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A Canadian Cat

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Posts posted by A Canadian Cat

  1. 13 minutes ago, Battlefront.com said:

    However, it is highly probable that 1.9% of Britons who voted for Brexit fit into one or more of those categories.  Russia just had to help convince them to show up and vote for Brexit for whatever reason. 

    When the margins are that close a malicious actor can actually change the outcome. The thing is even if they fail to "get the result" they still win because they have sewn division that doesn't go away. Spending time managing those divisions takes time away from paying attention to said malicious actor.

  2. 17 minutes ago, Battlefront.com said:

    There is no way to know how much Russia's influence helped push Brexit over the 50% threshold, but it was greater than zero and in the end Russia got what it wanted.  Whatever Russia spent was well invested.

    And even if it didn't push enough people to get over 50% they would have been close and the divisions would have remained a raw point in UK politics: Whatever Russia spent would still have been well invested.

    As a Canadian I hate to think what a separation referendum would be like if it were held today instead of 1995. <shudder>

  3. 1 hour ago, JonS said:

    But despite all that, despite all the rework and despite never quite being able to deliver the dream, one of the most frustrating and wasteful components of the whole programme was the extraordinary amount of time and effort we spent proving that we weren't wasting either time or effort. And that was necessary primarily because of all the people out there who think that "the bureaucracy" is the problem.

    Now that is poetry. Sad poetry but that usually is the best kind.

  4. OK I see. I may have not twigged to the fact that you guys are trying to fix a bug here.

    So, I know that BFC wants to fix bugs. I realize that some people have pointed out it doesn't happen fast. Sure I can understand that feeling sometimes. In the end I think there are two issues:

    1) For clarity for me (and any other tester) can you point me to where the bugs were reported for these issues. I care about the bugs and getting them reported. I do not care about hacked models that people propose as a fix. Sorry not trying to sound harsh but the fact of the matter is all I can do is report bugs and remind people they exist. Other people fix them and they will do their own thing. They may or may not be reported already. If they are not I will report them. I'm on theBlitz, the Steam forums and The Few Good Men so links to threads here there or anywhere is all I'm looking for.

    Yes, I read many many threads here but I do not have enough time to reproduce every bug like thing that gets talked about. The vast, vast majority of things people complain about are not bugs at all so I've given up chasing stuff that just gets mentioned and is not clear. I spend my time testing things myself or chasing issues that sound suspicious to me. Now you guys have done way more than that most on this topic so I'm paying attention now 🙂 I cannot speak for other testers but I am pretty sure they don't have time to chase ghosts on forums either.

    2) Regarding people using mods that change behaviour. I have no idea how much effort BFC would want to invest on that topic. That would be very much a separate thing so lets start with a list of reports from #1 I know I can get those reported. As for protecting us from rouge mods I'll have a chat with Steve and let him know about these discussions and leave it him to ponder. That issue is way above my pay grade here.


  5. 33 minutes ago, laurent 22 said:

    Conclusion: The PBEM are disturbed by these mods. This problem must be reported to @Battlefront.com. I'm not sure but it seems the mod works for both players even if one of them doesn't have it. These mods don't give benefits to players but they are necessary, I don't want to uninstall them.

    How is this a problem for BFC to fix? Should they prevent the game from running if there are animation or model mods? If the mods don't give benefits why do you believe they are necessary?


    33 minutes ago, laurent 22 said:

    - If the player whith mod starts the PBEM, the mod works for both of them for the whole game.

    - If the player withtout the mod starts the PBEM, the mod doesn't work for either player.

    It would therefore be necessary for BF.C to officially correct this problem so that everyone is equal.

    Sounds like both players are equal. This is behaving as expected. In Combat Mission, for PBEM, one player's machine calculates the game turn and all that happens. Then both players see the action as calculated. The expectation is that what happened will match what both players see. The fact that one player has different animation or model mods is not something that was planned for and changing that will be challenging - only allow PBEM partners who have the same mods to play? How will that be achieved and what support issues will that generate?


    33 minutes ago, laurent 22 said:

    Some mods with the "ani" files also break tactical AI and PBEM, but they aren't necessary.

    You can see the discussion here:


    I agree we should not be playing with these mods. They effect the game and is sounds like in a few cases it effects them in an odd way that I would not have expected (talking about the tac AI movement delays). That means these mods should not be used by anyone. I'm not sure if we want the game to be rejecting some mods over others or if we really want the expense of the games comparing mods and rejecting mismatches. That would mean I could not play with my icon mod if you are not. That sounds like a terrible experience. Even if we restrict it to animation and model mods there is still an additional negotiation that would have to happen between players to verify that they are using the same models and animations. That is a ton of work, will slow things down and introduce a lot of potential for support issues and bugs.

  6. 9 hours ago, Ithikial_AU said:

    - Nationalism / Territorial - "I disagree with you owning that piece of land"

    - Ideological - "I disagree with the way you think and do things"

    - Ethnic - "I disagree with your religion, language, upbringing, race... I disagree with who you are."

    The hope of course was that increased exposure to other ideas and people would mean the differences would be less important. The issue is that it can help with the ethnic differences (we really can learn to get along), perhaps a small amount with ideology (right up until the ideological leaders say peaceful disagreement is not allowed) but not a damn bit with nationalism.

    So, it turns out it's not enough.


    9 hours ago, Ithikial_AU said:

    Mark Twain may have been right all along... "The more I learn about people, the more I like my dog." :(

    Yeah, sigh.

  7. 10 hours ago, Warts &#x27;n&#x27; all said:

    The short answer is "No" campaigns can't be played H2H. It is something that has been discussed many times over the years, but it doesn't appear to me that BFC have any plans to change the way campaigns work.

    All correct. The system is not too far off but the number of players who play H2H is a fraction of the number of players who play against the AI and they see the number who would play a campaign via PBEM as a fraction of that. So, it's just never percolated up high enough in priority for them to spend time on.

    I personally would love it so I bring it up from time to time.

  8. 1 hour ago, Battlefront.com said:

    I can think of no examples of re-engineering a country without militarily occupying it.  WW1 Germany and post-1990 Russia are good examples of unsuccessful attempts to influence things positively from the outside.  Much of the rest of the world's troubled countries also have pretty poor results to show for themselves.

    That was my thought too.

    1 hour ago, Battlefront.com said:

    The lesson here is that the best chance of success comes from countries where the people within fully sign onto positive change, they lead the pursuit of change themselves, and they voluntarily seek good outside partnerships to get them there.

    Yep. Even @The_Capt's and my success examples of occupied countries it was the motivation of the citizens that made the difference.

    1 hour ago, Battlefront.com said:

      I see no hope of Russia being one of those states any time soon if ever.

    Any time soon is bleak. I worry about ever but forever is a long time.

  9. Agreed it depends on context. Some tournaments frown on cease firing other opponents it's pretty normal. Personally, when I'm playing some one new or have not really discussed things with a recurring opponent, once I get to the place where I'm toast I set the cease fire and tell them I have done so and let them know they can end the game when every the feel like they have accomplished enough.

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