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Everything posted by Fuser

  1. Thanks!, eagerly awaiting, Mr Duplessis.
  2. Spring horizons with ALT-M (old/washed shaders activated)...no Photoshop...
  3. Yes. There are different horizons for Sicily and Mainland Italy and a 4 different textures for each season, and hazy and thick haze textures for each set too. So it's quite a lot of work,....but I think it will be well worth it, as it modifies the game in a very dramatic way.
  4. Ok, I will try Check closely (zoom in) the stock horizon, you will see that the problem is there, and it has always been, a non fixable graphic bug more apparent when the horizons used are highly detailed.
  5. Testing horizons for Gustav Line. These ones are specific for clear days in winter with snow covered ground. I will use different ones for each season (I hope...)
  6. Ok, first version done,..If you don't like it just tell me and I will try a different set. HERE
  7. What kind of horizon would you like? High Mountains, hills and forests...steppe...?
  8. All my CW vehicles not present at CMMODS are at the Repository, except those not modded yet, of course!
  9. kohlenklau, I may mod some winter horizon for you if you still want,..
  10. Some mods from CMFI work for CMBN too, is that what he was asking...
  11. Sorry for my stupidity, but what is CMI?
  12. You can use still use those older variants there if appropiately renumbered, that is, if they don't overwrite the newer ones and are added sequentially. And yes, the ones to delete are IV G, H and J, that is, all the existing variants in Normandy 44.
  13. The funny thing is that,...is completely...unintentional! ...but yet, looks good
  14. "Something" for CMBN is uploading right now to CMMODS....
  15. The only variants that will work are included already in the new package, I removed the ones causing graphical oddities , so in short, yes, sadly you will have to delete the 15thPzGren HG Division decals to avoid problems.
  16. Uploading my beloved Panzer IV Pack mod as I write. (Very)Happy with the result, hope you will like it too.
  17. Not needed now, both camo variants working flawlessly at the same time(plus color balance and weathering improved (decalling still to be checked to see if it's possible). CMBN Panzer IVs will be updated to this "standard" after I finish this MegaPack.
  18. Panzer IV needs to be updated for Gustav Line. Don`t worry, I will make the necessary changes sometime soon. Edit: first tests show that game engine mixes Panzer IVH skirts plate sections from " Sicilian" Panzer IVH and Mainland Italy bicolored Panzer IV. It even mixes whole textures for a single tank from both theatres...I ended up with a hull from a Panzer IVH from July 1944 close to the Alps and the turret from a Panzer IVH in Catania 1943 . I THOUGHT at first it was a bug, but I think now the problem lies in the decals I added for my Fortress Italy Panzer IVH ("panzer iv-h skirt 2,3,"etc). Everytime the game loads Panzer IVH may have full skirts or skirts with one plate removed. In the latter case the decals for the skirt interfere somehow I think,...and "fill" the gap tht should have been empty with a Sicilian version ending up with a mixed odd looking Panzer. Man, modding has its headaches,...Remove the decals for the Panzer IVH and see if it works, for now,..I will upload an ALL IN Updated pack soon.
  19. Thanks guys,...work goes on,...extra dedication to this mod,..."sandgelb" mods are harder to add convincing weathering,...anyway, once 37mm variant is finished I will upload it to CMMODS.
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