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Posts posted by Stagler

  1. The SGT York and MBT-70 are still well illustrative of the US procurement system because both are problems that might have change a bit, but have not really gone away.  The Black Eagle, KA-50, MI-28 etc, etc are all still really good examples of high end Soviet/Russian stuff that either does not come to fruition at all, or is accepted as the "standard" platform but still in practice amounts to a fraction of the fleet.


    If something had dramatically changed about Russian procurement, or the Russian economy then you'd have a point, but time and time alone does not render a point moot, and the same factors that made the Black Eagle fantasy strongly influence Russian procurement today.  


    I wouldn't compare Black Eagle and Ka-50 or Mi-28. The latter have numbers in service, there are 59 Mi-28N in service with VVS, Ka-50K has just been taken into service in the last 6 months with the VMF. The reason more haven't been built is because Mi-24PN/Mi-35M have the same if not better capability as Mi-28N for less than half the price of a buying new helicopter. It can carry the same AT-9, has parts of the same avionics and rotor engine upgrades, has OPS-24N FLIR, and arguably has better utility and survivability.


    Russian procurement has been the same since the start of the Cold War, old kit gets passed onto second echelon units, then third, then mothballed, sold or scrapped. As I have stated a few times before, one brigade will receive the new kit first, and its stuff will be passed on or mothballed. They will not equip the entire land forces all at once.

  2. Turret ejection charge.  It refers to the tendency of T-72 turrets to pop off and fly some distance if the autoloader's rounds cook off.  



    Like, BBC, CNN etc get a lot of military stuff wrong, but that's because most of the time they're simply not at all educated in military matters outside having watched "The Longest Day" once.  They get it wrong because often they do not know better, and they're still capable of filtering blatent propoganda sometimes, or asking uncomfortable questions.  Russia's media is a wholly state owned and operated enterprise.  It's only purpose is to belt out Russia power supreme HATO dogs lust for intercourse with our mother soil Latvia wants to join Russia! at max volume.  It tends to dramatic stinkers like SU-24s shutting down the entire US fleet and half the dastardly HATO military resigning because Russia will kill all with microwave Putin-gun, while CNN simply cannot tell a tank from some brands of large SUVs, but will still raise the WTF flag if polite men in ACUs suddenly appear in British Columbia to prevent French Canadian Nazi-Racists from harming our Anglo-heritage brothers!


    SU-24 not defeat the entire US fleet? Sounds like anti-motherland HATO propaganda to me!

  3. A note. I know that some Russians get upset with criticism and skepticism about stuff like Armata. Unfortunately, much of it is what we call "self inflicted wounds". RT is a state controlled media outlet that is, in no small way, a direct mouthpiece for the Kremlin leadership. When they publish something so obviously "out to lunch", it definitely undermines the credibility of official positions of the Kremlin not to mention unofficial ones.

    To be fair, I am well aware that some bad information is deliberately broadcast as part of a disinformation policy. The best way to make an enemy underestimate your capabilities is to make sure they are never sure what is truth and what is fiction. It is quite effective. Which is why we refuse to make any decisions about what goes into CMBS, or how it goes in, until we get solid information. To do otherwise would be extremely irresponsible to you guys.



    A fair shout.

  4. The 25mm Bushmaster will still penetrate the side hull of a T-90 under 1000 meters. IIRC, the side hull on the T-90 is only 60mm thick and 25mm APFSDS DU penetrates 100mm at the muzzle.


    Back third yes, front third covered by Kontakt-5 and steel plating. Maybe not on first shots before package has detonated. Driver is safe, gunner, commander, and magazine is not. Sigh.


  5. Moar photos









    Shiny lights are shiny. We can see crew layout a bit better here. We can also see the thickness of the drivers lid. Looks more than other T- series.


    RE New Main gun: Its 2A82 certainly has more muzzle velocity than its predecessors and its main point is it can take longer sabot projectiles.

  6. Yes. Stagler not only forgot about the standard for inclusion, but he forgot what was actually said about the parade. To paraphrase people like you and me, the reaction was:

    "Parade, shamade. Big whooooopty do!"

    In other words, being in the parade or not means absolutely nothing in terms important to game inclusion decision making. It could have been in last year's parade for all I care.



    Hang on a second. Who is talking about Armata or parades here? I think you might have this thread mixed up with the other one.


    Everyone is talking about Afganit APS. I even said it wouldn't get put on old platforms.


    I think someone's generalisation of the capability Russian economy is wrong, I said as such. The point of my question marks is that nobody will know what will happen tomorrow, never mind forecasting to 2017.


    Chill your beans.

  7. I view it as I signed up to play a somewhat realistic version of how a 2017 war between the NATO and Russia might play out. I did not sign up to play a version of reality in which Russian military ambitions and designs became unfettered by reality and we're dealing with technical capabilities and equipment that in the real world never survived the Russian economy, or turned out to be crippled by massive technical issues and cost overruns leading to the whole mess being canceled after the first 30 were cranked out.

    This door swings both ways.

    Are Russian military ambitions running unfettered? Will a whole mess be cancelled after the first 30 be cranked out? Bit of a generalisation here no?

  8. Yeah, but it's not like we'll go from not even Arena to every T-90 has Afganit overnight.  If we're seeing mass fieldings soon, then man, yeah 2017 it's going to be a common thing, but if it's 2016 and all we have is "soon!" and some samples at a weapons expo, then it's pretty much not happening on a scale worth discussing outside of something that'll eat up your rarity budget with two tanks.


    To be fair it was two months ago and everyone was impossibru'ing the new platforms we will see next weekend.

    Read what I said about back platforming, I doubt T-90 will even get Afghanit unless they plan to flog it.

  9. I couldn't agree more.


    I feel that this is the only real issue with CMBS right now. Other issues are minor or more or less based on a lack of symmetry/balance, which is not supposed to exist in such a simulation.


    That may be the case in your opinion, but at the end of the day, this is a game where in its best case two people face off against one another. Balance and symmetry has to exist somewhere or it becomes unenjoyable and pointless.

  10. Or you could just use infantry to clear them out, as it's a very weak formation in terms of ground forces.  


    Most of the time, the opponent would choose a balanced force. It whether you are wiling to take the chance to make a large part of his balanced force un-usable by taking AT heavy.



    My thoughts are that the Russian player can have a lot, and I mean a lot, more infantry than the US player for the same points.


    Kinda makes up for the US advantage against armor.


    Only if you take them dismounted can you really build up the numbers. Numbers wise alone a dismounted company of Russian infantry is roughly the size of two US platoons worth of dismounted infantry man for man.

    A dismounted US Rifle company, made up of three platoons, command element, mortar secton, and a drone - with two Javelins in each platoon. Purchased at typical stats costs 4830. The same in Stryker costs 7230.


    You can buy a dismounted Russian MR Battalion for 4606 - with three companies, Btn HQ, and a 120mm mortar battery at typical stats.

    However the same type of Russian Company taken alone in BMP-3M, with default type of BMP-3M purchased meaning a mix of the three types, costs 4351 for one Company.


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