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Everything posted by kohlenklau

  1. Now available in my goody box...Go to the CMRT Aisle and look in the new combined Barbarossa and Stalingrad shelf. It needs the previous [barbarossa] mods and a new folder of NPye's Stalingrad mods [stal] and [snow stal]. STAL RANENYYE ZVERI (Stalingrad Wounded Beasts) @NPye @umlaut I have swept the dust off Nigel Pye's Stalingrad mods and some excellent stuff done by umlaut as well. Thank you gentlemen, your creative and talented efforts are going to be utilized in a new scenario, maybe scenarios with an S. Play as Allies vs axis AI. Stalingrad's Central District: Soviet soldiers attempt to knock out an immobilized panzer in the snows of late 1942... EDIT: A tip of the hat also to @dragonwynn and @kevinkin for the previous campaign and scenarios they did...circa 2016? 2nd EDIT: You should see Soviet troops in greatcoats with some old style rank badges, some new. Some in old style helmets, some in newer style helmets and fur caps. The various German vehicles are NPye's 24th Panzer Division set, "the Leaping Horseman". One with snow as well. His German helmets and some other gear he modded. All the buildings are Nigel's work but I had to mess with the windows and doors to solve some gameplay issues. The map was his but I had to cut it down to smaller size for my purposes and made a few changes to elevation in one or 2 areas.
  2. now available in my goody box...Go to the CMRT Aisle and look in the new combined Barbarossa and Stalingrad shelf. It needs the previous [barbarossa] mods and a new folder of NPye's Stalingrad mods [stal] and [snow stal]. STAL RANENYYE ZVERI (Stalingrad Wounded Beasts) @NPye @umlaut I have swept the dust off Nigel Pye's Stalingrad mods and some excellent stuff done by umlaut as well. Thank you gentlemen, your creative and talented efforts are going to be utilized in a new scenario, maybe scenarios with an S. Play as Allies vs axis AI. Stalingrad's Central District: Soviet soldiers attempt to knock out an immobilized panzer in the snows of late 1942...
  3. I am adding a new folder to my goody box that will be titled something like "optional atmospherics without modtags" and will have subfolders with contents for splashscreens and intro music to load before you start CMRT if you are planning to play a certain scenario of mine. I am grabbing potemkine's splash screens for example. @potemkine Excellent atmospherics for various scenarios and then just rename or delete when not needed. modtags do not work until a scenario loads so these items are not modtagged, they can't be summoned for use by a modtag. I will dig up some various music files to offer as well... ~~~~~~~~~~~ I made a breakthrough I guess you might call it working with the Stalingrad mods from 2016. I am making new windows to match Nigel's windows @NPye on some of his beautiful building walls to eliminate the frustrating issue with players deploying troops into buildings and then they discover there are no actual gamecoded windows to allow seeing/shooting out. My first STAL (for easily seeing my Stalingrad scenarios in your battle selection view) scenario is ready except for the windows issue... This STAL scenario will not have any of umlaut's stuff yet. I am planning another STAL scenario where I will attempt to use a bunch of umlaut's great stuff. @umlaut
  4. It is now December 2021 and let us see if @dragonwynn's efforts making a campaign for Stalingrad can get another round of downloads, appreciation, community enjoyment and well deserved praise.
  5. Thanks for reminding me of that scenario Gary. Now that we have FR I can revamp "Biecker's Bastion"...I can use actual Fallschirmjagers and do a bunch of fun stuff.
  6. coming soon! STAL RANENYYE ZVERI @NPye @umlaut I have swept the dust off Nigel Pye's Stalingrad mods and some excellent stuff done by umlaut as well. Thank you gentlemen, your creative and talented efforts are going to be utilized in a new scenario, maybe scenarios with an S. Play as Allies vs axis AI. Stalingrad's Central District: Soviet soldiers attempt to knock out an immobilized panzer in the snows of late 1942...
  7. What game engine do you have? The main screen bottom right corner should tell you in tiny characters...
  8. I have CMFI with all the modules version v2.11 game engine 4 it says on the main screen. Screenshots: Sure, standby... TESTING SCENARIO WAS SET FOR JULY 1943
  9. Maybe it is your dates for the quick battle. I am seeing it behave differently. the title mixed camo is probably best thought of as "camo mixed in to the standard non-camo uniform". mixed camo selection for appearance activates a squad to show in 2 different uniforms, the regular m43 uniforms AND the camo smocks. some guys in smocks, some guys in m43 tunics. I just tried it with luftwaffe armored infantry and it took them out of the tropical m42 and popped them into grey m43 and camo smocks It is the same for CMRT as well...BFC likes to write the code and use it a zillion times over and over
  10. I got it penciled in for late 2044. Just after Labor Day. I will be 79 but should knock it out along with a few scenarios and maybe a campaign.
  11. You are very welcome Gary! We just gotta play an Ost Front PBEM during the holidays!
  12. Coming soon! My work in progress Panzer II Ausf F
  13. My pziif project is coming along nicely. I have a video uploading. It is still a work in progress but the wheels turned and the 20mm did bark out fire. I have to stretch the rear hull a tad. She needs more junk in her trunk? better footage in this video
  14. BARB DIE VERWUNDETEN BESTIEN Now in my goodybox in its own folder with CMRT FR scenario and some new mods. Have fun as axis vs allied AI
  15. BARB DIE VERWUNDETEN BESTIEN Now in my goodybox in its own folder with CMRT FR scenario and some new mods. Have fun as axis vs allied AI
  16. 21 days until Christmas and a weekend is here. Can we get a few more scenarios for under the tree? Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
  17. BARB DIE VERWUNDETEN BESTIEN "The Wounded Beasts" is almost ready. I made some special junk flavor objects. KO'd T-34/76's with turrets turned to different angles, hatches popped.
  18. junk. I have deleted them out of the goodybox. Thanks for letting me know. The secretary sent by BFC HR is not yet so productive...
  19. BARB KALTE EINTOPF is a lot of fun in my biased opinion. Sometimes it is subtle but if you listen over where the Soviets are, you should hear the "urrraaaa!!!!!" sound files I added in.
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