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Posts posted by Stagler

  1. What capabilities are in doubt? Its an mbt, it's going to do the same as most other mbts. The only significant step change that everyone on here has a face on about is the unmanned turret. It has a better sabotted projectile capability (which there is even less data about) but other than that I don't see its performance being that different from other Russian mbt besides crew survivability.

    Don't insult my intelligence matey, nobody is talking ninja robots here.

  2. There is a lot more to than just producing a few tanks. Spares, training, acceptance trials, deployment development, etc. Again, we are talking about a tank that no one has even seen official line drawings on. It is supposedly deplyed to a parade unit that was not even at a parade rehearsal. There are articles already circulating about numbers being cut back on procurement. It does not bode well.

    Just because nobody on the internet has seen it doesn't mean that all that hasn't already been done you know wood :)

    In two years time we can come back to this thread and either weep at t-14 not being ingame as it drives across our screens on tvzvezda articles, or rejoice in indefatigable murican battlefield superiority in cmbs.

  3. If the Armata is actually produced and fielded within the next year then we will include it. If it is another Black Eagle then we will not.



    Its not planned to be fielded until 2017. Production to equip all Russian armed forces with T-14 would not be possible until post that date anyway. First unit to receive T-14 incidentally is set to be the one equipped with T-80U still, the 4th Guards Tank Div which is western facing being based at Naro-forminsk.


    I also don't remember T-80UM2 or Obr-195 being shown at May Day Parade. Infact, I can remember no things shown at any May Day Parade that were never brought into service. For someone who places a lot of faith in history then surely all indicators point in that direction. They built two T-80UM2 in five years, they have built upward of ten T-14 in less than two for the prototype run - significant difference.

  4. The 30mm on the 2a72 would be saboted so it would negate the effect of the ERA on the Bradley.

    Yes BMP-3 is made of paper, but how much better off is the Bradley?


    As an aside where was the Bradley getting hit? I think its the unfortunate Bradley model that the AI targets targets the hardest parts due to the aiming mechanic, If the BMP-3 was firing at the turret then im sure it would be different.

    Hopefully we can see a few more versions of the 3M in later expansions, like this one with Bakchka-U and Composite armour addons. Gurdy is working on this for us at RHS at the moment. Seems to be an older turret module as it lacks the commanders independent viewer.



  5. We're focusing on the combat damage because that's what's sexy, but from my exposure to both yankee imperialist and foreign designs, no armored vehicle is immune to breakdowns or mechanical malfunctions on a good day.  There's a lot that can go firepower kill level wrong in a turret, that a crew can fix in a few seconds.  An unmanned turret, especially one completely isolated from the crew seems to just be asking for broken wires, faulty sensors and the like to take a tank out of the fight but hard.


    Not at all. I am at a loss to why they put the damn ammunition in the hull of the vehicle again. Bustle all the way.

  6. And I think you're neglecting the flaming hunks of metal that'd be rattling around, or the amount of force exerted on the turret while stopping a full on sabot strike.

    Rattling around in where though? The force of the sabot exerted on minimal material would let the sabot pass through surely. They don't explode do they now?

    The concept is untested on the battlefield but not otherwise untested. But to completely neglect it's capability is also a bad position to take.

  7. I think someone doesn't appreciate what a good penetration looks like, or understands what receiving end damage dynamics look like.  


    Not really.




    You aren't getting what I am saying. Read my old post thoroughly.

    If there is nothing to hit but empty metal with nothing on the other side or ERA mountings then nothing will happen. The round will probably just carry on out the other side out the back of turret. The turret wont have much inside, unlike normal tanks. When we get a proper picture I will scrawl on it and demonstrate.



    I'm imagining it taking a sabot like any other turret and being a firepower/mission kill.  It'll still be visible enough on thermal, and the FCS on most modern tanks can strike a target of that size just as well as an Abrams sized turret.  Crew might be okay maybe.  


    As I said though man theres more redundant enert space for the sabot to pass through if hit frontally. Sensor is only one portion. Weapon is only one portion. There is a whole two areas around this that are just for ERA mounting. It would have to be well aimed at the weapon system or sensor to achieve an M kill. You couldn't get away with bopping anywhere on the turret and letting the spalling and internal shock turn the crew to porridge and beans as you can with basically any other tank.

  9. I wrote a tool that can parse mdr files and extract the vertex indices, vertex positions and vertex UVs. This info gets dumped to Wavefront OBJ format so that I can view the models in a 3D editor (I use Blender).


    Ah Blender. Cool beans.

    This tool does sound promising.


    Id be careful friend. Some people will see this as an attempt to usurp their IP and shut you down.

  10. On T-14, top attack will only be at its most effective if it detonates over the crew compartment. There is a lot of inert space on the T-14 it seems. Top attack would probably cause weapon subsystem failure at worst, and M-Kill or ammunition storage detonation at best. Still the crew could probably drive the tank away after this or get out themselves. It is probably quite short work to drop in another modular turret after this.

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