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Glubokii Boy

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Posts posted by Glubokii Boy

  1. Very cool photos. They could be printed out, framed and hung on the wall. Or used as wallpaper on the computer desktop. I use paint and Photobucket but have never tried to use the effects in Photobucket. When I get a chance I think I will give it a try. I could use some cool desktop wallpaper.


    To create these i did like this...

    I used the following on the EDIT page:

    ENHANCE ------> Hi-Def

    EFFECTS ------> boardwalk

    FRAMES -------> splatter

    Very easy to do...:) and i agree they turn out quite nice !

  2. TURN 10

    The orders a gave last turn are being executed and everything is going to plan...My infantry units ordered to shift possitions have not

    quite made it to their new locations yet...

    But my Hertzer have...


    ...and fire 4 rounds into the courtyard.

    Others then that. Not that much happened this turn.

    One thing that did happen this turn though was this...


    The enemy assultguns at the factory started moving forward.

    This will require me doing some repositioning of my men infront of them. Time to get out of here...

    Over at the southern sector the russian attack on 3rd platoon continued.

    They took a few additional casualties on the left flank and on the right this happened...


    My southern infantrygun gets a few more kills...:)

  3. I will give my Hertzer a target briefly order against the courtyard of those building that enemy recently gained controll over.

    I'm pretty sure there are some enemy troops in that yard. A target briefly order will do for now to not spend to much ammo.


    (the tree trunks only have been toggled on in this picture).

    Last turn i ordered my sniperteam to withdraw down to the groundfloor of this building...


    I already had a MG42 equiped halfsquad from 2nd platoon down here so it got a bit crowded.

    This turn i will order that half squad to repossition to the second floor of a small house on the other side of the street.

    That will give them this view of the street to the east.


    Enabeling them to assist my tankhunter-team and my newly arrived heavy machingun to deny this street to the enemy.

    Well that's it for this turn. No new orders needed to the south...

  4. As promise yesterday...my orders for next turn...

    In my 1st attempt to play this scenario i failed to withdraw many of my pixeltruppen in time. They subsecvently got destroyed by overwhelming enemy firepower.

    I will try to not make the same misstake again.

    But as you have seen. I have already lost some troops this time around also. Knowing when its the best time to withdraw your troops is not that easy.

    Misstakes will be made i'm sure...

    Oh, well...

    I think this time might be now

    Starting with my 1st platoons 1st and 3rd squads behind the wall.






  5. A city and or industrial looking map as soon as it becomes rather big will be very rapidly only available to players, if they want it to run smoothly, having a good and recent hardware.

    That scenario runs pretty well on mine, but on my other older hardware it is not the same.

    This scenario runs OK on my machine. My processor is overclocked to 4.6 Ghz. I also have 16GB RAM and a GTX Titan graphics card.

    Wego in his case allows him to look back and share his fight with us. A real pleasure. Thanks for the huge work done RepsolCBR

    Thanks ! You're welcome...:)

    Time for a small update again...

  6. Hello Mutunus

    I might very vell be wrong about this but this is how i got the impression it worked when i did a scenario recently...

    - It does not really matter if you give your units a HIDE order or NOT when you are deploying them on the map in DEPLOY GERMAN/DEPLOY ALLIED mode.

    - If you do this and then assign thoose units to an AI-group with an order set to AMBUSH...

    - Thoose units will not HIDE when the scenario starts. You can check this if you play the scenario in SCENARIO AUTHORS MODE-difficulty.

    - I think AMBUSH ORDER makes them a little more difficult to spot for the enemy but they are not as stealthy as a HIDING unit.

    However...With the new TRIGGER system you can get this to work.

    - Instead of giving you AI-group an AMBUSH order

    - Give them a HIDE order

    - Then paint a TERRAIN OBJECTIVE on the map a distance away from the location you have deployed your troops at


    - Give your AI-group an additional order and place that order at the same location as your HIDE order. (If you intend for your AI-group to be stationary you don't need to paint any orderloaction at all. For either of these two orders)

    - Make this order an AMBUSH order and have this order triggered to start when the TERRAIN OBJECTIVE you painted on the map is reached by enemy troops.

    - Now your AI-group will switch from HIDE to AMBUSH order when enemy troops enter the area you have designated in your TERRAIN OBJECTIVE.

    This might sound complicated but it relly isn't...If you have enough AI-groups and TERRAIN objectives to do what you want that is...

    I'm sure PanzerMike will be able to give you a better answer but this is how i think it works...

  7. Over at the south...

    The left wing of the enemy advance continues...


    Whitout meeting with any great succes !

    The enemy sends reinforcements from Pushka Hotel...


    My north infantrygun gives them a warm welcome !


    The enemy right wing attack gets stoped in the track by my southern infantry gun and HMG. No more enemy movement there this turn...


    That's it for now. I'm off to the golfcourse...

    I will try to make one additional update later tonight (making todays update 3 turns also).

    Next update will have my orders for next turn and offcourse some pictures of that turn...

  8. My Hertzer are carfully advancing to 1st platoons possition.


    Further to the south my sniper teams makes it down to the bottom floor.

    Just as i thought the area in the center was a 'quite' area it seems that the russians have targeted that area for an attack...


    Let's hope my machinegun teams have time to possition themself.

    Enemy troops moving behind the buildings...


    But CRACK troops are CRACK troops...


    Well done ! Because none of my repossitioning machineguns are in possition yet. I do think some enemy soldier made it into that building though...

  9. TURN 9

    The Co of 2nd commpany have arrived at the cemetery.


    Not a moment to late i think. The survivors of 1st platoon/ 2nd company are not coping to well...


    Nor are these guys. The green troops from my 3rd squad/ 1st plt. They are trying to make a run for it...


    Most of the men don't make it out of there


    But unfortunatelly one guy made it and keept running across the street towards his comrades. While doing so he managed to attract the attention of one of the assultguns.


    This explotion also killed 2 of the men inside the building.

  10. Over at the south the russians are launcing an attack against 3rd platoon on both flanks. This attack will cost them dearly !


    A number of enemy soldiers tries to advance across the street on 3rd platoons left flank. These troops immediatelly comes under fire from my sniper team and the heavy machinegun at Kruzhka Inn.

    They take considrable losses. Not the brightest move the AI have done so far.


    On 3rd platoons right flank the russians manages slightly better. Some of the troops makes it in to the first of the buildings but my southern infantry gun and the HMG infront of it takes a high toll on the advancing troops.


    These guys keeps firering as fast as they can...


    So does these...



    - I will order my Hertzer forward down the road towards 1st platoons possition.

    - I will move my Crack sniper away from the exposed possition on the 3rd floor down to the bottom floor to avoid being exposed to to many enemies at once.

    - I will regroup my two machineguns and have them change swap possitions.

    - I will change the areafire order of the south infantrygun to a coverd arc.

    I think thoose will be my orders for now...

  11. A little to the south...

    The russians have established themself on the other side of this courtyard.


    The possition of my CRACK sniper team is starting to get very exposed to enemy fire. Next turn i will move them down to ground level.


    Despite taking heavy fire they are still capable of hurting the enemy...


    But lets get them out of there...They have done a good jobb defending this area.

    But they are not alone. They are acompanied by my second CRACK unit. The 2 man AT-team. These guys have also done their fair part in halting the enemy advance in this area.

    This turn they even fire a panzerfaust at an enemy soldier advancing infront of them (perhaps not what i would like them to do but these guys are born KILLERS !)


    Let's not forget about another of my 'hero' units so far...This machinegun team !


    They have really caused the russians some trouble. But i 'regret to inform you' that they have taken an additional casualty this turn. They have now lost 3 of their 5 men.

    They deserv a break and i also think that their combat effectivness have been significantly reduced...

    I will have them change possition with an other HMG close buy. Thoose guys have not fired a single shot yet. Atleast i don't think so...


  12. But soon even the 3rd squads A-team are overwhelmed by the russians and tries to bug out...


    The enemy also continues to reinforce their possition in the buildings on the other side of the road.

    Infront of the factory however...The assultguns have not moved.


    I'm sure it will not be long before they start moving forward. Things will become alot more complicated once those guys starts to participate in the fighting.

    They for sure pack a big punch...

    Speaking of armour


    It's about time i started to commit my Hertzer to the battle. It doesn't do much good back here. Up until now i have not had any obvious tasking for it...

    I was considering sending it to assist my 3rd platoon to the south but as you guys will see in this update the russian attack in that area have failed

    significantlly...Atleast for now.

    I think i will send it strait east to assist my first platoon. Some of my squads over there have been forced back...or even been destroyed.

    Some HE firepower could come in handy over there and if i get a good oppertunity i might take a shoot at thoose assultguns.

    But only if i get a GOOD ! oppertunity. I don't want to risk loosing it in an armour Vs armour duell just yet...

  13. TURN 8

    Infront of 1st platoon on my far left...

    The russians launch an assult against the building that my 1st squad A-team are defending.


    Not before long my defenders are wiped out in the face of overwhelming firepower.


    After neutralizing those men the russians are able to advance into that building.


    Other russian tries to fight their way over a pyle of debrie to the north of that building but comes under fire from my 3rd squad A-team.


    And takes some casualties...


  14. Of course, there is still room for a lots of improvements. For example, especially industrial building could use some love (chimneys, modular buildings so you can make something like the tractor factory in Stalingrad, machinery doodads, cranes, etc.) But also things like fortified houses. You name it.

    This is true...

    Staying in one place for too long usually is a bad idea. Knowing when to fall back or shift positions helps a lot.

    This is the challange for sure...Like i mentioned in the dedicated thread to this scenario i think this is a good scenario to practice falling back...

    You really start to feel for your pixeltruppen when some of them perform real heroic acts when you send them tank hunting for example.

    I agree ! My tankhunters have not had the oppertunity to prove them self just yet though but i think they soon will have...

    Or the damage a well placed sniper can do in a street fight.

    My snipers are racking up kills ! :D

    OK...time for a small update.

  15. After playing a scenario like this one i'm starting to belive that this game-engine even in its current form might be able to portrait urban battles in Berlin, Stalingrad, Moscow ?

    ...and other places

    In a good way...

    I've always been off the impression that urban battles are this game-engines biggest shortcomming... with many LOS/LOF issues among the buildings.

    This scenario work brilliantly though. Very fun to play ! :D

    The next couple of turn will be amazingly immersive and brutal fighting...

    If i have the time i will post the next update tomorrow...

    Some nice fighting ahead :)

    I'm starting to have high hopes for urban fighting in the future...

    Thanks Panzer Mike for this scenario !

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