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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Posts posted by DaveyJJ

  1. I was using a Mac clone (this was back when Apple was licensing the OS to other manufacturers for a while) purchased I think in '97. I can't recall the brand name, but it used the 604e Motorola chip. Don't recall the other specs either, but I was using a 14" monitor. In 2001 I moved up to a proper G4 in time for CMBB.


    Power Computing?

    Mine was a spiffy 400Mhz (AGP) G4 tower with a massive ATI Rage 128 Pro with 16MB of VRAM and a nice 17" CRT monitor.

  2. I have a wife, kids and a weiner dog but I still feel empty and unfullfilled.

    Wife? Check. Kids? Check. Three cats? Check. Weiner dog? Nope. Satisfied and fulfilled? Check! Ah-ha! You sir, need three cats! Or more! The more you have, the more Bastet will reward you in the afterlife. There's your answer, sir. :D

    P.S. Best friends have a daschund and she is a superb animal, very well behaved and healthy. I in no way hate weiner dogs.

  3. 48, playing hex and chit wargames since 1972. Tactical WW2 West front and Med (Italy) are my "thing" though I'll give any good game system a spin. Lost my original BF forums login name and password years ago, another seniors moment?

    depends on how many cats you own...

    Three. "Crazy cat person" is only official if your cats outnumber humans in a house 2:1 or more. Me, the wife, and two kids still well on the sane side, despite what Mr. Emrys says. :P

  4. Is a few minor errors really such a problem? All i care about at the moment is getting my mits on the game.


    I'm 20+ years a typographer and can pick up almost any single printed piece and find errors. And I married an copy editor, to boot. My first edition Harry Potters bought wherever I was living/working at the time (US, Canada, UK)? Errors. First edition The Hobbit my dad owns? Two spelling errors I've seen. There are a handful of slips in every printed hardcover I own ... OK, perhaps not the last OED, but I haven't read the whole thing yet word for word.

    A few errors were bound to slip through, so what? Nothing that breaks the game or so dramatically misinforms that the game is unplayable. We're all killin' time until the game ships, then to hell with the manual, game on! :D

  5. this mystery about the release date is boring and i dont preorder something, when i dont know what time i will get, what i paid or will pay for.

    I know it's a bit trolly and I shouldn't but ...

    What "mystery" are you talking about??

    From the CMBN front page, posted April 20 ... "Combat Mission: Battle for Normandy is scheduled for release within the next 14-21 days." That makes it between May 4 and 11. No mystery.

    But do enjoy the "other game." :D

  6. I'm just looking forward to the Royal wedding being done and not having to see their mugs on the television every two minutes on every major "news" channel. Flash ... people who you don't know and never met getting hitched isn't news. It's celebrity gossip/worship at it's worst.

    Overall, if I had to decide if the wedding of a couple of hyper-privileged rich brats, or the political troubles in places like Yemen or the internecine warfare in Nigeria or the environmental cleanup that's needed in Japan after the tsunami or the release date of CMBN is more important, I know where I'd fall.

    What is the monarchy for in this century again, anyway? And yes, I'm from Canada and we have their pics plastered all over our coinage and still have a Governor General (for whatever reason). Monarchy, smonarchy.

    P.S. What time's American Idol on again? :D

  7. If you're going to buy used or refurbished a late-2010 MBP with GT 330M plays it quite nicely. If new then those awesome quad-core i7s will probably blow my computer out of the water. :)

    I have a 27" i3 iMac at home with the 512 video card and a 15" i7 MBP courtesy of work with a 1GB AMD Radeon HD 6750M card in it, both max rammed. Sweet laptop times. :D

  8. And the box will hold your future purchases too. :)

    I'm actually going to use a slot in my box to store the original CD of CMBO in until it gets fleshed out with yummy modules. Who's with me?

    As gibsonm said. My "phone modem" is 100 mbps fiber but it can't manage steel boxes. CMBN is going to be a keeper, so needs a good sturdy box to keep it in. :)

    I asked the IT guys at work if our T3 pipe can handle a metal box and they said no.

  9. I do know CMx2 WW2 is the series of all series....the highlights of my gaming career...

    Amen brother.

    I've had a long drought with no decent tactical WW2 games since OSX came out. I make myself happy flying 737s in X-Plane (both my uncles were pilots and I'm a former ATC privately rated) ... you know, CYYZ-KSFO or CYYZ-CYVR runs, but it's not the same as a great tactical WW2 game now is it?

    Based on what I'v seen of BF's latest baby, I'm going to be a happy happy content WW2 gamer again, finally. This time with kids old enough to also share my enthusiasm.

    It wont REALLY be finished until the langoustine and crayfish module is out.

    And the flying pink pony-unicorn mod, too.

  10. What its it with you people?

    A 3rd party’s review “suggests” a date and suddenly its Gospel.

    I’m sure it be out soon enough so you can all then complain about “How dare it be released with the massive flaw!” or some such.

    Suggests? Third party? really?

    "Next week I'm told there will be a playable beta demo."

    Now, who might tell him that? The guys he got the demo from maybe?

    Not necessarily gonna happen as schedules can change, but that's not a third party "guess" ... he says he was told that by, uh, the guys making the game? Certainly you have to admit it's a possibility anyway.

    Note the smilie ... :D

  11. It would take less than a day or two coding and then a few days doing up a decent GUI for someone to create a MP chat lobby using Smartfox Server and Flash, or Unity, or Runtime Revolution, since all those IDEs have pre-built MP chat frameworks pre-existing. Unity especially handles all the NAT punch throughs and firewall issues etc built in and Smartfox Server has a basic MP chat client example ready to go in about 15 minutes work.

    Show a name, a chat area, a few "rooms", allow users to see and copy/paste their IP address, maybe throw in a username/password function (via a MySQL server and some basic PHP) etc. Sure, it's not inside the game and it wouldn't be super fancy but it'd function fine for what you need. Maybe someone in the community will?

  12. Oh my god, there's an Iron Man mode. I may have just wet my pants.

    I just got to that bit myself this morning. Awesome. And overall the manual is outstanding in terms of explanations, details, writing style etc. Bravo BF.

    Oops! The 20+ year typographer in me just noticed way back on page 31-32 ... page 31 ends "WW" and page 32 starts "2" ... shudder.

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