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JM Stuff

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Posts posted by JM Stuff

  1. 2 minutes ago, JoMc67 said:

    Actually, 3j2m7, looks great :-)

    Thank you very much, but like i was explaining, can not doing exactly what I would like, because somes restrictions of system from CM !! :( If only somebody could  lend me a hand  for objects 2d or relief ?? cos I know I can forget 3d effect, this would help me a little.

    Thank in advance of your interrest !!

  2. 9 minutes ago, weapon2010 said:

    maybe add some light fixtures and outlets to the walls

    Thank you to your interrest was trying to added something lonly one objet like a old picture on the wall, but because the game use only one picture view  to represent all walls interrior of the building, is not possible to put anything on the wall this will have repercussions of all walls (hope my text is  understanding enough) !  

    see files below 

    Thank you very much to your interrest !



  3. 21 minutes ago, RepsolCBR said:

    Pretty much a waisted effort imo...

    A few paintings on the walls and 2d furniture does not really improve things much...

    I don't think you will be able to get any 3d stuff in there...atleast not something that effects LOS/LOF and protection...

    The fighting inside buildings are pretty highly abstracted IIRC...

    Anyhow...Thanks for your effort to try and improve the game :)


    Thank you to your text, in fact was not thinking to have some protection blocking los lof,...was only to have a better funny view of buildings and around, like you can do it with terrain doodads..that also not protect anything in the game but give you a better real situation of environnement....was checking for older furnitures and objects from ww2 to do it... and when this work for CMBN I could find something for CMSF1 or 2 with moderne furnitures of course, admit that is more beautiful to see something instead a empty building !

    thank you for your interest.

  4. So guys, because I am waiting like most of us to recieve some news from Steve & his Staff, and be a little boring of the time.

    Don't want to see empty buildings  :) was trying to change the view of some empty buildings in CM's...but dont have really knowledges in the mod world, ... sometimes have some silly ideas, I know.

    Need some additonal infos, about 2d 3d view and more... I post  pictures of the result, I would like really make more ...would be nice to have some tips, recomandations, advices, and know if my idea is good welcome or really silly...

    01 What I did !  seem to be ok 

    02 result global ! the result is multiplied of different walls of the house !!

    Building can be found in Scenario : the Training Roadblock (Advanced house near the little river, from the german perspective) !!

    If some of you are interresting to see result can send the file...

    thanks in advance ! ;) 



  5. On 3/15/2018 at 4:59 PM, DerKommissar said:

    While I do not completely agree with the guy, but he does bring up some good points. Was oil what broke the Tiger's back? I doubt it. However, it did force the Germans to spend time and resources experimenting with alternative fuels, such as wood gas. This produced some funky modifications we probably won't see in CM:



    Back on topic. Why did the Germans lose the war? Potentially infinite reasons. However, I think many people overlook the diplomatic work of the Allies. The Germans had dubious alliances with Japan and Italy that only got them into their wars. They tried to not share technology with their eastern European allies and generally had limited support. Yet, the Allies managed to bring men from Brazil to India, train, equip them and put them on the front line. They had, also, great success dissuading  Spain from getting involved and persuading the Italian King to put Mussolini behind bars.

    While the German hegemony spanned from the Atlantic to Moscow, from the Arctic to Africa -- they could only rely on themselves. They either could not, or did not want to, raise many troops form their vast occupied territories both in the West and East. For some reason, they had issues coordinating with the Romanians, Italians and Vichy France and generally relegated all foreign forces to rear-echelon work. As soon push came to shove, their allies turned on them. I do not think it is necessary to mention the debacles that were Yugoslavia and Belarus.

    Why were the Germans not popular on the world stage? Was it too much of the stick, and too little of the carrot? Was it the lend-lease food and Hollywood? That's a discussion for a different thread.



    Interresting wood gas didn't know about this !!! ???

  6. 1 hour ago, Badger73 said:

    That does not compute . . .  :rolleyes:

    We'll know it's done when we see it available for sale.  I expect after Easter but before Memorial Day.  It's not as if I don't have any other Combat Mission games to play while waiting . .  B)

     Agree with you we have more possibilities to play ours CMs but little little words or signs about what is untill now done... will be really really welcome don't you ?

  7. 9 hours ago, LongLeftFlank said:

    [/Groans and rolls eyes like my 11 year old when asked to do a minor household task]

    Can you just make it easy pleeeease? Has alpha become beta? Screenies? Broad hints of progress? Or some (understandable) last minute roadblocks in content conversion?

    We are waiting for some screenshots...or something new about project...to see how the work grow... but Steve dont appears untill now...waiting...patience...kind...this is what we learn for the time...

  8. On 07/02/2018 at 10:51 PM, Mord said:

    Yeah, I know your pain slysniper, but at least Rome was actually talked about in some detail. I'd think by this point we could  get a couple screen shots or something.

    I look forward to every release so they are all pretty much my favorite depending on what is in the pipe line.



    Fingers from Mord can't wait to mod don't have enough with Portraits of CMFB last week...😊

  9. 3 minutes ago, Erwin said:

    Correct.  CM1 simulated a squad with 3 men which could get whittled down to 2 and then 1 as casualties mounted.  It was fine for that somewhat larger scale of game (where one could play with a regiment of infantry plus a battalion of armor on each side on an 8K x 4K map),  That's a major reason why CM1 is still played:



    Suppose have to say thank  to your buoy👍😊

  10. As i know there are more anims but more soldiers are doing the same things on the same time... deduction... not every soldiers have a personal anim...

    I know there is a thread  talking about this in details but dont remember where is it I m sure soon we will have more knoledges about your question I'm sorry to don't tell you more for the time...

    I will make some researsh on the forum...

  11. 7 minutes ago, Oliver_88 said:

    Forgive me though is that not already the case in CM2?

    I've read on here that in CM1 represented units in that manner, for example the 10 man British Rifle Section being shown graphically as 5 soldiers instead. But in CM2 each soldier you see is an individual soldier, the 10 man British Rifle Section are indeed shown graphically as 10 soldiers in CM2.


    I wish this will be but is not, sadly to let you know...

  12. On 27/02/2018 at 7:09 AM, jza80 said:

    Hi, So I have owned combat mission battle for atleast 1 month or 2 and I have installed a few waffen ss mods and I have realised that the SS insignias are a bit blurry. So I recently stumbled across a youtube video and saw that these Waffen SS uniforms were nice and I'm just wondering if any of you guys know what mod it is.


    Hmmm????  Erwin said (Check out the BF Repository and CMMODS)... curious was ckeking both but dont find this image...and also not tjhe mod perhaps deleting from owner like... German Uniforms Lehr...???

  13. So because everybody's have somes dreams there are mine...

    *Possibility to have a level -1 (2) for cellar, bunker, underground, metro, tunel... not only level on the top but also down...

    *Added a floating  icon for scouts detached from vanilla units differents that unit herself.

    *Differents color for differents squads or differents caractere fonts.

    *Also one floating Icon only for the Bat Com or Cie Com...

    *My big wish will be one man one picture instead a group of 3 men represents 5 men for exemple...but i think in this case all the system have to be recreated...

    *Using editor for both sides blue and red with same possibilities.

  14. 43 minutes ago, Mord said:

    @Burke, Vergel, 3j2, and Erwin. Have fun with them. Hope you guys enjoy.



    Thank, man. Notice the 34th? It's in there.




    BTW you guys can add the winter background portraits along with the autumn ones (if you use those backgrounds), in the mod folder if you tag them. They won't over write each other. And the winter backgrounds will only show up if there is snow on the ground. Just rename them like this: "portrait german armor [snow]" etc. no quotes. I would've done it but I was afraid of making the file names too long what with the divisions and numbers plus the tag. I had a few problems with that in the old CW portraits for CMFI and BN...exceeding the character limit.


    Don t think you are already finish wiht us...dont forget CMSF2, Rome to Victory and much more...we got you and we keep you now...thank for this beautiful and detailed job...:D

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