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JM Stuff

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Posts posted by JM Stuff

  1. 23 minutes ago, Mord said:

    I've noticed you mentioning 1939 a lot in the last couple weeks. When did they say they were taking the time period to 39? I've never seen that stated.



    Never listen about 39 period from BF but support with all my wishes to make it real and when there were... 39 there will be also 40 another attending must for CM (3) ...

  2. 1 hour ago, Vein said:

    No, only Italians and Commonwealth (CMBN) are on there I think. There MAY be some old Germans on there but they are 'old'.

    Old or new the link that you send, is the mirror of your wonderful job and I appreciated "the try to include nco's and privates us soldiers" but it is pity that they aren't in the game,... the system of BF to represent us uniforms dont let them appears.

  3. Sure is that 90 percent of readers on this forum are in admiration from Bf since CMx1, I dont have to mention that they make the game that we need... and BF is always awake of ours wishes, we have only some frustations to dont hear weeks long about the futures expensions... or we are only a little affraid that BF said one day "is over with CMx ? we have enough"... this woull be very sad,  this is why, a little update from development or some infos will be really welcome, and let us reborn and believe in BF future, and let some threat like this, i hope never more appear.

  4. 17 hours ago, MikeyD said:

    ...BFC has to contend with color blind players (yes, that's a real AI design problem for a sizeable proportion of the public) so are compelled to limit the color cues they use.

    ...There are some people who live by the motto "more is always better" but sometimes that's just not the case. If you're not having fun commanding multiple battalions on a huge map don't pay multiple battalions on huge maps. If your work-to-fun ratio is ideal playing company-size engagements play company-size engagements!...


    All agree with you but, admit that no matter the size of battle that you choose, a rational view of a map with different units, would be much more useful  and better to the eyes if you could follow the color of your units and all subunits ... or if possible, changing the shape by arrows double line dotted line...to differentiate your orders and commands.

  5. 8 hours ago, J Bennett said:

      Yes the final installments of CMRT and CMFI I think will be the last major WW2 modules we will ever see, apart from a couple battle packs; Not what I would prefer but the die has been cast. So to fellow WW2 fans I say lets savor it while it lasts. After that BF will work on the "modern CM' modules with all their packs and modules, After that the BF team will take a well earned retirement. How do I know this? I don't, it is pure speculation but that is part of what forums are for isn't it? Oh wait they might do one more for either CMFB or CMBN taking the war across the Rhine to VE day. Its not that bad guys thats an awful lot of great content.

    wait and see... I think you made good deduction and yours speculations are not far from the reality...

    until the end of the war yes like Aragorn2002 said there is a lot of interresting battle huge battle of tanks Kurst...and for the western allied crossing the Rhin with Remagen... until the walls of the Reichtag...would like to seee also,,,

    I am not really a fan of modern battle dont like and dont have CMBS there is enought **** in reallity in the world....prefer more the past battles wait in case of for Afrika Korps Middle East Fulga Gap Korea (ok only dream)... pray to have a module or editor big enough to see all allied and soviet pack tanks after the world until...in the CM world...but sadly I am the only one...anyway I support all ideas from BF make only my own choice in theirs creations.

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