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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Posts posted by herr_oberst

  1. Any suggestions? Or am I just in over my head? I think I'm using most of my capabilities (even popped some smoke). The AT guns keep knocking out my Shermans and I can't maneuver my infantry close enough to support without them getting pinned down and wiped out.

    And I did play the old CM games (BO, BB, and AK), so I've got some feel of the usual tactics.

    Smoke if you got 'em. Seriously, use the smoke to cover your advance of the armor.

  2. I am still reading this cr#p, but I am not sure why.

    What I am not doing is playing enough CMBN. Marlow, if you are pinned by a large boulder, it is time to break out the pocket knife and free yourself. Don't worry if it is your head that is pinned -- removal would be a great improvement.

    You are still reading this crap because I think you haven't quite grasped the concept of "movement" in CMBM.

    You know, that's where you select a unit and tell it to move towards your opponent's likely positions.

    True, true, your pixeltruppen did manage to get a shot at one of my units, but I think that is more a byproduct of their getting lost on the way to the latrine and just having some "good 'ol boy fun".

    I'm about done with this "careful planning and tactical tweaking" they must beat into your squirrel brain with an old shoe over in House Rune... to borrow a phrase from your Allied limey friends... "Tally ho!"

  3. Damnable QA staff insisting that my twiddling the start dates of a process don't qualify as a true true test of the software when a recurring process spans days.. so here I sit Remote Desktopped to my machine at work Remote Desktopped to a server at work, just to watch a recurring process run across the midnight boundary. Bastidges!

    I could instead be pouncing on Chainsaw's poor pixeltruppen who had the temerity to fire on the unter-shutzen I sent out in a kubelwagen on a Schnapps run to the local town.

    You know, you can't just buff out those holes in the doors.

    Ther'll be hell to pay for that one I tell you...

  4. Razorback Ridge: Since that is the only one I disected minutely, I want to mention something that you may appreciate: It looks as though the german flanking units come onto the board in stages. If that is true (anyone can confirm that?) it means that the clever scenario designer was giving an ingenious defense to the germans from artillery--if you hit a flank early and hard with artillery, you still would not permanently silence that flank. If that was the intent, it is devilish.

    What some call devilish, others would call genius... as much anger and angst as those scenarios have caused (is inflicted a better word?), I still love those battles.

    At one point, I finally got back to those trenches in #3 and took them with a full platoon, only to be plastered by arty the next turn. As I cursed the designer for his smarts, and myself for such a stupid move (it WAS standard German doctrine to register their own positions just in case they were lost and I know that), still my regard for the scenario designer just keeps going up. [i assume he had an FO hiding at the back of the map with a CA and maybe a TRP covering the trenches].

    Perhaps evil genius is a better term... still, if I ever meet him, I owe him at beer at the very least.

  5. Yes, all these claims about how drastically some of the bugs are affecting the outcomes of peoples games are completely overblown IMO.

    To say nothing about the fact that it ISNT 'hey mine do this while yours do that". If everyone is playing with the same software abilities or liabilities, then deal with it, adapt your tactics, use your grey matter.

  6. On that float was an old man, grey haired and stooped, but wearing the uniform of a WWII veteran of the 101st Airborne. He waved to the crowd and I don't mind telling you that I had a tear in my eye knowing what he did for his country and his state and his town.

    Yet MY service here is ignored in favor of scurrilous ageism.


    We honor each according to his merit... for that 101st vet, my hat is off with deep respect.

    For you, well, I'll just move to the sidewalk on the other side of the street and avoid making eye contact.

  7. Blackhand:

    Are you trying to run the tanks through the swamp? I'm at a loss as to why you are having such complete cluster!@#$ with those tanks. Long move orders from wherever you start them with one waypoint on this side of the bridge (on the road), then one more waypoint on the other side of the bridge (on the road), then one more hard to the right to clear the road for all the follow on tanks..

    Agreed. I plot a waypoint on the road right before the bridge, then one on the opposite side past the bridge. Column formation with a good four 'tank lengths' between units so they dont all start/stop, and I've moved all four across in a single turn (WeGo player here).

    The squishies I route to the right of the bridge right down at the waterline around to the right. Break the squads into teams and space them a bit so they don't bunch too tightly and smoke 'em if you got 'em to provide some cover from directed fire (and possibly save yourself from a TRP surprise).

    I like this battle because it is such a challenge. Attacking it again tonight - yes I have lost almost two whole platoons to my bad timing on one go, and I have lost 3 of my 4 tanks when I advanced too quickly in the open on another go. But live and learn, and improve. PaperTiger makes some incredibly good maps and battles.

    Over Hill, Down Dale was a piece of cake compared to this (replayed that one last night to see if I've learned anything, and pulled a 1000 to 10 Total Victory w/8 killed, 7 wounded, no armor/vehicle losses). I still suck at getting my MGs into good positions, but have learned to slow down a bit and be more careful about positioning and, shocker, combined arms, 'cause he positions the OpFor exceedingly well.

  8. If the tiny stuff is too hard to handle, perhaps you need to think bigger...

    How's about a 1/16th Scale Tiger? Although if I remember correctly, you have to build the tracks from links... maybe a neighborhood kid would do it.


    Tamiya has put incredible power and versatility of the German Tiger I in your fingertips with this 1/16 scale, fully functional R/C tank. Just some of the many functions this tank is capable of have been recorded in the video clips below. First check out the firing of the main cannon, complete with true to life flash and cannon recoil. The shot is so powerful that it actually causes the tank itself to recoil, just like the full size Tiger I. Then, click on the next image to see the cannon rotate, tracking down the enemy and preparing to fire. Next is the firing of the authentically recreated 7.92mm MG34 machine gun! Finally, take a gander at how the Tiger I moves on its durable resin and metal tracks. (Please understand that downloading images may take some time.)

    *1/16 scale Radio Controlled Assembly Model Kit (overall length: 530mm, overall width: 232mm)

    *A four-channel RC unit is necessary to operate this kit. Two 7.2V Tamiya Racing Packs (or equivalent) and charger are also required.

  9. I struggle with effectively using mortars. They are the biggest pain to, as someone said, work into the momentum of the game. They are always out of communication, taking forever to set up, doing their hair-- whatever, half the time I can't get the prima-donna's to do any work.

    Mortars I have less trouble with... it's the remainder of the weapons company that gets unused.

    Seems like each time I get the MGs situated, the momentum of the battle now has them out of LOS of where I'd like them to be firing.

    So I try to leave them farther back for suppressive fire, and try to remember to watch each turn back at their position so I can get them to evade any incoming arty barrages.

  10. Gamey Updates

    Busssaw v. NG_Cavscout II

    Having been given a very defensible crossroads to protect, Cavscount proceeded to shed almost my entire force.

    That must be one BIG shed he corralled all you men into... vehicles too?

    Buzzsaw v. Herr Oberst, Blood Hamster Feud, House Rune (provisional) v. Shavian House)

    ... Crossing the first bridge on the map is proving a little too difficult...

    Agreed... BFC, did you guys remember to model headlights on these AFVs? Even those little slit thingies? Cripes, I think some of my hamstertruppen went to the Hellen Keller Driving School...

  11. It's called a Blood Hamster match damnit, you should know that.

    If it weren't for the Justicariate of the Peng Challenge Thread and our unceasing attention to the traditions of the CessPool as a Hole this thread would drift off course, throw a shoe and lose an engine.


    Speaking of Blood Hamster matches... in House Rune vs The Shaved House our hamsters are unblooded... and still attempting to sniff each other out in the dark.

    This might just turn into an ugly armored knife-fight in the dark, which I'm sure will keep all of you quite entertained, much like peasant rabble populating the ancient Roman coliseum.

    The win is likely to go to he whose hamsters happen to have their main guns pointed in the right direction at the point where contact is made.

    In the finest of Shavian House traditions, I can feel my 'gamey' gene starting to kick in. To lie in wait? To stealthily advance? To dismount all my armor and be sneaksy with the crews, hugging the map edge as my hamsters infiltrate his position? Who knows?

  12. Roger that - perhaps that is one of my main problems. But I rarely find I have enough time to investigate everything - and in this campaign I am awarded for enemy kills as well as objectives.

    The only time to NOT listen to the "Take your time" approach is when you see a spotting round land near your troops. Time to beat feet and get the heck out.

    When approaching obvious choke points, I try to split my squads and string them out (using pause commands) while issuing either fast or quick movement orders.

    The Courage and Fortitude campaign has a great "massacre you to make the point" instructional battle involving a certain beloved bridge... no shame in restarting that one several times.

    My own results from attempts at this battle vary from losing two full platoons in 30 seconds to a killer barrage to sneaking my first 70 or so troops past it pretty cleanly. I keep going back to that saved game just to practice and try to engineer an 'optimal' outcome. Tons of fun.

  13. Dangit Elvis, and your mad Achilles rush..... oh yeah, shhhhhhh those here are not worthy...


    Oh cool... I always thought they could adopt this engine to a more ancient venue... but how could one Greek hero of the Trojan war wielding a sword do much to your troops.

    Oh that's right. You are commanding them... perhaps you should just mail it in and let the Tac AI do all your work for you.

  14. I say that there are four types of CM player.

    1/ The type that don't care if they win and don't care how they do it.

    2/ The type that do care if they win and don't care how they do it.

    3/ The type that don't care if they win and do care how they do it.

    4/ The type that do care if they win and do care how they do it.

    So you can either be a don't don't, a do don't, a don't do or a do do ?...........i'm a do do, what are you ? :)

    I'd be a "Do-Do", although my play sometimes resembles doodoo...

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