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Posts posted by crispy131313

  1. 1938 Calm before the storm is my top reccomendation. Try it verus Allied AI at 100% diffuculty to really get the feel of the Russians overwhelming resistance to the Germans as the war progresses, and Axis over extension. It has a completely different feel from the other games, as you will find out. The days/MPP production per turn changes greatly depending on the season, and the feeling of a preperations, and execution of a summer campaign is very evident. There are well over 100 decision events, most of which are not cut and dry and as the campaign progresses you will find yourself looking back at your mistakes, and will already be looking forward to starting another campaign.

  2. A few more notes/suggestions:

    October, 1942 v1.2

    Stalingrad fell, and with it the last corps on the USSR map. After capturing the capital I removed fog of war, and the USSR has not a single, Divison, Corps or Army left, and only a HQ in production que. That's not to say they did not have units, they have an abundance of HQ's and Air.

    Archangel could have a town, and a garrison protecting it. A single paratrooper can pull the plug on the UK's convoy route.

    Murmansk could have a partisan script to recapture the unoccupied city.

    A USSR only loop from Murmansk to the other side of Norway would be useful to actually use the Soviet Destroyers meant to protect convoy routes.

    I also thought of an interesting decision event for USSR. After the fall of Moscow and Stalingrad the Russians could have the decision to destroy Pern and Ufa (indefinitley reduce supply to 0). This would leave Germany ultimately no choice but to take the long route around the Ural mountains as there would be no supply to cross through the Urals directly. The flip side of the decision is a loss of MPP's for the Russians.

  3. I took another swing at it, this time with v1.2.

    It is now September 1942. I am playing as Axis, +1, 50%

    The US, German and Canadian scripts fired on the first turn, so obviously there is some extra MPP's flying around but even still here is some more feeback for your MOD.

    Western Europe:

    Again everything followed it's natural course Poland - the Low countries - France and Denmark all fell. Spain joined early enough to help the invasion of France, while Norway unexpectedly joined the Allies! Once again I had a crash with Vichy, but the 2nd try around everything went fine. It's a matter of chance it seems. Operation Seelowe was cancelled, and Portugal and Vichy both were conquered at later dates with very little reaction from other nations. The other Vichy nations should probaly have strong reactions against a betryal of Vichy France.

    My submarines get slaughtered very early in the game but made a large comeback after France opened it's ports to the Axis. The Allies have almost totally swept the Atlantic over the last month however, as I became too ambitious on trying to keep American troops away from conquered shores. American landings seem immenent now.

    Also the one unit script/invasion I think should be relooked over is the Invasion of Greece. Italy's stupidity and untimely DOW on Greece seems rewarding as no German units have to be spared from Barbossa and Germany actually gains a hold lot from the extra fully upgraded units, and from my experience Italy is certainly not ready to conquer them. Without this unit script, the attack on both Greece and Yugoslavia is a hinderance to Germany as it should be.

    -- Notes: Decision events regarding the invasion of Spain, Portugal, and Vichy poped up even though all 3 nations were aleady conquered. I decided "No" but i'm certain unit scripts would fire where they should likely not if I had clicked "Yes."

    North Africa:

    Initially the Italians get spanked at Tobruk, and barely hang on. Italy can not wait for Rommel and Germany is foced to send troops and supply to Africa immediately after France falls. It has been a see saw battle ever since, the Axis have reached Cairo only to be forced back to Tobruk and back on the offensive once again. A very well balanced theatre I must say. The Allies remain in control of Egypt with armour and heavy air as of today. Italy as a nation is very weak, but a tag team motion with Spain has proven very beneficial.

    Spain/Italy attack groups swept through the North African countries, (Tunisia, Algeria, Morrocco) with Italy earning the plunder. The MPP boosts help Italy immensenly but again the World just watches. Perhaps if colonies such as Free Belgium and the Free Netherlands reacted against this and joined the war (mainly to boost UK MPP) these non-historical agressions would balance out the game better.

    East Africa:

    After seizing Ethiopia, the Italians nearly lost every inch of soil in East Africa, but they have amazingly stormed back with the help of DOAK and now control British and French Somaliland, and have defeated Sudan. Their sights are now set on British Africa, and their is heavy fighting near Mombosa.

    Middle East:

    Extremely quiet, Syria/Iran annexed, and pro-axis coup quickly defeated. Turkey extremely close to joining this Axis.


    Their were no shortage of Russian unit scripts firing this time around. The Russians were at one point at 70 ground units. Still each city was just a hickup on my march to Moscow where I found myself in big trouble. I could not as hard as I pushed conquer Moscow in 1941, and in the spring of 42' the Russian's were pounding my strongest units, and I lost many armies and tanks. It was not until Fall Blau that I seized the oppurtunity to enter the city and force the Russians on the defence once more. Stalingrad still holds, and with the change in weather their is a slow march for my troops that are trying to seize Stalingrad. Even though the Russians are severley infantry depleted (just under 30 infantry units and some are partisans) The city will most likely hold until early 1943 behind impressive Air power and winter combat.

    However with Moscow eliminated it seems that the march to the Urals will be met with little resistance as Russia concentrates on Stalingrad. It appears their are few units scripts that will help the Russians defend Sverdovsk. Ultimate victory in my eyes is winning a two-front war, and again I fear Russia will be crippled before the Allies put any pressure on Western Europe. I could be wrong, as a quick Russian rebuild over the winter could happen, but to truely balance this theatre I beleive Russian unit scripts may be neccessary in the towns between Moscow and Sverdovsk. Specifically a very large on in the Sverdovsk/Urals as soon if the Germans are even remotely close because this of course is the Russians last stand.

    Again I hope this helps with balance issues and keep up the great work!

  4. This is not a major decision event, but I think it could be included in the game. The more decisions the better IMO.

    The decision would pop no earlier than July 1944. Under the conditions that an Italian city has been captured by the Allies.

    Text as follows:

    Brazil has offered to join us in the battle for Italy! Brazil has formed an Expeditionary Force that would arrive in Italy within two weeks. They will require our assistance readying for combat. Would you like to assist the Brazilian Expeditionary Force? It will cost 75 MPP.

    As a result the Brazilian Expeditonary Force would arrive as a strength 5 corps in Italy.

  5. Cantona, do the corps in your MOD purposely have all the attributes of Special forces (30% Demorilization, 2-Detrechment) or is that an oversight? With the high number of Corps available and their special attributes, also including cheaper upgrades, and higher movement range I found them more useful than armies. I would actually suggest giving Corps the same movement range of Armies (motorization 2 is available afterall and more affordable for Corps than Armies) and lessening their demorilization to 0 and detrechment to 1. This would effectively space out the effectiveness of Army vs Corps vs Division.

  6. Cantona66 I beleive this is why I was having a walk in the park through Russia. I was checking through the scripts and very very many of the Russia units scripts have a first date of 01/01/1942. I had already taken Moscow and Stalingrad by then and nearly every major city. So the unit scripts that came with each major battle for cities never triggered.

  7. Here's where I am at now. It's April of 1942.

    Stalingrad and Moscow both fell in 1941 just before the soviet winter striked. Russia has been holding steady at about 25-30 ground units since that point, although with the spring thaw my experienced troops will most likely dice them up. According to the losses chart Russia has lost 83 units, which would seem like alot, but I marching forward with alot of units also. I have 3 main attack groups now 2 of which could probaly reach Sverdovsk before year end.

    Egypt has just fell to Italy, and Sudan to Italian East Africa. Spain is 85% Axis, so I am still waiting to see what happens when Franco joins.

    There seems to be a problem with the Fall of France, or the Plunder Paris script, as I had to replay the turn after the game crashed twice. I don't know which script caused it because it crashed, but the game played through on the third try, and I have not had any issues since. For reference plunder Paris script and the surrender of France did not happen at the same time on my sucessful turn.

    Operational movement costs alot it seems, especially during the summer months when MPP are very limited. I like this feature, as I have been forced to march my troops more than beaming them through space, however the AI definitley over uses it. As a result they waste much more MPP's than they should. I find this is the biggest problem in Russia, as the AI zaps units around the country contiously because of the constant change in my troops positions. Because of this Russia rarely reforms any of their lost army's. Russia only reformed 4 units over the 1941-42 winter when MPP's are most abundent. My best guess at a solution would be to just start the AI with level 5 infastructure, to limit the cost of the MPP's they waste.

    Also there are many USSR unit scripts that did not work. Examples:

    USSR activates Leningrad troops

    USSR activates Kiev Troops

    USSR activates Odessa Troops

    There are many scritps named similar (with different city names) and to my memory only one of these scripts fired off during 1941. I do not remember which city it was. The only exception were the Moscow, Stalingrad and Kaukas scripts. Which worked when I had fog of war off..... hmm.

    There are also AI only units scripts that say for example USSR (Army - 1939 - Sverdovsk - Allied AI) that I do not think worked as they are still viewable on the Advanced Options - Scripts page.

    I hope this helps. This is an amazing mod by the way!

  8. Actually I played another turn and it seems some fired off when I purposely moved units infront of Moscow and Stalingarad to see if they would fire. Also the Kaukas scripts fired as I moved to the Oil fields below Rostov. Still the USSR seemed to weak for Barbossa, and I'm not sure if they are going to be able to hold on for long.

  9. Hi,

    In all of the main campaigns included with Global Conflict when Vichy is triggered, Axis units remaining in Southern France are forced out of Vichy territory, and are placed back within occupied France, or Italy.

    However, in Nupremal's World (P vs P) this is not occuring and Axis units within Vichy territory surrender. This has also occured when a corps was in the territory that Russia annexes after Poland surrenders.

    I understand that without an adjacent friendly hex to be forced back to these units would surrender, but in Vichy France and Poland this is not the case for the axis.

    Does anyone know why these units may be surrendering? And is there a fix?

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