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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Posts posted by DaveyJJ

  1. Or 'Nations that have the Union Jack symbol on their flag.'

    In this specific case, Union flag, not Union Jack. A jack is a small naval flag so, technically, all Union Jacks are Union Flags, but not vice versa. The name Union Jack is in common usage since the early 1900s but the Royal Navy rightly points out that a Union Flag must be sanctioned both by the Admiralty and by Parliament. The Royal Navy, the Flag Institute and Parliament all slightly disagree though. best to generally assume Union Flag on land, Union Jack if a smaller version of the flag flown on the bow or stern jackstaff while a ship is dressed at sea.

  2. Also, it's debatable if Wittmann was a "wonderful" tactician or not. The single action that he's become famous of involved a single tank catching the enemy sipping their tea; more a matter of a stroke of luck (or a stroke of retardation, if you want to look at it from the other side) than anything else.

    Off topic but agreed. He and the other three tanks with him wound up making a rookie blunder in the end ... the three lead tanks caught in an open field by British tanks 800+ yards away on a small forested hill that wiped out the first three, and he missed the tank hiding behind a partly knocked down wall about 150 yards to his left rear flank that finished him off.

  3. Complexity does not necessarily equate to realism, re: ASL. There are a great number of tactical WW2 hex-and-chit wargames available ... Combat Commander series from GMT, Conflict of Heroes series from Academy Games, the Lock 'n Load series, and even some highly playable print and play games like Valor & Victory. ASL is not the be-all-and-end-all of tactical games despite it's fans and some would argue it never was. There was Up Front! and Ambush and Squad Leader and a whole host of game even back then that were "as good". ASL is a lifestyle game ... any too many relate it's complexity to it being the perfect simulation of tactical combat. All hex-and-chit games however have both strengths and weaknesses ... they will always be strong in certain areas and ignore others because they are games.

    Miniature systems abound at that scale. And not just the ever-popular (and highly silly) Flames of War. And the nice thing is that there are scales down to man-to-man to company that work again, for various reasons. Rules of Engagement, Poor Bloody Infantry, Troops Weapons & Tactics, NUTS!, and dozens more. My personal fave is one called CrossFire as it has no rulers/measuring, and throws the whole I-Go-UYou-Go mechanic out the window ... you "go" until you fail, then initiative swaps to the opponent. Never wracking that is because eventually you will fail and so you have to decide what to do in an order of priority. No rulers to measure move distance or target range ... it's all within hitting. It's purely about tactics. Hard to find but worth it. Org charts are good as well.

    But what sort of research are you doing?

  4. The 256MB of VRAM is sufficient for most battles most of the time. It's what my primary computer, a MacBook Pro, has going for it. But yeah, CM would love to have 512MB or higher if it could.


    Outstanding ... the 512's in both my 27" iMac and my 15" MacBook Pro. Looking forward to this. Now get back to work and get those last OSX fixes done so us old, old fanbois can pre-order, thanks!

  5. And for that matter the only Commonwealth units that served in Europe apart from Brits and Canadians were New Zealanders in Italy. This part of history isn't my strong point so don't be afraid to flame.

    Not flaming, but the 8th British Army in Italy had an entire II Polish Corps made up entirely of Poles (including my highly-decorated late father-in-law in the 5th Kresowa Infantry Division) under the command Lt. General Wladyslaw Anders.

    They fought with great distinction and intense dedication at Monte Cassino, Ancona, the Gothic Line battles (Ravenna et al) and Bologna, and were a very highly regarded Corps according to military historians of that campaign.

    A not insignificant portion of the troops were made up of former German Army POWs, who were Poles that had been forcibly drafted to fight for the German Army after the invasion of Poland in 1939 and captured in places like Yugoslavia, North Africa, and even Italy etc by Allied Forces. Offered the chance to fight the Germans who had invaded their country, many leapt enthusiastically at the chance. Among his British Army military effects, I have one picture of late father-in-law in a German uniform on leave at his family farm. Very weird.

  6. I want a simulation of a bunch of drunk American and British Soldiers getting in a bar fight somewhere in England in the months leading up to the Normandy invasion.That would be an awesome game.:D

    That's the special extra in the OSX version. Worth the extra few weeks wait, I say, watching the last standing Yank snort, stagger out of the bar, and then step into the road looking the wrong way. :eek:

  7. 01011001 01101111 01110101 00100000 01110011 01100101 01110010 01101001 01101111 01110101 01110011 01101100 01111001 00100000 01110111 01100101 01101110 01110100 00100000 01100001 01101110 01100100 00100000 01100111 01101111 01110100 00100000 01100001 00100000 01110111 01101000 01101111 01101100 01100101 00100000 01110011 01100101 01101110 01110100 01100101 01101110 01100011 01100101 00100000 01110100 01110010 01100001 01101110 01110011 01101100 01100001 01110100 01100101 01100100 00100000 01110100 01101111 00100000 01100010 01101001 01101110 01100001 01110010 01111001 00111111 00100000 01010111 01101000 01100001 01110100 00100000 01100001 00100000 01110111 01100001 01110011 01110100 01100101 00100000 01101111 01100110 00100000 01110100 01101001 01101101 01100101 00101110

  8. Old hex-and-chit wargamer, me. Avalon Hill, SPI, Strategy & Tactics magazine. Tactical WW2 stuff was it for me then (Up Front! Ambush, Squad Leader, Sniper!, etc) and it still is (Valor & Victory, Combat Commander series by GMT, CrossFire). Somehow heard about the game coming out back before CMBO hit the streets (a Mac magazine or BBS posting?), grabbed it the moment it came out. Loved it. Played until OSX hit (and I was an early pre-release adaptor due to a friend high-up at Apple) (RAVE debacle still make me cry, grrrrrrr) and have missed it since. Looking forward to playing again, this time with my kids.

  9. Well, no argument with either of your points. The only thing I have reservations about is the degree. Some of the posts I have read seemed to have been written in a mood of near hysteria, which gives me pause to wonder how well balanced mentally their authors were. I mean, granted we're all pretty daft to be engaging in this hobby in the first place, but some folks seem to be slipping around the bend a bit. I hope and trust that it will all come right in the end.


    Oh I'm sure it will. Anything that appears near-hysteric on my end, by the way, is simply should be taken with the humour it's intended as opposed to any real offence I hope.

  10. Gee, I hope you guys aren't going to feel let down if the game fails to produce the kind of cosmic orgasm you seem to be expecting. I mean, it's only a game...


    Granted. But being without said game for nearly nine years has been a rough bit.

    Plus, based on some of the way-over-the-top grognardy type discussions and debates that go on on these forums re: minutiae, I think that this applies to almost everyone here to some degree or another, no? :cool:

  11. Hopefully not too long anymore...

    Happy, happy, happy, happy ....

    ... the original target date was the end of this month, although it's already clear that we won't make that ...

    Crap, crap, crap, crap ....

    The wait is just killin' me!!!

    OK, OK, just breathe, breathe. There, better. Whew. Just days now, just a few more, just be calm.

  12. You gentlemen who brought up snow, I hate you. :D

    It's been quite a spectacular and long winter here, with several weeks of continuous -30C or below temperatures and record breaking amounts of snow (there's literally a feckin' mountain of it outside my door. Should it topple over my house would implode.)

    It's spring and that crap should be melting away. But oh no, more just keeps coming from the sky. It's been an effing apocalyptic ice age for over 5 months now!!!

    Then I log in on my favourite forum on the whole Internetz and what do I see, some buggers clamoring over snow like it's the next best thing! :mad: :mad: :mad:

    I hear you. We were all but clear here in Waterloo, Ontario, temps hovering near 10 degrees Celsius ... I could see muddy grass everywhere except the pile of snow on my north-facing front yard covering the flower bed then WHAM!

    I wake up last Wednesday morning to find the weather forecasters meds must've run out because their 5cm (2") of snow had turned into 25+cm overnight and my previously clear dry driveway is now nearly a foot deep in wet white crap. So heavy in fact that after doing only 1/3 of my driveway with the shovel I gave up and got Brutus (the name for my monster green snow blower) out of the garage and it still took me 45 minutes to get it all done. No brown wet grass and mud anymore .. back to the white stuff and temps below zero (Celsius) so no really melting. Rats.

    At least we should only be a few days away from the OSX pre-orders now, if the phrase "the next weeks" meant anything on the pre-order note, right Steve?

  13. 16 days in fact, but that's still within the realm of "we open pre-orders separately for it in the next weeks" stated on the pre-order page.

    But much longer after the end of this week without an official update and I'll start getting panicky. Any word on the progress towards this date we've been waiting nearly a decade for guys?

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