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Posts posted by undercovergeek

  1. I think folks are waiting until we have German fallschirmjager before tackling that.

    ahh - you have a point there sir!!!

    correct me if im wrong, i can build a map and then add appropriate forces later? i can just get to work on the topography and stuff for now?

    when do we see FJs?

    thanks for all advice and help

    *** ps - is there such a thing as an editor tutorial/map making tutorial? **

  2. after lurking for many months and playing the demo over and over again im treating myself to CMBN over the festive period - ive done a search for this topic but the results are a bit inconclusive and sketchy - im thinking a a fairly long map but not too wide, with the approaches to the town down the road from St. Mare Eglise, the flooded fields to the east and west and then the farm and the cabbage patches with the railroad down the extreme east - this being one victory point location and then at the end of the map what i hope to be a decent representation of the opening to the town - cafe normandie, the bombed house, the arches and the hotel with maybe the own plaza with the statue as the last victory location..........

    worth a punt? - is there already one out there that i cant find?

  3. after a battlefield left covered with US bodies i can confirm that after a very nervous delay the troops will open fire and lay waste to advancing GI's at close range despite being previously hidden behind a hedge - plan worked perfectly.

    A question now arises - i had 3 shreck teams behind a hedge, hidden, up rolled the tanks, up popped the shreks and up in flames the Shermans went - what order would i give for the teams to pop up, fire and hide again - as it was they killed the 2 shermans in 15 seconds and then spent the next 45 seconds getting shot at by an unseen 3rd tank.

    All in all - apart from important life experiences the last 60 seconds of CMBN have been the most exciting 60 seconds.. ever.... i shall post later about them

  4. i have noticed through hands clamped to my eyes (as i wait for death dealing incoming fire) that troops hiding in the hedges will occassionally change to spotting and then duck back down again - its not so much the benefit of surprise im after - i dont want to be seen until my mg42 is right in your face - so is hiding until that point the best option - with maybe one well concealed (not hiding) unit spotting the field of advance and then at the last minute ill manually unhide

  5. 1. if i order my pixeltruppen to hide, but still give them a target arc - will they pop up shouting 'surprise' covering that arc or is it only valid when they are unhidden

    2. if i give the pixeltruppen a cover arc but a short one so that they look in the right direction but dont open fire - will they still spot beyond the range of the cover arc or are they blind until the arc is entered - basically in busting the bocage im trying to use the scout team as spotters but dont want them to open fire - ive given them a cover arc that has them looking in the general direction of the US entry point but only 10m in front of them - so will they scan the hedge in the distance or just stare at the ground 10 m in front of them?

    thanks for all or any help - still working out the puzzle and loving it

  6. First time ive even switched it on - hectic work schedule - its fricking beautiful!!!

    Had a blast for 2 hours with just the first 15 mins of this scenario as the Germans. Dear lord, am i supposed to be able to win this scenario??

    Im not a grog, just a history enthusiast, but in this 15 mins ive seen HMGs and LMGs surpress masses of advancing US troops, ive blind fired through a hedge to surpress troops i know are on the other side and killed quite a number.

    The only 2 questions that have arisen so far - how do i resupply the anti-tank crews in the demo? and why sometimes is mortar support denied?

  7. "This is a direct consequence of my own 75mm artillery falling short – this squad’s morale has been so shaken by that event that they’re no longer capable of attacking. Suppression of units goes up and down according to the amount of fire they’re receiving, but lowered morale is fixed for the duration of the scenario, leaving this squad – and the majority of my force by this stage – for defence-only."

    That all sounds a bit artificial to me, particularly the 'Suppression of units goes up and down according to the amount of fire they’re receiving' bit. Perhaps there is a bit of a misunderstanding but we are talking about complex situations involving humans, its just not anywhere near as simple as it sounds like in that quote.

    But this is what testing is all about, finding out the game's weaknesses.

    surely this is the bit thats most correct?!

    im under fire - im surpressed

    im not under fire - im not surpressed

    therefore supression goes up and down as the battle goes on

  8. i dont know whether im a lone voice on this issue, or whether im just in the wrong community - the game looks great, the tanks look great, the units, the action, the close up shots and the casualties - without wishing to cause any offense and i really dont mean to - who the **** cares if the field should be ploughed or not, whether the grass should be brown/green, green/brown for fks sake look at the pics - its awesome, just truly amazing

  9. What I'm trying to acheive, is to learn about ways others play the game, so that I can increase my immersion, and thereby my enjoyment.

    I'm not here to flame the game. I really am having some satifying time w/the current version, but I have adapted my playing style. I suck at realtime, but I think a full minute is too long for Wego.

    I was just wondering if anyone else here plays by certain *self-imposed* rules or techniques to increase enjoyment, like the old "iron man" rules for CMBO.

    i think from what youve said youre getting a lot more involved than most players - i think.

    I dont point my troops at waypoint a and say go and dont get immersed, dont get me wrong, but at no point is there notepads, pens and ground view searching ro contact points - i play wego by the way

  10. lol - so vassal shows me where my opponent has moved his pieces and i then translate these to my hands on touchy feely real life board game? i see, so essentially it is a device to say ive moved here, and here are my moves - gotcha - i could be tempted - to play what ive no idea though - i look the look of the lock n load stuff

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