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Posts posted by Stagler

  1. Nona-SVK (as opposed to Nona-S (aka 2S9)) is not in service with VDV. Some have been supplied to the Naval Infantry (as you correctly point out), but most are intended to supplement the BTR-based brigades (ie. 15th Peacekeeping brigade). However I do agree with your general premise that its AT capacity is purely for self-defense and should not be relied on for any offensive (or even defensive) missions.


    Meh depends where you ask.




    Nona is a versatile mortar/light arty system, it is not intended to be used against tanks.



    Can be, but I wouldnt if I was a gunner on the platform.


    Nona-SVK is only in service with VDV and Morpeh anyway. So its likely that only a small number are in service, but they are nothing to do with anti-tank. BTR formations have the integral AT formation for that. Or the tanks that would likely be attached in any combat situation as the formation operates as either a BTG based around the BTR unit or as part of the MRR.

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