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Everything posted by JohnW

  1. The test mission is pretty good! I ran out of ammunition on my first try.
  2. I have a simple mission for the Germans.
  3. Can't wait to see it in the game!
  4. I made a quick mission from the German side. Setting the time for early morning resulted in foggy conditions. I think you are referring to SL scenario 28, counterstroke at Stonne. As I understand it, the battle went back and forth several times. That should be good for several missions. I wonder if there is any provision in TOW2 for boats. Something that could be used for a river crossing.
  5. A map for Stonne, France has been added to the repository. The Caen expansion and Eastern Wind v5 are both installed on my computer, so there may be some static objects from them used in this map.
  6. Another great addition for TOW 2! I think that pretty well completes the migration of TOW1 to TOW2. Thanks to YuVe, the other members of the Russian team, and Arzok for their work!
  7. It is mentioned in the notes (readme_v4) that USA howitzers and mortars can be used for Free French artillery support. Wouldn't this same support also be a good approximation for the French army of 1940? It would be similar to what the original TOW game used for the French.
  8. I completed the first mission of the Fall Rot Campaign and entered the setup phase of the second.
  9. Thank you for the work you and your group have put into this Mod. Have a happy New Year!
  10. I appologize, Verbitskey. With what you have created, I can see even more that could be done. The A-20 is still valid for 1944 and D-Day. It was replaced by the A-26 which in many ways is very similar. The DB-7 in your mod is essentially the same aircraft.
  11. Yes, I've been making a mod with Eastern Wind and Africa combined.
  12. If it is not necessary, I won't worry about it. I did add the A-20C and P-40E for the USA and UK to the support.ini file and the unit folders.
  13. I noticed that the French planes are missing from the data/local/en/units.utf8 file. Does it cause any problems if they are missing?
  14. I'm playing the first mission in the campaign. The French vehicles are in the encyclopedia under the German weapons. Just no French listing, but if they can still be used in missions as French units, that is the important aspect!
  15. Has anyone successfully extracted the UK M5A1 Stuart model? I have not been able to extract the Specular and Summer1 directories.
  16. I want 4 vehicles to follow a road. My understanding from Sneaksie is to use points instead of an array. It that correct?
  17. Have any other French units been converted to TOW2? I am aware of the Panhard, B1 Bis, R35, and 75mm gun.
  18. I have not tried this MOD on Windows 7. It does work on my Win Vista 64 computer. When this happens to me, there is either a missing, corrupt, or incorrect file. Maybe something didn't load correctly. I have not determined which files cause this. From my experience, it could be any of the 3dobj or data files. Try uninstalling the MOD. This is easy if you are using JSGME. If the game runs correctly without the mod, you know the problem is one of the MOD files.
  19. Any updates on the tests?
  20. Sneaksie posted the "Unit modeling guide for Theater of War V.1.0 eng (by 1C dev. team)" over on the 1C forum if anyone is interested. http://forum.1cpublishing.eu/showthread.php?t=33755
  21. Just discovered an M3 75mm GMC in IL-2 Sturmovik 1946. Many of the model components are there, especially the gun.
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