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Everything posted by kohlenklau

  1. @Suchy This new scenario shows the T-26...but it has my crappy textures. Save the day and be the hero with your better quality art work!
  2. BARB PANZER ANKLOPF https://www.dropbox.com/sh/uw734oj917n33dx/AAD9XWZS-klhS3tB6brHXELxa?dl=0
  3. okey Doke, Tony. I will not worry about it. Thanks!
  4. I have John Tiller's Panzer Campaign "Smolensk 41" which I will use to make a small custom operational scenario dealing with the defense of the bridge over the Vop River at Yartsevo. This will all try to start in March 2022. A fun little thing to have a nice operational level feel to the PBEMs. So far for teams we have: Axis: @Vacilllator Aliies: Nobody! WTF? It is no big deal. Maybe I am out of touch and nobody wants to be a part of this. That is cool. Maybe they WOULD like it if it was a standalone system at their house in their own PC to enjoy but NOT with other people. FGM website does lots of similar PBEM linked events with operational layer displayed by an umpire. They do NOT have my Barbarossa mods. Well, I guess they could but I haven't heard any interest.
  5. oh yes, you are correct. my brain gets cooked. please try to make the T-26 using your method. i would appreciate it very much. semovente hull model 42!
  6. alright, making more of my own. downloaded a bunch of famous guys' faces. Denzel and some others, paste into a new layer in GiMP, scale it down and edit the layer mask, export as a new one.
  7. I tried various noise filters and blurs but I haven't figured out the proper method of duplicating the "armor" we see in stock bmp's. I will keep studying it as time allows. I assume it is a multistep process with filters and using the amazing power of photoshop and the similar programs. I have watched a few GiMP tutorials on making textures but haven't found the right one.
  8. I haven't done it in about 6 years I think. We use another game John Tiller Panzer Campaigns to create an operational scenario with hexes of 1km and turns there are 2 hours. Then we use CMRT as the method to do the battle resolution.
  9. Oh wow. We got to fix that! it is fun. It is easy to learn the procedure for the PBEM turn sharing.
  10. @Blazing 88's @Suchy @Falaise @Vacilllator @Commanderski @Heinrich505 Who exactly are the Club of Six? The above quoted post of mine was a tongue in cheek post but did have a true offer underneath the Dunder-Mifflin joke! But nobody contacted me or commented so I guess there is not much interest to form 2 teams of 1 or more players each and conduct a small PBEM series as a "tracked damage/umpire involved campaign" aka CMPzC using BARB mods. Of course I am the umpire and organizer to maintain fog of war and have random events and narrate the event. It is to me some work but can be pretty cool if we do it right. It takes a while to do! I think we have several threads! An axis team thread and allies agree NOT TO READ it until AFTER the event is fully complete. An allies team thread and axis agree NOT TO READ it until AFTER the event is fully complete. If you sign-up and are approved to join one of the teams, you agree to play your PBEMs with the mods and make some posts with a few photos to describe the battle. Maintain honor system the best you can. All for fun.
  11. I boiled it down to 3 choices in an extreme hypothetical analogy! 1. you and him both strip down, we want all your clothing and anything in your pockets. climb over the stern together and tread water as we paddle away. sympathize and defend him until hypothermia sets in. 2. you 2 have bonded as you defended his behavior and put up a fuss and we have to use the oars to knock you both out. then we take the clothing and pocket items. then we dump you both over the stern. save some bait for fishing. 3. you come to your senses that his behavior is inappropriate, you help us to knock him out and assist in getting his clothing, pocket items, re-divide the rations and water based on 1 less mouth, save some bait for fishing, he goes over the stern, man the oars, head on course 270.
  12. ok, I had some issues with the T-26 and must go back into Blender and fix a few things. BUT I do have the T-26 debut scenario in the instapot and it should be done by Monday or Tuesday. based off an old ASL scenario in their Ost Front Pack 3....(though I just saw that the ASL scenario writer spelled Kobryn as Korbyn). BARB BARBAROSSA NACHMITTAG (Barbarossa Afternoon) play as axis vs allied AI, meeting engagement, map is 2km x 2km, scenario size small/medium. west of Kobryn, Russia, 1941-06-21, 1530 "Operation Barbarossa opened at 0315, and by mid-afternoon, the XXIV Army Corps (Motorized) Panzergruppe 2 of Generaloberst Heinz Guderian, had worked their way around the fortress of Brest-Litovsk, and into open country west of Kobryn. Unaware of what was truly unfolding at the front, General Colonel Pavlov, commander of the Soviet Western Front, issued orders for a general counterattack. As the German 3rd Panzer Division sped past the retreating units of the Soviet 3rd and 4th Armies, it ran headlong into advancing elements of the Soviet 22nd Tank Division with over 350 light tanks, sent to block the German advance."
  13. I am still pressing on with trying to make my own armor. I did a few experiments and it don't look too bad. I used the gradient with a few colors of dunkelgelb dark yellow. Then I duplicated the layer and did some RBG noise to create the pixel mixture. Then I duplicated that layer and just added a little blur. Trying to make it look like the stock unmodded armor you'd see on maybe a pzIIIG bmp down between the rivets, seams, shadings, shadows and highlights. It didn't take long so maybe if I AM wasting my time, it wasn't much time. Later I will slap some photos up to show what the heck I am talking about.
  14. It is not finished. Still tweaking some pixels...
  15. @benpark Thanks Ben! I had done the carriage part before so now I have a dunkelgrau Pak36 for a new BARB scenario. BARB PANZER ANKLOPF. I still have to tweak my color to match yours better...and finish the [fjheer] mod
  16. I asked him. But maybe he is like a Shao Lin priest..."you must snatch the hue and saturation from my hand grasshopper!..."....? I would think somewhere in a secret vault are all the master psd files with the camo layers waiting to be deactivated...
  17. He did some African Americans? I never saw any but if yes, thanks a lot! PM me and I can give info...
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