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Everything posted by Buzz

  1. I hope BF can do it. Even if it gets kinda close it could save a great number of great maps already done for CMSF-1. Looking at the editor changes for CMBN/FI I too think CMSF-2 will be a lot better. I heard on BBC that the Brits admitted they are droning Afghanistan so we have to have drones in CMSF-2 now:)
  2. I wonder if a utility to transfer CMSF 1 scenarios, campaigns, maps, into CMSF 2 is even possible? Even just transferring or translating the maps close enough would be a handy tool!
  3. I don't know modern heavy mechanized doctrine. I did learn this from Sir George's NATO TV 98-5 Steelers. A scout platform requires a balance of survivability, lethality, mobility, sustainability, and stealth. To function as heavy mechanized scout requires even greater survivability. You are often looking for other tanks / ATGMs that can destroy your before you spot them. If you don't survive contact with the enemy you fail to provide reconnaissance. Ask yourself how your Bradley's will fair in encounters with hostile forces BIG Tanks, BMPs, ATGMs, IEDs/mines or infantry ambush … without M1 overwatch. Not very well or long. Since you have limited Bradley's / mechanized infantry scouts, make sure they are always under M1 overwatch. With limited heavy reconnaissance assets or mechanized infantry, tank platoons can and do assume the role of scouts. Don't bunch up your armor. Target arc suspect target areas and Thunder Roll! M1s can move pretty darn fast from hull down to hull down spots you have reviewed a ground level 1. Don't be afraid to restart. I did many, many times before I finally got a Major Victory. I learned plenty myself about using heavy mechanized on a great map suitable for modern, long range lethality. I had a blast… lots of blasts doing so. It is fun rolling the BIG armor. Hope this helps.
  4. Game utility to transfer the literally many hundreds of CMSF 1 scenarios, campaigns, maps, into CMSF 2 Mac as close as possible. Map editor image overlay feature. Detailed "kills" of who did who. Includes off map resources, artillery, aircraft, drones, etc.
  5. I have yet to play Brit Mech Vs Red Mech (NATO TV 98-5 Steelers_Brits) or US mech Vs German Mech (NATO TV 98-5 Steelers_BvsB) But I will for sure as soon as work allows. Sir George is correct. My advice for US Mech Vs Red Mech (NATO TV 98-5 Steelers_US) "The key to this one is a/ terrain - have a good look at the ground from level 1." George's map offers several not very transparent routes for fast AFVs movement with some protection. Dismount your limited infantry and you'll run out time and expect casualties... so... think bold and fast. After all (Heavy Mech) is designed to take some abuse and keep the Thunder Rolling. Scouting ground level 1 routes is the key to reach objectives, IMO. This is a HUGE 2.7 x 2.9Km scenario using modern armor and few infantry. It is a very well designed map. AFVs can blow up really fast from long distances so don't be too timid. I was determined to figure it out. Don't be shy about restarts either. I did a few and some:) Victory in this one is very satisfying. Hope this helps.
  6. Interesting note in latest "Armor" January-March 2013..... "In Iraq, insurgents have even seized U.S. UAVs, possibly for use against U.S. forces. It is not a stretch of the imagination to envision guerrilla forces collecting intelligence or conducting strikes using off-the-shelf products adapted for their use as well as co-opting captured Western UAVs. .... I think we can safely bet UAVs will be in CMSF-2 in some form. Exactly how detailed and what flavors?
  7. I am ready to fire up my Pavoni Pony and arrive in the Italian mainland filled with vastly increased modding! When do we storm the beaches ?
  8. A fine scenario map (looks great with Euroscape Mod) with plenty of room to navigate the modern armor and plenty of options for surprise. Not giving anything away but don't think your modern armor is indestructible because I know from testing even M1Tanks can go poof in a flash Now that NATO TV 98-5 Steelers scenario comes in three different ‘flavours’ we get a mini armor school of modern equipment differences. Very Cool! Thanks Sir George,
  9. You are welcome Dazza_Bo. I think CMSF 2 "full spectrum conventional conflict between NATO and Russia in the Ukraine" will be arriving later this year maybe for Christmas? I do not know but just guessing based on Moon's "The Road Ahead" thread so you have time to mess with CMSF mods for sure. There are many top notch user created scenarios / campaigns available in the Repository as well. Have a blast!
  10. Dazza_Bo there are a ton of CMSF mods. Many are very impressive enhancements. It is almost like getting another theatre to play CMSF in.... Europe, (Euroscape v 1.0), Africa (Mali Mod v1.00), etc. Add the Taliban, Irregulars Afghanistan, IDF Mod v1.0 Golani Brigade and the Paras, French Forces, etc. and you have a huge selection of settings in the toy box. Have Fun but play fast as CMSF 2 will be here before you know it!
  11. I do not know what the present day Russian units have. My google for current insignias was not very productive. I will bet someone at BFC knows;)
  12. SLIM, Expanding to have multiple battles (or campaign) on the same map would be cool. Thanks to you and everyone as if we keep expressing what we want somethings will "stick" and show up in CMSF-2, IMO.
  13. How close should a Bulldog be in relation to RPGs from tree lines? I have fired up the save game after spell of time away. Got several Bulldogs nailed @ 300+ meters away.. through a tree line by terrorists while my infantry, after support fire from above, were searching the ditches and beyond. Overall this is a great scenario of methodical locate, suppress and eliminate.
  14. Almost forgot to include "Appearance" options CM WWII has. For non grog guys maybe an Editor "Data" screen guide as to "Rarity" of X uniform mod being available in the location / time frame.
  15. Color borders on the icons for a squad, and the icon color for the platoon (for example). That could work. I wonder about having some free user interface option slots. Allowing a very customized key sequence or combination to let the user select Do XY&Z?
  16. night-sights and body armour are classified ARE non-lethal:) It is the weaponry often associated with night-sights and body armour that can hurt you:rolleyes: I forget the exact video link in the thread.... but in my younger years.... having passed through ad hoc checkpoints where heavily armed dudes (machine gun pointed at my chest qualifies as heavily armed in my book) not AQ fanatics... wants to see my "papers" and search me and my stuff for contraband aka what I might want to "contribute" or they may want to liberate... I can empathize with the non combatants simply attempting to check on family, friends and property. Many countries use a fig leaf(s) to accomplish their unspoken goals.
  17. Macisle, Thank you for your dedication to making such a beautiful map. Looked and 1st version and it was great. Now DL'd improved version 1.2. Off to work again... but will do a walk through next I am able.
  18. Just wondering why domany "hate state-of-the-art weapons and equipment?
  19. Thanks guys for the information on directed energy weapons. Maybe a 2020 or 2025 - CMSF-3 or 4 DE component? When I read about these DE weaponsI wondered how soon real life would imitate a swashbuckling Buck Rogers XZ-38 Disintegrator Pistol:D I would buy one no maybe two;) Vark, How would you design a system that shows where teams, from a broken down squad are?
  20. Back in town with reliable internet. How about a directed energy weapon?
  21. I appreciate the"stay close to actual events" ... allows more folks without NATO to play ... but am intrigued with the Canadians option of .... "depict as many elements as possible.. NATO module ...get the Canadians in... & a troop of Leopard tanks!" Maybe both options:)
  22. Love the Road to Baghdad Mod Splash Screens Blimey. USMC RTB1 Az Zubayr is a quick taste of Operation Iraqi Freedom in 2003. Not too difficult but still a fun USMC run. Thanks again.
  23. Thanks again guys. Very good points made. I do think Alan8325's note sums it up well... "not likely to see any active cyber warfare" but cyber impacts could be included in some capacity. YankeeDog & Erwin also appear to have the pulse of how bad or not the military impact could be... "where do you choose to spend your cyberwarfare effort?" It is most likely going to be in Homey Land and that is another game setting for sure.... "shut down the nation's entire banking and financial system..." kind of my point re: our US relatively minor Natural Disasters. Take down POWER, banking, communications, transportation, water, food, medical.... etc. even for a week and many if not most in the USA will be wishing they followed the CDC poster.... Get A Plan.... who needs ZEDS when you got Cyber Cretins. Did I mention this before on the Wish List? Hot Key grid lines? Toggle to enable / disable the grid lines. Hot Key to change colors / width relative to perspective / height of grid lines. Options & Clear delineation of grid distances 100 meters or 50 meters.
  24. CM "Advanced" aka SF2 or whatever the name change is. I will purchase all CM WWII games, modules, etc. A given as the products ...the current CMFI/BN/CW... are so much fun to play I suspect newfangled CM Simulations will be two fistfuls of RT Whop Axx Whoopee:D
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