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Posts posted by undercovergeek

  1. Oddly enough, im doing the exact same thing, excluding the convoy (will try patrol or two though in the final version). Battle is quite large though (2.1 x 1.6).

    Working on it for a week so far (on and off), while a friend of mine is playtesting it. :P

    Sorry for semi hijack, eagerly awaiting your scenario!

    great minds obviously think alike!

    Here are some shots of the first landing spot for the first platoon down (the red x marks the same spot on each map):-


    Uploaded with ImageShack.us


    Uploaded with ImageShack.us


    Uploaded with ImageShack.us

  2. Its probably old hat by now what with all the CW forces enthusiasm (im also working on a scenario there too) but id started prior to the release - its a small scenario (the map size isnt set in stone yet) simulating the first drops - it follows Fox companys landings near Vierville into marshy, flooded and dark fields and in what i hope might be a deviation away from the norm points will be earned by taking out the AA guns that litter the battlefield.

    Im trying to work on a convoy of trucks passing through the map too and points will be awarded for its destruction but im not sure how to implement this yet.

    The starting force is only a depleted platoon but ill be dropping in reinforcements to simulate other guys landing and joining up with the main force as the attack rolls on - pics to come when im home

  3. If i want to implement a 'rolling reinforcement' system whereby the first set of reinforcements arrive at the start of the map, but the next set arrive say 100m further up, and then another 100m further up - do i have to create setup zones all the way up the map - and if thats the case is there anything to stop the player choosing the setup zone half way up the map for the original force layout before the game starts?

  4. Just want to confirm that this scenario will work with version 1.2. Thanks.

    great news thanks very much for looking.

    Erwin - still on it! but it will be done and ill release it as soon as possible, i kind of got carried away creating maps - a small 6 June para drop scenario, a Wolfhanze map but i think ill wait for OMG (the buildings dont look right, dunno yet) and a CWF scenario, but the Carentan map is my priority

  5. Look around for the moon.

    Edit: A while ago I put together some ephemeris data for some of June and July. I'm pretty sure it got posted somewhere, but for the life of me I don't remember where. Some kind soul might have put it into the CMBN Wiki?

    Edit: found it


    brilliant - thanks for that - 10 june - doesnt get blacker!!!

    but if the real weather was bright moonlight then bright moonlight it is - thanks

  6. im not sure ive set something up right - i switched the day to 7 june, 1:30 it still looks as clear as daylight except for a black sky with stars - compared to a recent AAR i read that was pitch black - is the darkness solely dependent on the time of day - my Carentan scenario is at 5:30 and its darker in that

  7. Interesting stuff Gents!

    I need an advice on how to make a W road Bridge crossing one 100 m wide canal: if I place two 'segments' they stay under water!

    Maybe this has been discussed already, but I cannot find the solution: in the CMX1 editor it was simply a matter of placing that single length bridge segment one after the other, but here it seems I cannot control the elevation of the bridge segments. The only way I can keep the bridge afloat is to squeeze the canal so that the single spanned bridge can cross it since the longer road bridge is 56 m only...

    Any help/hint would be much appreciated!


    where the two bridges meet you need a land tile standing higher than the water - i used it to create the Arnhem bridge - looks fine

  8. It will work for the largest building sizes. The vehicle in question needs a tile that is completely inside. No walls allowed.

    Burning vehicles inside(or outside) buildings make very nice illuminators for night battles.

    Putting immobilized vehicles inside buildings makes ammo dumps. Just make sure to remind players in the briefing to NEVER get the crew out or the vehicle is done.

    im constructing a scenario fro 01:30 6th June about the initial drop - ive set the weather for clear, the time to be 01:30 and the setting to be night - i did want the burning vehicle for some atmosphere and illumination but when i go into the 3d preview of the map its really not that dark!

  9. Whilst building the Carentan scenario i can honestly say ive had a damn site more fun building the map than i have adding the AI and testing the routines over and over again - considering i have a host of maps/scenarios i want to build - is the popular choice to pick HTH and let you guys PBEM it out or do the masses prefer single player and an AI and ill stop complaining

  10. how do i give the reinforcements an AI plan when i dont know what time theyre coming on the map - at the moment i have the Allied reinforcements (2 battallions) coming on 5 mins either side of 1 hour - do i need to give them a setup zone for the first ai plan? and they exit this area before 58:00-ish?

  11. i do hope to use historical ratios - but i cant use historical numbers - it was practically the whole remainder of the 101st once theyd all been gathered, regrouped and reassigned versus the 6th FJR - dont even want to conceive of the numbers involved here!!!

    After hours and hours of reading im confident i can get the ratios right - just didnt want to flood the map for you guys

    BTW on the very first turn both sides can launch mortars anywhere on the map within 1 minute - is there anyway of switching this off?

  12. ok - working out the reinforcements for the head to head release - what can the game comfortably deal with? - the starting units (3 companies for the US and one and a half for the Axis) will have suffered casualties battling for the farm - i obviously dont want to drop 2 regiments on the map - would it handle 2 battallions each or is this too much - i know the ratio of Axis to Allies so it doesnt matter - i just dont want to overload the map

  13. thankyou to you both - Para ill do two releases - an AI-less HTH one for those that want to tweak the AI and play with their opponents and one for with an AI for the AI players.

    At the moment the AI is done for the farm attack, im moving on now to the village area and the bridge victory points which will then bring on the reinforcements for the advancement into the town.

    Barring the removal of the AI plans and tinkering with the set up zones the HTH map will be almost ready

    thanks for everyones support and encouragement on this project - if its any reward ive made a respectable looking bridge that spans the river Nederrijn near a certain town called Arnhem

  14. No, it's the map plus the OOB and setup zones, briefing, and everything except the AI.

    You can make a detailed deployment for each side within the zones, if you want to make it easy on players, or just dump all the forces within their respective zones and let the players sort it all out. Objectives are important, as is the briefing to help players understand what their mission is and how to win.

    gotcha - ok, that shouldnt be too hard - at the minute its just the OOB for the farm attack, i need to work out the reinforcement schedule for the town attack and defence

    ill get it sorted

  15. im fully aware that a lot of people will play PBEM and wont need AI on these maps - im perfectly happy to release just the map now (after setting up the front screen details) with no AI and then when ive finished the AI for both sides releasing the map as a full map if thats possible - are there any restrcitions on uploading maps with and without AI - id obviously call them different scenarios

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