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Everything posted by Denis1973

  1. I have a strange bug during my PBEM game. I gave order to two of my HTs - Quick forward. While one of it executed it correctly, other is dismounted (!) it's crew and passengers. Then crew run according to the Quick command. Passengers stay near dismounted HT. At previous turn this happened with another HT at the same area. Both HTs were undamaged, not in panic or something. Here is the pic Uploaded with ImageShack.us In the circle - HT that were dismounted at previous turn, it/s crew returning to it. At the center of picture - HT that dismounted right now and it's crew started long run. Bottom - HT that responded correctly.
  2. Please Add 16. HIDE or depressed OPEN UP command must force MG gunner in HT to cover under armor.
  3. +1000 on it. As Russian player, I hope than this never happens. Because we already has the bad results with completely no support to Afghanistan-82 for russian market, no support for CMSF&modules for russian market :mad:. Thats enough for me. I'm trust only to Battlefront itself.
  4. The question is: in Cm1 games when you ordered 'close hatches' to halftrack, it's crew leave MG and cover under armor. In CMBN, when I depress 'open up' button, HT only closed the hutches in front hull while MG gunner stay at place, exposed to enemy fire. How can I save him, to force him laid on the floor of HT?:confused: Search through the treads but can't find the answer. Sorry if this already was explained. crew to
  5. I agree too. Guns often moved for a long distance by it's own crew - albeit slowly then by truck and, of course, this kind of moving exhausted men. Such a long packing and unpacking must be leave for transportation by vehicles only - in this case you win in speed of movement.
  6. And how about decrease deploying time for guns? Or allow them to move in unlimbered status at a short distance? Because now for guns are very hard and spend tons of time to change a position
  7. As far as I know, BF don't want to open the code of CMx1 series because they want to safe its' compatibility. If all users will be free to make changes, there is no compatibility between same game from different users.
  8. Mickey, I'm sorry. Need to improve my English :confused:
  9. Mickey, if I correctly understand you, your message is about me. I'm really respect the hard work that were done by BF team. And, of course, I will play this game and make scenarios for it, but only when it will be playable. You must agree that CMA 1.00 is full of flaws. And this is the only one that I have. Yes, I can buy an English version, but why I must buy it while I posses official version that must be supported by publisher? I just don't want pay twice for the same thing. Suppose that it is understandable desire, isn't it?
  10. So, another half of year passed. But nothing changed in situation with CMSF and CMA games... Could BF team be so gracious to consider the possibility for our community members to get English version of CMA instead of Russian ones for a symbolical payment? We speak about no more than dozen customers, and they can share a single license even between 4 men. We still can offer a beta-testing, feedback, information and translation help as for existed as for planned BF's CM titles.
  11. Unfortunately, even if something existed, I don't know about it. The reason is null supporting from Snowball. I have played only standard scenarios and even not finished campaign because of weird "shot-through-walls" bug. I was on waiting for patch to deal with this, but... So, as many other Russian players, I'm lost my interest to the game. By the way, even if some stuff are existed, it could be not compatible with "pure BF's" version of CMA.
  12. Of course, yes. And I suppose that this mast the ONLY and the best way to buy CMBN and other BF titles. No "special russian" version, please. Just add a Russian language pack, as already done for French, German, etc.
  13. Again and again I write that Snowboll do really nothing to support the game. It is still at 1.00 level. At support forum we heard only promises, promises and more promises. When users became more angry, they type something like "Battlefront don't send a patch to localization to us"!
  14. I really hope that Snowball or any russian company NEVER did NOT make CMBN publishing in Russia. Why? Look at russian-published CMSF by Snowball. There is not solid game, as English version. There are a garbage of not coupled together addons without up-to-date patches. Those, who have latest version - British Forces+original CMSF - can't play in scenarios, that included US Marines forces and, even worse, their game is only 1.21 patch level. Those, who have CMSF+Marines, can't play scenarios with british and can't upgrade their game over 1.10 (or such) level. NATO module is still of absence and no signs that it appears some day. Patches released only with new modules. Even Russian-made "Afghanistan" is still at 1.00 level! This situation clearly isolate Russian community from other gamers. Some month ago our community wrote about this here: http://www.battlefront.com/community/showthread.php?t=95206 but nothing changed since that time So, I'm flatly against any russian localization of this game. We, our community, can afford a help in translation, in beta-testing (some members already do this or done this with great CMBB) and can provide some data to proposed East Front.
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