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Everything posted by Buzz

  1. "This is a great little scenario to learn how to properly fight a platoon battle." Glad to help usgubgub Sometimes immense pleasure is intimate and up close. JonS has demonstrated this with a tiny infantry scenario. I truly enjoy such tiny battles as well. One of the great attributes of CM2 games is the vast range of what the game allows. WWII Platoon level challenge to Modern Armor KM(s) size battle fields.
  2. "I vote they do both- update CMSF AND do CMSF2 in Ukraine. If I have to chose though, I vote Ukraine." I like sburke's thinking;) ---- "In the same way a set of Scenarios that has Israel drawn into Syrian as blue and Egypt pulled into Libya in the same role lets anyone who wishes play Blue on Blue in the Sinai. .... I would add that they are in no way a criticism of BF who I think to a brilliant job given what they have taken on. I am not being sycophantic it's just that sometimes people read posts and get the wrong idea. What do people think. Peter. ---- Interesting ideas Peter. I too think Israel is going to be a "player" in the near future. BF seems to have a knack for knowing what should be relative in Modern Gaming. Look at CMSF and the current Syria. *Honestly an upgraded CMSF-2 in the same Syria setting that could use the HUGE resources of CMSF would be fantastic IMO but it may not sell as well as their planned releases.* BF CM: Shock Force 2 ... "we've chosen to simulate a full spectrum conventional conflict between NATO and Russia in the Ukraine. This gives players a rich tactical environment to explore with the most advanced militaries the world has ever seen..." Either way.... return to modern warfare is long overdue and will be here sooner than many suspect;)
  3. Thanks JonS for a great tiny CQB. Zeb's suggestions are sound. I just got NZ TV in RT = 500 to 25 points - 12 minutes left on the clock. Ground & Targets secured. NZ 25 OK 3 Killed 2 Wounded *** Spoilers *** Take out the farm 1st. Area fire & Smoke the track side of the train station. Gather 2 Sections & HQ near train station. Toss smoke. Assault farm side of train station. Kill all but 1 surrender in train station. Move to farm and secure ground with 2 remanning adversaries overcome. Sleep well:D
  4. Rainy afternoon so I get to play inside:) stikky, Are you asking how to capture NAI C103 without losing all of your men? *** SPOILER*** ----------------------------------------- NAI C103 - This is a tough nut to crack. The terrain and Syrian positions make taking them all out difficult even with Challengers in close support. Taking too many casualties early with your limited boots on the ground may not help with the 'Zone Recon' overall end state. If you know where bad guys are and what they have then take a look around at ground level for a route to get your forces past them quickly and on to the belly of the beast that awaits. Your AFVs can move very rapidly but modern armor is not indestructible. Speed is your friend. You have a very large map to work with so keep your movements rapid across vulnerable areas with your guns pointed at where the stuff that can hurt is positioned. In so doing you give yourself rapid mobile recon and protection and may bag some of the bogies in your maneuvers. Hope this helps. I too I highly recommend the scenario(s). They play great in CMSF so I can only wonder how Sir George's scenarios will look and play in CMSF-2!
  5. Good On You JonS. 3 RT late PM attempts to "relax" as I am too busy and getting my troops slaughtered makes my REM so ... restorative
  6. CAS piloted and / or drones will IMO become much more important as we try to protect our forces. Get ready for new CAS slang.
  7. I approached CMSF Daraya Tank Raid with a more methodical plan. I had several restarts vs AI but Sir George has another winner here. Makes players think about how crazy the real Syria situations are.
  8. For those who have not fired up NATO TV 98-5 Steelers in CMSF... it is plenty of challenge and fun. Give it a whirl. I too would be interested in stikkypixie's insight & results.
  9. The size & quality of CMSF-2 maps should be improved with the conflict arena. Modern equipment gets kills a t much greater distances than WWI.
  10. Looks great. Makes it easier to see the match ups IMO. Thanks Mike!
  11. Thanks Michael. The idea of 50% or more KIA just sounds extreme but extreme situations may demand it.
  12. "I can think of instances where an objective might well be considered worth 50% or more." When?
  13. That is a heavy lift Sequoia. It seems like it a spreadsheet listing being available could be good for players and those potential customers sitting on the fence. No question for me BF gives us plenty of tools in the tool box.
  14. Maybe displaying individual unit kills in game option? All depends on FOW setting. I agree it would help new customers / players realize how their victory was accomplished. Being able to move leaders around in between battles in a campaign and the ability to reorganize within in same platoon or company would be cool. A built in game, quick and easy way to select different Z folder mod themes without having to move things about. Then one could set up a separate Mod Drive and direct CM-XYZ mods to use this mod theme for the scenario / campaign on loading. Eliminates the shuffling of files in and out of the Z folder.
  15. Off topic of the footage but.... Heard another term yesterday re: US drone strikes / kills in Pakistan...."Good Will Kill" . The Pakistan Taliban have killed many more Pakistani citizens than US drones and have no trouble blowing folks up or assassinating people if they do not agree with Taliban societal enhancement. Even though Pakistan Military and general population denounce US drones... they are not too upset when US drones kill the bad guys and miss the collateral citizens = "Good Will Kill". Made me wonder when someone's (not US) drones will appear in Syria spreading "good will" if they have not already.
  16. Not to argue but when was Hezbollah ever constrained by the usual niceties of 'civilised' warfare? When I see what is happening in RL it makes me wonder if BF had some "crystal ball" when they dealt with their "developers conundrum" in 2002. From the CMSF Manual... "Once we chose the setting we dedicated a considerable amount of effort to ensure that we made a fair and accurate representa- tion of Syria’s ability to defend itself militarily. While we would have done this no matter what the setting was (realism is, after all, our hallmark), it does serve a double purpose in this case. Not only does CM:SF’s setting make for a challenging tactical wargame, but it also demonstrates Syria’s likely real- world ability to inflict significant losses on a foreign invader while at the same time not being able to overcome the awe- some lethality of Western military forces. Therefore, it is our opinion that if such a conflict should start to develop a true diplomatic solution would be in the best interests of all parties concerned." Hezbollah stating they are fighting Israel in Syria is not going to lead to a true diplomatic solution.
  17. A spreadsheet for each module listing when each vehicle and gun and infantry unit is available by month.
  18. A spreadsheet listing when each vehicle and gun infantry unit available by month would be a handy addition. Easy to see what can match up with what very quickly.
  19. Sayyed Nasrallah said.... Hezbollah will not rely on anyone. Like all the battles before this one: We will be its people, its men, and we will be the ones who bring its victory. We will assume this responsibility and endure all the sacrifices and consequences that come with taking such a stance.... "Nasrallah justified this [move] was [by implying] that essentially, Hezbollah was fighting Israel in Syria. In other words, as he put it, if the Salafists--extreme Sunnis--took power in Syria, Israel and the United States would exploit this, and they would effectively turn against Hezbollah, which is largely Shiite. So what he effectively was saying is that the conflict in Syria was necessary for Hezbollah to engage in because this was a way of defending itself against, as he implied, this alliance between the takfiris (extremists), the Salafis, jihadists (Sunni extremists), the United States, and Israel." The cup spills over.
  20. Metallica, Slayer, Megadeth, and Anthrax work well in RT - CMSF Aggressive music with lots of masculinity and machismo may influence command decisions I sometimes put on Bach for Set Up of larger WEGO games as it adds a thoughtful organized calmness to my orders.. at least till I hit GO
  21. Does anyone else kill the game background sounds via Silent Background Mod? I find it helps me pick up the acoustic game cues better when I don't have the background sounds looping in the background.
  22. No music for me whilst playing either. Sound cues are important to play the game. Occasionally I do play the game music and alternative game music offered as mods but most of the time I am playing my own playlists in set up phase.
  23. I began wondering after my last iTunes Rockin Playlist and move set up in CMBN … How many CM players listen to your own music selections while setting up moves? I often listen to my personal playlists mostly during the work done time to kick back and relax part of the day. Once the move is underway my music stops so I can hear the game acoustics and cues. I do not use the game music via Mord's No Music Mod ...nor the game background sounds via Silent Background Mod. Curious how many alter your acoustic environment while enjoying CM. Rock on.
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