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Everything posted by Denis1973

  1. Yea, I mean Upgrade for BN. It was promised in October, now is November 5th... "End of year" is the very sad for me 'cos I have hope to use new map-making feature of Engine 2.0
  2. Regiment and divisional reserves in CMBB operations available only at the beginning of each battle, before setup. So it is bad luck for enemy or it just suffered a few casualties in previous battles.
  3. Hi, SLR! I'm live in Moscow, near with your new location - at Yasenevo. This is the area just north from you. So we can meet personally. And, of course in Internet - just visit our russian community site - www.combat-mission.ru
  4. It provide more realistic victory points for both sides. In short, each tank and soldier have point value according to side of conflict and experience. This allowed to avoid 1000 to 0 score.
  5. Very interesting. Continue, please. 2 76mm Have you receive my PM?
  6. It was available here: http://petzi-fr.bplaced.net/calc/index.php but now only 404 error message. Is anybody know where is this calculator now or how to contact with it's creator?
  7. ... and to 'why I hate action spots' too, maybe?
  8. I suppose that this happens because of building is not completely occupied whole action spot. So game engine thinking that this is "open terrain" while 3D model occupied part of it. You can check this, making in editor a map with buildings occupied only part of action spot and try to put something near it in deploy window. So, "what you see is what you get" slogan is a fake
  9. In one of my recent PBEM games I have a disappointing results with buddy aid. One member of ATG ammo bearers team was shot down. The ammo counter shows me 6 AP and 2 HE rounds in this team total. After the aid ends up and death body disappeared from map, the counter show me only 2 HE round leave. Gun isn't fired this turn. So, VERY important AP rounds just vanished due to my humanity??? Here is link to video:
  10. I wish to gain more control in editor on: 1. Quantity of ammo, especially AP and HE rounds in tanks. This can be useful in simulation of tank without AP rounds, for example. 2. Weapons of infantry squads. There are many rear echelon units that armed mostly with bolt-action rifles with several MP40. I can't simulate this units in current editor 'cos squad always have one MG42/34. Or add to TOE list a "rear echelon unit" consisted of that lightly armed men.
  11. My two cents: 1. Use it as cheep mine-finders in areas that has suspected minefield in it. Because lost one jeep is better then lost tank. 2. For those who love risky games and play it against human oppo. Often human player hide most of his units at the beginning of battle to not gave up his positions. So, if you have enough jeeps (and, for better results, HTs&Carriers), you can load it with infantry and make a fast run to victory locations on any other important site on battlefield. In most cases there are no much enemy fire will opened on them. While enemy's defense plan will be totally ruined due to your raid:)
  12. this is really bad news. I was hope on full Eastern Front series of new CM
  13. Thank you. I'll upload it after some testing during CMA tournament at our site - combat-mission.ru
  14. Thanks again Because Spilhu pass is on the battle map, could it be right to say: ?
  15. This is difficult to understand without a map. I'll try to explain. Uploaded with ImageShack.us
  16. Thanks, Ervin. Here is second part - russian briefing
  17. Because English is not my native, could somebody check the spelling in briefings for my first CMA scenario? This for blue side:
  18. I'm just want that infantry have a real chance to fight off enemy tanks in urban areas. As this was in real life, as this was in CMx1 games, as it was in CMSF. Not a lot, I suppose. Because how it looks now - it is total unrealistic. And some strange logic for me - so, if tank stay near squad at open squad must reduced it size every given time to represent an failed attempts to put mine on top of tank? Yes, I have read this. Good topic, the only thing that I can't see there is any post from BFC team.
  19. I've made series of tests (at 1.01) and even if tank located so close to the house wall, that is shown partially inside the building, infantry refused to throw grenades and charges. While do this when outside the building. Bug or feature?
  20. Good point. But not without flaws. 1. It is frequently stated that "what you see is what you get". So, if exist exceptions from this general rule, what exactly the exceptions? Because when I'm plan a battle, I must exactly know what expect from each position, course of action and so on. 2. OK, we have some 'representations' in the game. What is about to represent man run out from building, placed a bomb on top of tank and run back to safety while tank makes BOOM? So again, I haven't see the differences.
  21. I'm aware about this, but what is the difference for throwing grenades from open space and from houses???:confused: Is this a weird kind of realism? Or just a bug?
  22. AFAIR this statement was made by one of BFC team, maybe Steve.
  23. Hey, comrades, what about are you amazed? It is true that infantry throw grenades from buildings to open-top vehicles. It is stated in manual. I'm speak about not-open-top vehicles (exactly the tank). And I can't understand why throwing grenades from buildings to M-10 is differed from throwing to M4A :eek:
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