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Posts posted by undercovergeek

  1. Alright...now you've done it. I'm going to have to go and watch Band of Brothers again. :)

    heh - tis only the very north - theres a whole lot of fields to build before i get to the 'crossroads' at the other end - by then i hope someone has made a broken building bmp and maybe a guy on a white horse!!

  2. North of the river is done - had a blast - its a shame the Allies will simply cross Bridge 4 and go on into Carentan - i recreated the Ingouf orchards over on the west that'll never be seen - its a hard life that of the scenario artist!!

    Below is west of the bridge - the orchards are over in the western corner - although it looks 'overflooded' all the photos i can find for this area show the flooding to this extent just North of the river - its the river they used for the flooding:-


    Uploaded with ImageShack.us

    and East of the bridge as already seen:-


    Uploaded with ImageShack.us

  3. Wish the wooden bridge could look a bit more worn, broken down, bits missing, bents etc like old wood bridges get - (actually don't they get eventually grey/greenish-ish with moss etc after exposure to weather). But, I understand that the way the thing was set-up by BF may make that not possible.

    i see green on the ends of the planks on the footbridge

  4. Wasn't Carentan held by FJ? Or am I remembering wrong.

    no - youre right - but i want to build the map, i cant see a whole lot of mega changes to map building by the time FJs are released and i can go in and change the OOB - as discussed previously in the locked Carentan thread - i hope itll still get played prior to the FJs and then i can refine it when we have them

  5. Thanks for the comments - i intend to get south of the river done first then hop over into Ingouf Farm, the cabbage patch, and the railway lines the Germans retreated over, and the small village there, at this point id like to trigger the correct OOB reinforcements for the assault on Carentan itself through the very famous crossroads, cafe and broken building 'entrance' - need better house graphics though, and a broken house

  6. yeah thanks Mord - it does indeed look like that - well, my railyard is going to look a bit sad and empty, is it a b****** to make one?

    the landscape of my map is Carentan, down purple heart lane, with the farmhouse and cabbage patch on the right, across the fields and on into the town at the top of the map - the land on all maps i can see is 'quite' flat but not a pool table like my map - is there any way to randomise a few gentle rises as opposed to my totally flat map?

    whats considered a 'big' map by the way - ive set mine to 512 x 1024 but im not sure its wide or deep enough?

  7. Hi, just a quickie i hope, im trying to create a map 1024 x 512 so that as its presented on screen its long north to south and thin east to west with the map facing north - running along the east side from north to south is a railway on an elevated banking, but when i try and elevate on the map it highers all the surrounding land by a corresponding amount presumably to create a gentle hill - but i just want to elevate a single block of map in each case - any tips?

  8. having played the demo every which way i have finally purchased - to appease the OCD in me im doing the tutorial scenario, which i understand is pulled from the tutorial campaign and there is a clear road route which i dont doubt is into the face of AT guns, was just looking for a way not to take the obvious path and break through the bocage but i have no blast equipment and no rhinos

  9. Just to be repetitive, it was a great idea for a thread, sorry it got hijacked on you.

    I agree with everyone else and speaking selfishly - it NEVER hurts to have a new map. Carentan is one campaign/scenario I am eagerly waiting for. Look at it this way, you have a nice long lead time to prepare your map and get up to speed on the editor and AI planning. Hopefully when you actually have the units ready you'll just need to figure the OoB and plug it in.

    And the crowd is not actually that tough, lots of folks here are more than willing to give advice, tips, assist with playtesting etc. If you want to work on this be assured there are many who will be more than happy to help out. Asking for help when you really want it is always welcome- asking for help as the lead sentence in a rant about everything that is wrong with CMBN is gonna generate a whole different response :-P

    youve all been great, thanks for advice and help

    with reference to 'tough crowd' i was just referring to the purists thinking 'no FJ - no Carentan' but ill get started once i download the full game - next day or two.

  10. errr sorry about that........... didnt mean to court controversy.

    I know its a 'tough' crowd - in your opinion if i built the map before FJs is it likely to be ignored until they are released upon us?

    And if i thought arse ill build it anyway are there likely to be swanky new map tools/features and graphics with the FJ release that will make it obsolete?

    Basically build it now or find another 'famous' invasion battle and take it from there i suppose!

  11. Ive recently started playing the demos again before i decided i need to buy into this great game - a couple of questions if i may that didnt bring up much in search because im unsure of the specific wording to catch the right answer

    1. is there a way of giving tanks an area fire order without them using the heavy gun - i just want the area spraying with .50 cal and not using up shells

    2. will breach teams breach what i assume to be just hedge and heavy bush as opposed to bocage

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