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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×

A Canadian Cat

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Everything posted by A Canadian Cat

  1. Well anyone who knows me IRL would get the irony. So do the testers I'm sure. And providing additional information and attempting to refine criticism into something actionable is a good thing(tm) BTW. Frankly pointing out BS when it appears isn't bad either. Note: that does not apply to this thread but we have all seen them. If someone gets triggered by that - yawn. Again not this thread.:)
  2. Sounds like the under pants gnomes from South park. Obviously not literally since BFC *is* profitable any your steps *look* a lot more logical. But just like the gnomes there are unknowns and risks with many of those steps. In other words it is easy to say and easy to say its easy. But it is not. Steve and Charles have to decide how they want to move forward based on what they want and what challenges they want to tackle.
  3. Minute 0:58: Orders Start with cleaning up the traffic jam. This is what the orders looked like before I made adjustments. Now fixed up: A) just straighten out the move order. No need to turn back towards the right and then gain to the left. 10s pause to let the first tank get back on the road and going again C) 20s pause so the second tank has moved off before the third tank tries to move. Also the lead tank will swap positions with the recon unit so we can hit that bunker with 105. Noticed I am pausing the withdrawal of the recon element for the turn and making sure the assault gun doe snot move up this turn. I will arrange to have them sit next to each other to share intel before moving the 105 into its final position. Keep firing at the bunker on KT3.
  4. Minute 0:59-0:58: The assault guns score some MG hits but are still a bit off with the 105s. Next shots should hit home. The lead units of the infantry recon make it across the river. Still no enemy action against them. The armoured recon end up in a bit of a traffic jam. I am not sure what caused this one Armoured recon elements spot a bunker near the bridge and engage it with .50cal.
  5. That's a good summary. It's a good reminder not to confuse people complaining that thier favourite tank or other vehicle is not uber powerful with a reflection of reality.
  6. What he said and further in this context trying to share the orders with everyone trees as poles is a much better way to allow that. I will make sure the action shots are with trees on and once there is more action I'll make sure there are more too.
  7. In the orders phase screen shots - nope. In those shots I want you to be able to see the orders. I know there have been fewer good action shots this time but once the bug effecting over have the force is fixed I'll improve that.
  8. Thanks. I freehanded the contour lines. May not be perfect but I think they do the job.
  9. Minute 0:59: Orders The assault gun troop will rearrange the selves to make sure no friendlies are between them and the bunker and then open fire. The armoured recon will have to shift right to stay away from the mortar fire. Infantry recon commence the river crossing.
  10. Yes, same here. I am pretty sure they were assigned a division in the India army but I could not find details. I did not read a lot just sifted through the wikipedia pages in Italian campaign, Indian Army and the Sikh regiment. I am sure the details are out there but I had enough info for our make believe scenario.
  11. Minute 1:00-0:59: Commandant Litson only had to wait a short time after getting back into his tank to hear reports. His armoured recon came under mortar fire as soon as they reached the edge of the woods. Not long after that reports came in from members of the assault gun troop that there was a bunker observing them from the hill at KT3. We are lucky they didn't drop shells on the infantry. A quick check with Lt Col Ram Singh shows his men are not under fire and the crossing of the river is proceeding. Things begin to happen pretty much right away. The armoured recon units come under mortar fire as soon as they near their positions. The enemy must have known we were forming up (Aside: Bud sent me an email saying he was sorry for the first turn barrage – he made a mistake. Since it had little effect I said no to worry – well weave it into the story). The assault gun troop spot a bunker on the hill. The guys with the 105mm cannons are pretty much the perfect troop to spot a bunker
  12. It is a Bedford QLT TT And it has room for 29 men - plus the driver. Oh and I already raided some of the supplies from it and spread it around the unit.
  13. I'm away from my gaming computer so I cannot check the exact details. I will when I'm back from Montreal and Kingston after the long weekend. One day soon... Possibly very soon. I am avoiding showing them up close right now since theeia a bug. The model and the texture do not match so they look kinda silly in this build. As soon as I get a fix that's all you will see
  14. Various team separation bugs have been reported - and fixed over the years. Sounds like another one. There are things you can do to get them back together - as a workaround. Cancel all their move orders and give them a new one somewhere between the team members. If that doesn't work you can try leaving them order-less for a turn and try again. Or try giving them an order back to where they used to be. Typically one of these things works. Or you can frag the spit off guy - area fire with HE will do the trick. It's a little extreme but I had to do it once when the team did this trick while embarking onto a truck. You could not cancel the order because they were in the process of embarking. You could not give orders to the team or the truck. Well the truck would accept orders for but for after the passengers embarked. Since they were not going to embark... Anyway I dispatched a tank and a few rounds of HE later all was well.
  15. Minute 1:00: Orders Most of my troops are not moving right away. Here is a shot of the force in their jump off positions. Armoured recon moving towards the bridge. The recon units will take up positions in the forest along the rise and the tanks will stay on the road ready to react as needed. Infantry recon moving towards the ford. A troop of tanks are attached to provide support as needed.
  16. METT-T: Troops Order of battle 1 Battalion Pretoria Regiment, 6th Armoured Division: Comandant Litson 2IC: Major Hooker A Squadron: Major Fry 3 Troop: Lieutenant Smit 4 Troop: Lieutenant Rassau 5 Troop: Lieutenant Liebenberg 6 Troop: Lieutenant Black Headquarters Squadron: Major Erasmus Recon Troop: Lieutenant White 2 Troop (Assault gun): Lieutenant Long 24th Battalion Sikh Regiment: Lt. Col Ram Singh 2IC: Thakur Singh FO: Capt. Shabeg Singh Support Company: Major Chanda Singh Mortar Platoon: Lt. Balak Singh Carrier Platoon: Lt. Sahib Singh Pioneer Platoon: Lt. Ultar Singh A Company: 1 Platoon: Lt. Bhola Singh 2 Platoon: Lt. Bal Singh 3 Platoon: Lt. Gurmucky Singh B Company: 4 Platoon: Lt. Shagwan Singh 5 Platoon: Lt. Buta Singh 6 Platoon: Lt. Nand Singh 2nd Independent Field Squadron: Major Ghafoor 2IC: Capt. Kahn Flamethrower Section: Lance Corporal Jamil 1 Platoon: Lt. Jabbar METT-T: Time That battle is 1 hour long. I am sure we will end the battle before that due to casualties.
  17. METT-T: Enemy Enemy Intentions The enemy wants to maintain position of the high ground in this area so they can continue to conduct counter attacks into the valley. They are likely to defend this territory to the last man. Enemy Force Capabilities They have infantry with anti tank support with the possibility of armour too. Possible Order of Battle A possible combination of Luftwaffe ground forces and Gebirgsjaegers supported by some kind of armour. Enemy Strengths German AT resources are extensive. This force has had ample time to setup their defences so mines, trenches and bunkers are to be expected. During the mission setup Bud let me know that the Allies have a 3:1 armour advantage and a 2.5:1 infantry advantage. Enemy Weakness The enemy is low on fuel and will have mobility problems. I am not totally sure what that will mean in game terms but it is part of the back story Bud put together. Enemy Equipment Expect both mobile and towed AT guns. Also expect to see mines other fortifications used in the area too. Enemy Course of Action The enemy will be defending the area. If I leave my flanks exposed I may find a surprise counter attack.
  18. Possibly the same issue as this: If you think it is open a support ticket here and they will get ya sorted: Battlefront Help desk
  19. Interesting. I have not seen that. Question for you - are you playing on Iron? I ask because on Iron if a blue unit does not see another blue unit they will fire like they are not there. This can lead to what you are talking about. But so can just missing the red target too. As for CAS I have not seen that but I also make sure by air support calls are well away from my forces - learned my lesson from WW2 games not to be calling CAS anywhere near my forces.
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