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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Posts posted by herr_oberst

  1. All, since we shall not make fun of his lack of computer, may I suggest we all pitch in our $20s and buy Boo a clue? Nothing fancy, a small clue will do, it would be much more then what he has now.


    I'm pretty sure we could find a used copy of "Boo's Clues" out there on Amazon or somewhere for a good deal less than $20... might be a bit of a scratch and dent sale, but it's not like we think he'll actually use it...

  2. Can someone give me an idea what the difference between strict and loose?



    Strict is the wife... loose are the women you ogle... :D

    Seriously, points are points... spend them as you will. In a QB, decide on a force composition that is acceptable, and if you're the Amis, bet on encountering a big cat. You'll come up with something effective. They can't hit what they can't see. Even in CMBO, there were ways to deal with them as the Allies. Once they're ID'd, you use the terrain. Of course, if you're playing a meeting engagement on a virtual pool table, you're screwed, so agree to (insist upon?) a map preview before selecting.

    Masochists may chose a blind computer-pick, which also has its place, it all depends on what you are up for.

  3. As someone who has some knowledge of where steel prices have gone over the past few years (for example, my steel roof on my house!)


    Ah-ha! The truth is come out! CMBN costs so much to let Steve recoup the cost of his designer steel roof! Had he picked asphalt shingles, CMBN would have only been $59 USD...

    Of course, if he runs into serious trouble with repairs, he can always pry loose a few shingles to patch up the Weasel. Always thinking ahead, that man...

  4. Yes, not much armored train combat in the Western Europe that I recall ever reading. Film clips of FB attacks on transport train, yes, but that would be an entirely different game, no?

    But assaulting an armored train in the Eastern Front module would be very interesting... boxcars with T-34 turrets atop... Mmmm...

  5. My Schrek crew that pushed the bounds of geometry. 238 meters to the Sherman, and they land a TOP TURRET hit.

    "Well Hans, if we angle the shot like this, then we let the kinetic energy of the round carry it forward, and hit the weaker top armor. You know, I used to be in a mortar crew, so firing a schrek at 60 degrees isn't all that different..."

  6. Guys, play it two or three times and note how the AI makes different attacks . . . This one really shows the replayability of scenarios in CMBN!


    Two of three? How's about 5?

    Luck definitely plays a factor. Last game was a 500 to 0 Total German victory. I prefer to think of this one as 'command expertise... no luck involved whatsoever... I did lose 10 Hamstertruppen, and 8 wounded, but the Allied destruction was pretty merciless.

    Of course, the game before, I hunted with Barkmann (similar plan on my part, very different tactics from the Allies), and even the Panther can't really outdo 5-1 odds at a near range. Sound close to historical to you? (on turn 25 no less). After that, it was the Allied steamroller.

    Maybe now its time to move on to another scenario.

  7. But this does bring up a point that crews should retreat off the map, when ever possible and not and I mean NOT attack enemy armor with a pistol.

    Playing Barkmann's Corner, I did have a number of "seemingly enraged" US armor crews take up the offensive with their hand weapons.

    I thought I heard them yelling something like "That gamey bastard, he's got a Panther! Let's get him!"

  8. If Gawd had intended for mortal men to have quick download speeds then he'd have built DL accelerators into everything.

    10 minutes to go ...


    Fixed that quite for ya...

    But Gawd needed to account for the speed of Joe's hamster wheel brain tapping his foot in time to the download byte count. Got a cramp yet old man?

    7 minutes start to finish. Mein Gott, I was installed, up and running, driving Herr Barkmann's Panther in 10 minutes, knocking out Shermans.

  9. Like many in this thread (I think) I am tired of the whiners who do nothing but complain about what they don't have... Open your eyes and see what you do have! Just because you bought a game does not entitle you to demand that all your wants and desires be satisfied.

    I'm not a modern war guy (kills from a bazillion yards are crazy - unless it's an uber-kitty), and never bought into the CMSF series, but waited until BF came back to the time period I prefer. While it may not be for you gripers, CMBN is the next step, and I praise BF for coming back to WWII. Would I like to see the Eastern Front next? Damn straight. Am I going to piss and moan if the next evolution doesn't have just what I want? No, because it isn't my company, and it isn't my business plan.

    BF, rock on, I for one love what you are doing. Don't let the naysayers get you down.

  10. Win 7 64-bit Home Premium

    ATI Radeon 4850, just updated driver to 8.821.0.0

    AMD Phenom II X4 940

    8 GB RAM

    I haven't tested this video driver version yet. The prior driver version 8.791.0.0 experienced the issue. CMBN exe camped out on 1 core after exiting the final screen.

    UPDATE: Updating the video driver resolved my game exit issue. It also corrected an issue where I couldn't see the majority of the tools in the map editor (i.e., nothing over on the left. The option I was hovering over would appear, but disappear after I moved the pointer away. No tile "samples" would appear below the options either.

    Perhaps something to post in the Support Forums for CMBN - latest drivers for ATI is a good thing.

  11. yes i know... at the easiest setting. :o

    I had a slightly different purpose, same result.

    In all fairness (to me, ahem), I was playing to see the game... I wanted gunfire, running, screaming, some dying, and oh yeah, some 'splody things too!

    I was not disappointed... some observations:

    a) gonna take some time to learn the new UI

    B) none of my pixeltruppen had the opportunity to shave any time recently

    c) the tank drivers feel like they are teenage hot rodders, lots of engine revving, start fast, stop fast

    oh, and

    d) 1:45am is not the time to try out the 5.1 speaker system appropriated from the family room. Not when your armor make a run for fun, and meets its expected demise. No sireee...

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