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Posts posted by herr_oberst

  1. Homebrew machine:

    Win7 Home Premium 64-bit

    AMD Phenom II X4 940, 3Ghz

    8 GB PC2700 (2x4)

    Gigabyte MA790X-UD4P mobo

    ATI Radeon 4850, 512MB DDR3

    v1.01 CMBN, No Mods




    v1.10 CMBN, No Mods (yes, I just loaded the 1.10 patch this evening)




    Downloading some mods now... I'll edit this post after installing.



    33.7 (so no real effects even with 380MB of mods installed to z)

    And surprising to me:

    2011 Mac mini

    OS X Lion

    Intel Core i5, 2.6 Ghz

    8 GB 1333 DDR3 (2x4)

    AMD Radeon HD 6630M (measly 256MB video ram)

    v1.10 CW, No Mods




    I thought Juju's SSD's were going to spank any spindle based drives, no matter what.

  2. Shall we benchmark?

    I have 24 mods installed. Mostly small ones, but also a lot of sound files (Mord's/Dietrich's, both packed, another unpacked 200 sound files in folders). No terrain mods.

    That's 476 MB, spread over 844 loose files (145MB) and 18 .brz's (331MB).

    Load times on 'A Delaying Action,' Axis. With mods installed.

    1st run - 34 sec.

    2nd run - 29 sec.

    3rd run - 29 sec.

    Load times on 'A Delaying Action,' Axis. Without mods installed.

    1st run - 32 sec.

    2nd run - 28 sec.

    3rd run - 28 sec.

    You'll have to compare those times based on the hardware underneath if you want to compare some aspects. Individually, on the same box, the numbers are valid, but I wonder if there are other things that might be at work... (I'm curious where the work occurs)

    Hard drive: SSD? SATA? EIDE? 10,000RPM, 7200RPM, or 5400RPM?

    System memory: ? (used by default for caching/read-ahead)

    CPU: ? (cores and speed - speed mainly)

    I'll run a test this evening on my Windows box:

    CPU: AMD Phenom II X4 quad-core 3.0Ghz

    HDD: SATA3 7200RPM

    RAM: 8 GB RAM

  3. They have two items of kit: every soldier gets equipped with "one each, lip, upper, stiff". Additionally, every Regimental Sergeant Major has a mustache of incredible dimension and work. Given sufficient enemy resistance, the RSM can cause his mustache to actually quiver while he stares about at the lads who have failed to beat the boche. Said quivering RSM mustache is enough to motivate the men to superhuman feats of arms.

    Quite the advantage. (The officers' upper class accent doesn't even need mentioning.)

    Oh my God (Och mein gott?). Damn you. Cracked ribs, and you made me laugh for a solid 15 seconds. Bastarrd...

  4. I don't think there's any additional fixing going into the patch...

    The intent of the new module release is the new module content, and any possible fixes. Next step is to factor out the new content and release just the fixes as a patch for those not purchasing the module.

    Exactly as I would do it were I doing the planning. After all, the folks buying the next module have antied up additional revenue for the company.

    If BFC were really trying to wrest all the money they could from you, they wouldn't offer the patch without the content.

    If some fraction of folks don't have the patience to wait, well, that's just a bonus for them if you buy the module to get the fixes.

    Having been involved as a customer of BFC since my pre-order for CMBO waaaay back when, I have no issues with how they run their delivery schedule.

  5. This has doubtlessly been brought up before, but what would be wrong with implementing the old system for melee where there's a smacking sound and two soldiers fall over dead on one side, then another smacking sound and maybe one soldier on the other side falls over, etc etc until one side gives up or is annihilated?

    As mentioned above, abstracting it out to a sheer numbers game might be the cleanest and easiest approach.

    [ serious off]

    I vote for sound effects from the old 'Three Stooges' show.

    The occasional slap, poke, or bonk noise with pixeltruppen falling down... an instant classic.

    If we're going to abstract it, you might as well have fun.

    [serious on]

  6. I know this scenario has been beat to death but my question is, why would anyone design a scenario like this? Whats the purpose? I have been attempting it over and over again for a week

    I think it was 7 attempts for me before I finally finished in what I considered 'good order'. (My idea of what 'good order' meant kept getting downgraded after each of the first 4 or 5 attempts. Sixth was almost a win, but for a stoopid error on my part.

    But don't give up on it, it's just one more challenge to be surmounted. While it can be extremely aggravating at times, that's precisely what produces a feeling of satisfaction when you do finally triumph.

  7. Thanks for all the replies, the real selling point, for me, is the repeated use of the word challenge, like a good little Lutheran I will suffer the ordeal of CM2, for the good of my gaming soul.

    In that case, by all means buy CMBN, and launch the "Courage and Fortitude" campaign right off the bat, no training mission, no practice battles, nada. Just dive into the thick of it.

    Maybe challenge isn't the word for it... perhaps scourged instead.

  8. I ordered the Downlooad+CD and a couple books from the library,on German squad tactics,and British Tank warfare. It will be a nice change to get out of the bo'cage terrain for a while...

    Don't know if it is still in print or not, but I have a nice book from JJ Fedorowicz Publishing. "Panzertaktik: German Small-Unit Armor Tactics". Lots of unit histories as well.

    Just ordered "Das Reich IV" as my next unit history reading in the series... Kharkov and the Mius River battles. How long do I have to wait until BF gets the CMBN series to the Eastern Front?

  9. I'm getting really tired of tackling one layer of a defense, only to be shredded by the second and having to reload.

    Umm... isn't that the entire notion of 'defense in depth'? Mutually supporting positions, etc? IIRC, it was SOP for Germans to register their own front line positions with the arty in case they were lost (and some scenario/campaign designers use that to brutal effectiveness).

    I *try* to use a 2/3 up, 1/3 back attack, and 'scout, assault, consolidate, repeat'. And there is usually plenty of time in a battle, and I have to remind myself to slow down...

  10. Ok Phil Stanbridge, I'll continue with "Panzer Marsch" and I'll see if I can finish "Courage and Fortitude" before the module release.

    Bah... Courage & Fortitude is absolutely awesome... first campaign chosen, and after working through 'Hill & Dale' a couple of times to learn the new game mechanics, UI, and play, never looked back.

    To use some MMORPG terminology, I 'wiped' a number of times on the second battle, the worst being near the end of the battle with a particularly stupid maneuver. Still, a fine set of battles, and worth the challenge. Aptly named, I have tried a few others, but that remains my favorite.

  11. Hotkeys bad.

    Mouse good.

    I do things wrong almost every time I use hotkeys. With the mouse I am forced to LOOK at what I am doing.

    I only have to abandon a gun once to learn that lesson. ;)

    Or dismount your Panther/Tiger right before that kill shot opportunity comes along... not that I've ever done that, no siree...

  12. I am having the most outrageously difficult time with this campaign. I have been playing CM games since way back and this one has be flummoxed.

    I am trying to avoid being gamey at the start and assuming the enemy is looking at the deployment area and popping smoke and running like a jackrabbit to get position and find cover.

    For the life of me, I cannot deploy at all without getting aired out no matter where I try to go.

    The first map seems bent on making any kind of movement next to impossible. I am open to suggestions.

    First battle (Hill and Dale)

    Hide your armor early, and I sneak about 2/3 of my Inf up the right to crack their line. enginers help to breach bocage where you want. 8 dead, 12 wounded, no vehicles lost. Advancing over the crest on your side of the valley silhouettes you nicely for the Jerries - bad idea.

  13. And whether they continue to expand Battle for Normandy or decide to move on to another theatre or another war I have to say I am really craving some eastern front action on the Combat Mission x2 engine. I want to command soviet soldiers in high intensity urban warfare on the CMx2 engine.

    Ooh, but first I want to play some 1943 action around the Mius river bend in Summer of 1943 with the II SS and III Panzerkorps.

    I've been thinking of a campaign based on Nipe's book, and scans of captured maps from the Gerasimowa, Stepanowka, Marinowka area (L-37-6-A,B,C and D, 1:50000, Truppenausgabe from the Library of Congress Maps room).

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