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Posts posted by DaveyJJ

  1. No more questions about a release date until everyone has read the manual cover to cover. There will be a test.

    Studying right now, sir!

    Oopsie! -> Page 21, line 4 ... found first mistake ... "The picture to the right can serve as a guide." The picture is to the left.

    Martin ... Should we send these little things into the BF staff in any way?

    P.S. I agree with Destraex1 ... as soon as the PDF version appears it's on my iPad 2, where all my game manuals live.

  2. Aye, if they announced gold within a day or two... MAYBE we would eee it within the estimates posted by BF (2nd week of may), but that doesn't seem likely. IMHO last half of may is being optimistic.

    It's still 8-15 days from the notice on the 20th saying 2-3 weeks.

    Assume that the SteelBook box is done long ago (no reason the details would change much on that), so given what I know about the print and media business, fulfillment on a DVD run on the scale BF is doing (small compared to some runs I've ordered for clients) might take only 3 days or so to finish, then packing and distribution to BF, then packing for clients to fulfill orders.

    Given a 15 day window, that's more than enough time to go GM, send burnable master EXE and app image to the manufacturer, burn and silkscreen the one side (the later possibly done already), get them to BF and mailed (assuming they're not using a mail order fulfillment place or direct mail from the printers after sending their customer list over).

    I'm assuming the rule book is all done if Martin's getting it prepped for online, but even that's a small print run (offset or digital) including trim and perfect binding.

    8-15 days easy if they are ready.

  3. For our full game downloads, we are using a cloud server network with unlimited bandwidth and 100% uptime. The cloud has international access points, too, meaning that there are usually no download speed differences no matter where you are in the world. Usually the only thing limiting your speed are your own ISP and/or any bottlenecks in between, and we can't do anything about those.

    We had a number of large releases via this cloud before and there have not been any issues that I can remember, ever. It is easily able to handle tens of thousands of parallel downloads, no problem. It is bloody expensive, but for our customers, we only choose the best :)

    Awesome. We have a T3 connection to our office shared by only about 20 people so I should get a decent download speed, then. Thanks.

  4. Semi-historic, and historic when the Commonwealth module comes out. Usually pretty small scale stuff but bigger battlefields for manoeuvring. Mostly infantry based and probably on the level of a company or less ... I'm interested in small scale tactics. Looking greatly forward to the editor. I'm a WeGo player too. I might tinker with one small RT battle just to see, but the WeGo mechanism is one of the things I was stunned and loved about the CMx1 series.

  5. And I kept my promise... the download size is listed on the pre-order pages :)

    Oh, you cheater, you :)

    So 14-21 days :-( thanks for the straight answer Moon. I shall return then, can't keep doing this refresh stuff continously, thinking it is any hour any minute.

    Ditto. When it gets released we all get an email anyway. Weekend I guess spent doing house repairs and starting my take-down of the backyard fence that I'm replacing late May.

  6. There are actually two versions of Steel Panthers available. I recommend winspww2 which is the windows 7 version.

    For any OSX users ... this game is both highly recommended and runs perfectly in a virtual PC environment like Sun's VirtualBox etc. I'm in the midst of a German vs Russian game right now and winning, but got one of my tanks bogged down in a stream and out of game for many turns (grr).

  7. I'm one of the ones seeking clarification on that wording ... "Combat Mission: Battle for Normandy is scheduled for release within the next 14-21 days. Once released, it will be available in a PC and a Mac OS X version ..."

    It says CM is scheduled for release, not the CM OSX version specifically. From the way it's worded it sounds like both PC and OS versions will hit at the same time, some 14-21 days from now.

    Anyone else read that the same way? Could a BF god clarify for us, please?

  8. First of all excellent video - I really enjoyed watching it. I have a question - what software did you use to capture the video?

    I am trying to capture CMBB and CMAK videos right now and so far have had no luck. It could be that because these are older games there are issues. But I would like to try out the sw that you are using just be be sure.



    Thought he mentioned using FRAPS in another thread.

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