteer Yuriy Mysiagin also issed photos of shot down Mi-24/35 in Donetsk oblast, as he claimed, by 231st TD battalion of Dnipropetrovsk oblast with Igla MANPAD. But still unclear is this the same helicopter like on video above and just mistake in location had place, or this is second Hind, downed today. Also I didn't find TD battalion with such number. All TD units digits are 1xx or lower, but not 2xx.
  9. I read a twitter of UKR soldier, who is Switchblade 300 operator, or had a talks with them. and he claims the main problem of this drone is not very good accuracy as expected, because, as I understand, it is hard to guide it directly in the target in final pahse. Also he told the camera quality is very poor and this another, but lesser reason of misses.
  10. About week ago or more there were reports that Russian shot with MLRS Ochakiv port are (also naval and seals base). The shellings lasted two days from the area of Kinburn spit. There were a reports that port tug and foreign cargo vessel were hit. Also there was an opinion Russians prepared for tactical landing operation in Ochakiv area and even our Operative Comamnd "South" several days after theese shellings claimed they sunk two landing boats, hidden near the shore of Dnipro-Bug firth. But oddly, theese two boats weren't included in the list of total Russian fleet losses. Either they were some civil crafts or there were no sunk boats. Meanwhile Russians, issued photos and video from own UAV for 3rd-4th of June, how their MLRS strikes on UKR medium landing ship "Yurii Olefirenko" (Polnochny class), but missed (some Russian sources claimed, that Russian large landing ship fired own Grads at UKR landing ship). Also they claimed they sank UKR ASW corvette "Vinnytsia" (Grisha-II class). Though as claimed know UKR volunteer and military (especially fleet) expert Taras Chmut, "Vinnytsia" lay down on board herself - the ship was inoperate since 2008 and at last was decomissioned in January 2021, she just stood and rusted in the port, expecting own fate without any maintenance. "Vinnytsia" on the board in Ochakiv The shelling of "Yurii Olefirenko"
  11. Oleksandrivka, Kherson oblast. Artillery of 28th mech.brigade hit BMP-3 and small ammunition storage. Nice fireballs.
  12. @sburke @Kinophile Lt.colonel Dmitriy Molchanov, FSB, probably from Krasnodar RSSN FSB (regional "Alfa" special force detachment). Killed 29th of May
  13. Murz is continuing to assert own words about disaster of 35th CAA. He with anger anwers on the blames in lie and writes that in so-called "Sherwood forest" (west from Izium) two motor-rifle brigades of this army were grindered "up to gun crews and per 100 capable infantry remained in each brigade, because they were thrown to the battle not only without UAVs and thermals, but even without shovels to dig trenches". In previous posts Murz wrote that many of 35th Army infantry got KIA and WIA because of UKR artillery fire, but most number of losses are soldiers, which just reject to fight. But Murz has a reputation of alarmist, so all his statements should be divided. There is opinion, that "two brigades" in the forest indeed "two BTGs of two differents brigades 35th army"
  14. I think, last poll was unrepresentative. Maybe they asked only those, who stayed in Ukraine, not fled to other countries, not turned out on occupied territories. So, remained part of population, probably was more optimistic.
  15. Nova Kakhovka. Yesterday there was a video of recon group, which claimed they are already in 10 km from Kherson. But actually our forces are in 15-18 km from NW outskirts of the city
  16. Reportage of Frecnh journalist, showing a work of UAV crew and single 2A65 howitzer of 45th arty brigade of Reserve corps. Interesting, that this is probably first visual confirmation of work by single guns. Recently on LostArmor appeared such post about this: Translation: It's been asked here many times about the reasons of low effectiveness of our counter-battery fire. According to feedbacks from the fields this is due to two factors. The first, this is dispersal of guns - our arty recon assets can detect simultainously only 2-3 targets [means firing units], but Ukies conduct a fire with 1-2 guns from different places simultainously, so their battery turned out in 6 targets. The second, is their exellent communication systems and special artillery PADs, from which we have fury envy. Its allows them do not spend time for neсessary calculations (like Kravchenko tables and other devil toys), but just pin a point, where you are standing, where to pour on [means to fire] and with what ammunition and the software will do all itself. Then they just cry on radio between themselves and begin to fire. Thus, they can work quickly on one target from different positions, so if hreturn fire has time to come on them, then not to all. We don't have such PADs, the inertia of thinking interferes as well as State Classified Information Protection Service, they say theese devices uncertified. unprotected and other, and other. But nothing technically difficult in it.
  17. Collective guilt. Collaborationism. Sudetes/Kaliningrad 1945, nothing new.
  18. Klintsy village, a home of 488th motor-rifle regiment of 144th motor-rifle division. Reportedly a fire in vehicles depot.
  19. More interesting, that tanker tells they mostly use own tanks for indirect fire from closed positions. You can see - the tank loaded only with HE shells.
  20. Sosnove village, 4 km north from Sviatohirsk, Donetsk oblast. Data of strike unknown
  21. Of course, yes. It would be very strange, do not to have engineer units, maintaining a crossing with such dense grid of rivers )
  22. After Stambul Zelenskyi and his team got too much negative, so several pollings were conducted about peace and win conditions. Last one for 18th of May showed 82 % of respondents reject the formula "peace for concessions", 10 % support and 8 % don't know. Zelenskyi got transparent warning from society that any concessions will be considered like betrayal with all bad consequenses for him. So, idea of referendum is not actual anymore. Zelenskyi with own idea of referendums for Donbas decision before a war and now just wanted to "wash own hands", because he fells too big responsinility for theese important decisions. Despite he decided to fight on 24th Feb instead to surrender and flee like expected his political opponents, he is antway afraid to assume a decision and want to hide for peoples decision if something go wrong or for strengthen own positions in front of westren leaders, which incline him to make concessions.
  23. Enemy destroyed the third bridge to Siverodonetsk, but as said the head of military administration Serhiy Haidai, the transport communication between Lysychansk and Siverodonetsl still exists In last days we have several videos of different UKR artillery strikes on Russian ammunition storages and artillery positions. Maybe the number of 155 mm howitzers are gradually increasing and we now can reach with "longer hand" to this places, where enemy felt itself in safety. Ukr forces several times hit ammunition and logistic centers in Donetsk and also struck TV transmitter, so Russian channels disappeared and evem locally UKR TV-channels are available now. Here is video, uploaded today, but related to 10th of June - reportedly UKR SOF, operating behind the enemy lines spotted enemy reduced Grad battery in 4 launchers near Boroven'ky village 9 km NE from Siverodonetsk. UKR artillery hit position, destroying 2 or 3 launchers
  24. Rare and to this time secret Russian UAV, adopted by FSB was shot down today over Mykolaiv. This UAV has 12 cameras for hi-res cartographing
  25. Looks like Russian EW asset landed UKR R18 drone-bomber. Interesting that instead usual RKG-1600 ammunition (based of RKG-3 HEAT hand grenade) it carried KZ-4800 HEAT bomb, based on KZ-6 engineer HEAT ammunition - 3 kg total weight, including 1,8 kg of HE TG-40. KZ-6 used for destruction of roads, runways, equipment, buildings, making of holes in hard soil. Placed on the armor KZ-6 can maintain damage beyond 50 mm of steel. KZ-4600 are producing since the mid of 2021 on Mayak factory for "Aerorozvidka" volunteer UAV unit.
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