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Everything posted by kohlenklau

  1. BARB KALTE EINTOPF has a new mod in its folder, please grab. It fixes an issue when viewing the Soviets in their greatcoats
  2. What kind of images do you mean? Here are some earlier screenshots from using freeware HxD.
  3. @benpark Here is a quick fix for the Soviet greatcoats to eliminate the doubled gear and maybe enjoy the scenario properly! download and put in your z... https://www.dropbox.com/s/fmjd3s4eoplf71w/soviet_ammo-rifle-right [barbarossa snow].mdr?dl=0
  4. Experiment #3: I will attempt to take the gear grouping from one mds and paste it into another mds. This would be the proper xyz for the Italian holster pasted into the german holster's grouping...<viewing New Mexico desert test range through old black and white tube TV>...standby EDIT: well, good news, it did not crash BUT the holster did not go where I thought it would go based on normally where it goes unmodded for an Italian officer m38 mds. Maybe something else is going on but I CAN ALWAYS Blender mod the Italian holster and move it... I was thinking that I pasted in a generic reference to where the gear item goes on the uniform's 3D structure described elsewhere in the mds file. There are many text strings called "bip" and I imagine that it means "body insertion point", nudge nudge wink wink, is she a sport? So bip1 could be described elsewhere in the mds file and when I drop in my italian holster and my pasted in part just says go to bip1 and the program follows the guidance...I DUNNO but no worry maybe I STILL need to quickly tweak stuff in Blender. oh well...
  5. Hi Ben! JUST NOW!!! I THINK I just made a big breakthrough that will solve many of these gear issues. Thanks to @Jace11 I now can more flexibly edit/alter mds files and NOT have to Blender mod the gear and CREATE the issue you noted above. I will be going to the above CMRT mods and fixing them this weekend.
  6. I am in the mds file. I will now do an experiment based on Jace's info. I will edit/alter a non-needed gear group to allow the edit/alter of a needed gear group WITHOUT changing the file length of the mds. <puts on gloves and faceshield>... I will let you all know... EDIT: SUCCESS!!!! What I did: So, Italians do not have assault rifles so that gear item in the German M43 when renamed as Italian M38 is non-needed. I used text string german_ammo-rifle-aslt-right with a string length in hex of 1C which is 28 characters. I was focused on getting pitbull's modded italians a radio gear item so german_radio had to become italian_radio going from 0C (12 characters) to 0D (13 characters), so I changed german_ammo-rifle-aslt-right to german_ammo-rifle-aslt-righ and edited the 1C (28 characters) to 1B (27 characters). In program HxD I searched for hex 1B and 0D and then pasted them as needed versus typing 1B and 0D. EXPERIMENT 2: Jace said that he did not even see a checksum in the mds, so now I will try to make an edit/alter WITHOUT worrying about mds file length and see if that even works. As long as my "gear groups" have that string length accurate... <stands behind sandbags and sounds klaxon to alert household> Standby EDIT: SUCCESS!!!!
  7. @Jace11 This morning I have budgeted some time to try and finish "gear blender mods" for the new Italian uniforms by pitbull. I will send you a pm and no hurry but maybe you can please assist me at your convenience in trying to use your guidance? I have a website to translate hex so I will try and be self sufficient but really appreciate your eyes looking over my shoulder! Thanks in advance...
  8. In the attic I have just one large moving carton of my Tamiya and Dragon 1/35 WW2 kits that are unbuilt. Someday...
  9. COOL!!! I used to do that as well. I should restart doing it. Here at Kohlenklau Modding Incorporated, we often get really confused on what products we have distributed.
  10. Maybe you are getting on the saddle for the first team? Excellent! The way I do it is to lay down my terrain type(s) under the road first, stuff you expect to see on the shoulders of the road but still within the 8x8. Then you place your roads. If you use the footpath type it is very subtle and not wide at all. Another handy thing for tracking where you are on a map is to plop down a temporary building. You'll see it in 2D but also see it in 3D so you don't get lost. Have fun! EDIT: map making is really fun for me. But of course I still goof it up. I can forget to zoom out and be working on only one part of a map for a while. Then "dolp!", I zoom out and see all the parts I have been neglecting. Or another famous foot in the mouth I do is the paint brush on max and you forget it is, you think you go to put one little sand tile and it plops down a huge grid and is NOT undoable with ctrl-z. If you are lucky you JUST saved and maybe can just exit but did you JUST save? HAVE FUN!!!
  11. Yeah, I have an idea that just before Christmas when I upload the 2 new CMRT BARB campaigns, I will make sure all BARB mods are organized, eliminate any duplicates and such as that and generally make the folders as orderly as possible. I do not know if it is COVID related, but the young lady with high heels, stockings and a skirt has NOT showed up for duty...
  12. BARB KALTE EINTOPF is released for CMRT FR. Play only as axis vs allied AI Please make sure to get the barbarossa mods folder AND a special mod folder in the folder with the scenario...
  13. BARB KALTE EINTOPF is released for CMRT FR. Play only as axis vs allied AI Please make sure to get the barbarossa mods folder AND a special mod folder in the folder with the scenario...
  14. That is why I can offer "the scenario factory" approach to assist you. If you desire, pass the scenario to me and I work on some part with your "specs" guiding me. But only for small and tiny scenarios please. I cannot take on medium or bigger.
  15. @t34577685 Listen Arthur, I have a plan... There is only 1 soldier greatcoat and 2 nco versions and maybe 2 for each of the 3 officer slots (j,m and s). I modded the soldier one. I can use it to mod the others but need to study the ranks for greatcoats... The BARB KALTE EINTOPF scenario is waiting on this greatcoat mod...but another cool mod has been integrated in the scenario. shhhh, a secret easter egg. Here is my OLDDDDDDD greatcoat mod from late 2015 when I had my heart attack and did CMRT Winter Mod. I did not know then that the shoulder boards were not on 1941 greatcoats. Live and learn....
  16. I think it would HAVE to! That HQ would have a separate unit objectives value like 5000 points and so you suffer a total defeat and the campaign ends as a defeat. GAME OVER, insert 25 cents to play again
  17. I am designing the Soviet one now. BARB TRI PASTUKHI with Tri Pastukhi Russian for "Three Shepherd Boys"... Your core force will be a platoon of infantry led by the human player "in the role" of Soviet Lieutenant Timoti Vasilyevsky. Summer 1941. In the 3 small battles of the campaign you meet and serve alongside "The Sniper", "The Sapper" and "The Tanker" to succeed in holding back the fascist reptiles...
  18. Yes, BARB Kalte Eintopf is not finished yet, I am still messing with early war great coats for the Soviets!
  19. If nobody noticed, I am trying to have the Barbarossa Mod BARB scenario titles written in German for play as axis scenarios and using Russian for play as allies scenarios... Now, if you do speak German and/or Russian, please PM me so I can bounce titles off you. Otherwise I just wing it with google translate and maybe a little internet research. I am also going on record to commit to making 2 small x-mas presents for the community. A Soviet player campaign and an axis player campaign. 3 battles each with new mods. BARB PANZERSCHLACHT RADZIECHOW BARB TRI PASTUKHI
  20. Thanks Jace! I have to digest this. I am a slow learner but I think this could really help with the modding I want to do. Thanks so much.
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