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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Haiduk

  1. So, some updates, based on analysys of Konstantin Mashovets, our military expert of "Information resistance" group. I would recommend it, but he writes in Russian in ironical and mockery way, so his texts will be too hard to understand for western reader. But his thoughts much deeper, than texts of Cooper and even ISW. So, Russians 2-3 days ago launched decisive phase of "plan F" (?) - encircling of UKR troops in agglomeration Rubizhne-Siverodonetsk-Lysychansk. Now their main efforts shifted again. But anout this later. After Bilohorivka disaster, Russian troops took a pause on this direction, but tried to attack to Siveriodonetsk from NE and SE. In previous days UKR forces withdrew from southern part of Rubizhne and after about two days resistsnce in Voyavodivka - the village between Rubizne and Siverodonetsk, left and this village too, crossed the Borova river. Yoy could see the video of bridges demolish - this is that. Russians attack on the city were repelled by our artillery, so one day after their attack there was relatively quiet. Despite our troops left Voyevodivka, Russians to this time don't control it, because the village under fire control of UKR artillery. Now Russians shelled Siverodonetsk with artilelry and thinking about crossing the Borova river in the city vicinity. Most bad situation around Popasna. Initially Russian forces attacked north on Komyshuvakha, aiming on Vrubivka - Mylokaivka with coming to Bakhmut-Lysychansk road, but UKR forces repelled their atatcks so severly, that Russian coomand was forced to mix VDV troops, which suffered losses with PMC fighters and shift own efforts again. Russians and LPR still atatck in Komyshuvakha area, but main strike VDV+PMC+LPR forces conducted on Popasna - Soledar axis and, alas, their advance was successfull. This is not confirmed officially, but from reports of locals, enemy captured Novozvanivka, Pylypchate, Druzhba, Trypillia and even partially entered to Volodymyrivka village in 6-7 km from Soledar. Developing this sucess, Russian command threw in the battle here reserves - 3 new BTGs, at least two of them Russian VDV. Other analyst claims Russian already have on this direction 18 BTG - involved units of 5th CAA, Naval Infantry, VDV, PMC, LPR regulars/conscripts. Commander of "Popasna KampfGrupp" - lt.general Adveev, deputy of Southern military district comamnder. Today, likely after new reserves arriving, Russians opened third axis of own attack from Popasna - SW. Reportedly they siezed Troitske (only one report, so RUMINT level) - large village, and the gate to Svitlodarsk bulge, which all this time was relatively calm place. Simultainously LPR forces, advancing from Novotoshkivske, seized Orikhove and Toshkivka villages and counduct fighting in Zolote and Hirs'ke areas, threating to come on southern outskirts of Lystchansk. Obviously in interests of Popasna group, Russians changed own actions around Avdiivka. They rejected from senseless direct assaults from Yasynuvata to "promka", which cost huge number of DPR troops and shifted own efforts north along H-20 road toward Kostiantynivka town in 20 km SW form Bakhmut, which lays on the road Dnipro - Pavlohrad - Pokrovske - Bakhmut. Thus, Russians now shifted own main actions on southern part of own encirclement. But on other axis they continue to atatck or regroup forces. Their "Izium group" now trying to advanse on direction Dovhen'ke - Krasnopillia and Dovhen'ke - Bohorodychne, assisting the "Lyman group" in own mission to cut UKR defense on several parts and to throw them to the river, maintaining wide accsess to Siverskyi Donets - reportedly they already gathered about 40 PMP pontoons sections to repeat crossing (part of this dtuff appointed for Borova crossing). Bakhmut now under MLRS and artillery fire. Russian aviation almost with unimpunity strike from the sky. Our soldiers say it's very hard to hit with MANPAD fast maneuvering target , flying on extreme low altitude. Also features of terrain not always allow to detect their attacks in time. But on other hand UKR troops are doing somethig near Izium - today appaerad a video with captured soldiers of 15th GMR of 2nd GMD from this area, so Russians moved some troops from Barvinkove- Sloviansk direction somewhere to Izium and even to Shevchenkove area, where Ukrainain troops are conducting probes in Kupiansk direction.
  2. "Motorized" is not enough correct translation. Russians name own units like in Soviet times - "motor-rifle"
  3. Looks like this is a part of some larger ZALA-421-16e
  4. @Suleyman @Combatintman Many units of Central and especially Eastern military districts are still using BMP-1. They were both in NW "V" group (35th MRB, which also crossed Siverskyi Donets), 5th tank brigade and in NE "O" group.
  5. UAV group of ArmySOS volunteer fund during the battle on Siverskyi Donets . This fund is engaging in development, setup and support of Kropyva information battlefield system.
  6. Crossing to hell Composed panorama from many fragments of UAV filming, but it does not include last 7 tanks sunked by Russians in finale.
  7. The summer is coming. More MIA for Russians. They often don't take back bodies of own KIA. In combat zone it's no time to evacuate them to our rear. So, that the bodies don't stink around, they will be burried as quick as possible in namless graves. It's good for their families, if our soldiers found their documents. Four Russians were burried here.
  8. Yes, there were many complaints, which I read in twitter about the work of previous chief.
  9. Their losses are terrible and in LDPR social media so far is growing a fury about this "Donbas men extermination". Their losses nobody counts officially. Only now LDPR authorities claims that "all our heroical reservists units" will be gradually withdraw from combat zone to get proper training and to be included to "LDPR People's militia service" officially This is the same, what Red Army did during WWII on liberated territories since 1943, where "field enlistment offices" grabbed all men 17-60 and reinforced with them regular units. Sometime these "black jackets", as they were called, because they went to the combat in own civil closes, could be more than 50 % of unit. Sometime all platoon ot company had such conscripts - all depended on previous losses. Commanders sent them forward first of all in order to they "washed the shame of occupation". They often went to the fight either immediately without even basic training or after several days poor tarining in style "this is a rifle, here this is how it loads, and in this way it shots - Germans will teach the rest". Only after several clashes, survivors took military oath, received uniform and were officially included in the lists of own units. How much of "black jackets" got lost - nobody knows. Probably large part of them, who got lost before official including to unit lists, never were counted as military losses and to this time counts like "civil victims of fascism"
  10. Izium was out of JFO, so no heavy fortifications there until war begun. Lysychansk maybe has fortified positions, though it was deep rear of JFO.
  11. @sburke @Kinophile Mayor Leonid Sharshukov, unit unknown, likely engineer. Died in hospital on 9th of May Mayor Viacheslav Karenko, due to anchor signs he served in Black Sea Fleet, but in some coastal unit. He had Ukrainian citizenship, served in Ukrainian naval forces and betrayed in 2014. Also check theese lost high-ranked officers from the captured list of 1st tank army losses, posted above: KIA: lt.colonel Valentin Kuzmin, HQ of 2nd GMRD mayor Alexandr Shchetkin, 1st GTR of 2nd GMRD mayor Dmitriy Lytnyev, 423rd GMRR of 4th GTD mayor Ilgiz Usmanov, 423rd GMRR of 4th GTD mayor Maxim Khlebko, 7th separate recon battalion of 47th GTD MIA: lt.colonel Dmitriy Golosenko, 1st GTR of 2nd GMRD POWs: lt.colonel Yevgeniy Starodubov, 1st GTR of 2nd GMRD mayor Ilshat Gazimov, 27th GMRB mayor Yuriy Grechko, 96th separate recon brigade
  12. I can be wrong, but PMP bridges can be slightly submerged if this need - this trick our engineers made in 2014, when they put pontoon crossing through Kozhevnia river for supply route of UKR forces along the border. DPR forces and Russians didn't spot it long time. But anyway the waters of river is not so muddy to completely cover the pontoon sectins from the UAV camera. PMP pontoons havn't piles - this is floating bridge. It sections can be used also as ferries of different lengths.
  13. Usual reservists gathering, I think. Without official declaration of war, they havn't juridiacal right to mobilize anyone at the war. All what they can do - to call reservists and brainwosh them about "enemy at rhe gate! We must fight with nazi, puppets of US" and offer big salary for participation. Of course they can find people, which will agree to sign contracts or even to go at war as volunteers in composition of some units, which sponsored by different oligarchs like Maloffev or around-Kremlin patriotic organizations.
  14. The key thing here is Russia claimed this is "Research and development works were carried out by dozens of Russian defense enterprises". I bet huge budget was stolen on this "unparalleled breakthrough equipment", which indeed turned out old tablet. The same like with Russian R-187 Azart radio. it's claimed "completely Russian forward development", but actually, commercial structure, close to MoD bought cheap Chineese solution, but for Russian army theese radios (in other box and with Azart name) were sold in 5 times more cost. Russians say Azart quite good radio, but enough complicate for low-educated soldier. The same thing with Strelets complex. I read on Russian forums, this equipment uses properly only in spetsnaz, recon units and in some "elite" ground forces units. In most of other this equipment just was stored because commanders afraid incompetent not enough educated soldiers can break high-priced devices, so they would be f...d by their higher military chiefs and different committees.
  15. I know, that today this audio was issued officially by OC "South", but who say we havn't own propaganda? %) I see two versions: - this audio was scanned by radio amateurs and isuued in social media, now it checked, verified and issued officially - this initially was fake audio, our militaries learned about in only now and issued it without factcheking just for "good news"
  16. This audio have appeared since about 10 days after Moskva was sunk and shared in social media. But some experts considered this is fake.
  17. Russian TG channel writes due to big losses, 810th naval infantry brigade roundouts itself with personnel of other units of Black Sea fleet, including members of ship crews. So, probably here maybe a reason of two last deaths of BSF officers This source claims 810th brigade lost 158 KIA, 500 WIA, 70 MIA
  18. First spotted combat usage in this war of UKR UAG-40 grenade launcher (second video). This weapon has been producing since 2010, as well as NATO-type ammunitions to it (40 mm HEFRAg and HEAT-FRAG), but only for export (Nigeria). UKR MoD, having huge Soviet stockpiles of 30 mm grenades for AGS-17 was in no harry to adopt this weapon. Single items of UAG-40 participated in warfare 2014-2015 in volunteer units. Only after 2016, when defficite of 30 mm grenades began and UKR became order it in Bulgaria, UAG-40 started state trial program and completed it in 2017. But since there was no information about large amounts of UAG-40, produced series for Ukrainian army. Maybe some changed since 2019, but I havn't such information
  19. BMPT "Terminator" in Luhansk oblast. They have "O" markings, so already were involved on NE axis and suffered losses near Brovary, Kyiv oblast. Reportedly in 2018-2019 90th guard tank division of Central military district received 10 Terminators for test use. Looks like they remained single party of Terminators in Russian service
  20. Russian cyniсism And official clip "Stefania", filmed in ruined Ukrainian cities.
  21. Both 35th and 74th motor-rifle brigades, involved in crossing, fought on Chernihiv direction.
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