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Posts posted by crispy131313

  1. September 14, 1941

    The Battle for Britain is over. Axis forces are set to occupy Edinburgh, the last free city. Hort (strength 10) escapes to Belfast, in Northern Island. This will tie up Axis air forces longer, or allow the Allies a naval base in Europe. Eastward, the delayed invasion of Russia has given the Ruskies enough time to train, and refit their troops with top of the line weapons. Along the border the German spies watched as millions of new infantry weapons (lv.2) were swapped into active duty. The USSR is edging closer to war on their own accord (76%) even if we have to march in the snow.

    In China the 100 Communits regiment moves into an offensive position in the mountains southwest of Chenchow to assist the 8th route army in the pounding of Japanes forces who are trying to surround the city. The pair get 4-0 and 1-2 decisions. The Flying Tigers return near Chungking, with escorts and pop a Jap army with limited supply assaulting Nanning.

    The USA has began lending to the UK.

  2. August 17, 1941

    Germans have opened up the narrow choke point to Edinburgh, multi Tac Air is slamming the 7th armour within the city. There are serious doubts from the new UK headquarters in Canada that Hort will be able to hold Axis forces for much longer. German Bombers are spotted scouting along the Russia border. Russian troops are mounting also, staring them right in the face near Riga and Odessa.

    Blackshirts are continuing to be stubborn as hell, we muster nothing but not taking much in the way of losses this round. I should mention that the East Italian destroyer was finally spotted. They were shore bombarding Edinburgh.

    Little to report in China. The Japanese are preparing for another wave of attacks.

  3. July 1941

    British forces have been pushed to Northern Britain by relentless Axis attacks. Only Edinburgh remains under their control. Hort remains in Command, and will make his stand or die trying.

    German Fightrs spotted along the German/Russian border. How much longer will they flex their muscles? Turkey 67% Spain 77%. Germany could gain some big allies in the coming months.

    The Italian blackshirts (man they get alot of media coverage) are slowly being subdued. With supply smashed back to 0 corps and air power are slowly winding them down. We score a few more hits to knock them down to 5.

    In China nothing, we hand out rations. However there is an Oil Embargo against Japan.

  4. June 28, 1941

    The British are pooring resources into both Manchester and Edinburgh to keep the I Corps (London) and 7th armour (Edinburgh) afloat. The 1st and 3rd home guard corps have the narrow passage to Edinburgh blocked off. Hort deserves a medal for holding the German's to the south of the Island for over a year.

    In East Africa, British air bombs supply in Addis Ababa, and a few corps and former air defenders of the Britain try to reduce the Blackshirts to rubble. Well we fail miserably so far garnering a single hit (they are 4 stars!) while taking a couple hits back to ourselves. They can say goodbye to their supply so eventually i'll knock em' out and free up some troops.

    In China with a little luck last turn Chenchow reamins Chinese territroy. It's only a matter of time though. The 8th route army again is the only Chinese unit with the balls to attack, a 3-1 trade off near Chenchow.

    USSR 59% USA 33%.

    End of turn: Turkey strengthens Pro-Axis relations.

  5. May 25, 1941

    The British are staring defeat in the eye. Our HQ in London is not a defensive unit, and Hort is basically surrounded. The British restations it's HQ in the North end of Britain. If we lose London we will not surrender the Isle! The 7th armour tanks pops at possibly Germany's most experienced unit (3.5 star Army) outside of London reducing them from 10 to 3, and then follows Hort and the 3rd home guard North, but not without heavy losses to our armour. Some of our air force evacuates to friendly territory, there is simply not enough room for everyone. Britain leaves the defence of London to the reformed I Corps. Not our first choice, but the BEF didn't have enough MPP's left to make the trip from Bristols! Good luck brave corps.

    In China the Japanese are very eager to make some ground on our front lines. They are throwing everything they have at Chengchow, but we continue to hold the city as well as besieged Nanning. The 8th rout army outside Chengchow pops a 8 strength army for a 4-0 decision. Yes my airforce has ran for cover, but the Flying Tigers will be back again!

    Russia/German border. Another Panzer is spotted. No doubt Scook is looking for a decisive turn in Britain before he invades.

    Update: India Joins the Allies at turns end! (About damn time)

  6. April 27, 1940

    Another quiet turn for the allies. In Britain we decide to move the 7th armour off the front lines. We have seen Tac Air reach this far from France already. No attacks from the Brits. The Reich is preparing to attack Russia, troop movement continues on the Russian border.

    With supply finally dwindling for the blackshirts we attack with 3 corps, we take a 1 hit for each attack. At least the entrenchment is gone now.

    In China again nothing. We are back on the defense, he's nailing hits we need to reinforce.

  7. March 30, 1940 (Double AAR)

    Axis air continues to pound the British line of defence infront of Manchester. German troops are on mop up duty afterwards routing another corps unit. The British move their 7th armour tank group to fill the whole. German forces continue to build up on the Russian border. Russia 50%, USA 33%. Spain is at 77% after Franco mobilized.

    In China 3 Jap fighters target Chinese fighters in Sian, the Chinese hold strong and do damage to each attacker. Smells of a paradrop, Fighters are sacked in exchange for the fresh 16th army. The Japanese expedition army is a monster he's good for 3 hits to Chenchow each turn. Japanese are shuffling a bit trying to get extra attacks. China is still in good shape though.

  8. February 2, 1940

    Canadian bombers offer good intelligence of German naval positions around Scapa Flow. We do some sucessful port hopping supported by air and send a German cruiser to the bottom of the ocean. Axis submarines are becoming great divers, but we nail at least one hit via Bombers. British forces don't know how to dislodge the axis from the South of the Island. They have firmly implanted themselves, and have alot of air capability. Canadian convoys arrive at half strength.

    In the Mediterranean the Italian navy is in ruins after taking the bait and trying to sink multiple carriers last month. We sink 2 Battleships, and a cruiser, behind a combined Aussie/British force. Their is still a damaged sub and Battleship roaming the waters, and they will likely dissapear to port for a long time. The swimming pool belongs to the allies now.

    China: Only action around Chengchow. The 8th route army and "Flying Tigers" nail an army reducing it from 10 to 5. The Japanese expidition army is a monster (4 star st. 14) and has slid write in next to Chengchow. Blood is really going to spill. Japanese elite units have deployed in the pacific.

    The Romanian's are on the Russian border. But is Scook willing to start a two front war?

  9. January 5, 1941

    Churchill knew it was a trap. We could see a cruiser out at sea with our airforce, but it was determined (wrongly) that we could see all that was awaiting. Now the formidable carrier and bulldog destroyer is out at sea with the massive German navy. We got caught trying to play musical chairs with our ports. We got a few hits with our destroyers that (mostly) are safely in ports, and airforce. Their are lots of scattered submarines diving. We hit the German controlled port, it's back to 0. No attacks on the British/German front lines. Bulgaria joins the Axis.

    In the Mediterannean an allied cruiser and carrier avenge our destroyer, sending the Italian cruiser to the bottome of the sea. The Italian submarine was gone. The Italians still have to share the Cagliari port with the Malta corps.

    China: The Chinese are getting more comfortable exchanging blows with the Japanese. 3 Army's guarding Chungking send a Jap army to their graves. It's been a tough hole for the Japanese west of Chengsha. The Flying tigers pop a japanese special forces for 3 points, Tigers/Escorts take no damage.

  10. December 8, 1940

    Snow flies over Britain while the rest of Europe freezes over. German supplies have reached London and totally changes the war. We could actually lose the island. His troops are stretched out five long, from the front of Bristol to the coast above Harwich harbour with air support behind London. We reinforce our lines, and their is a british unit faced off parallel to each German. Axis subs are starting to raid again Egypt, New Zealand, Rhodesia get no convoys through. Reports out of Odessa sees Romania reorganizg their military.

    Some action in the mediteranean. A UK carrier parks in Matla and starts pounding a german defender in Palermo, he takes an unknown hit. An allied destroyer slips through gibraltar and finds an Italian sub (lv.1) in the Mediterranean Sea a 3-2 trade off in our favour, but we were only strength 8 heading in. No action in the corps war of Cagliari, and the Blackshirts are basically forgotten.

    In China the 54th army East of Chungking attacks the same army camping west of Changsha. We get 2 or 3 hits i'm not sure. He's in a bad spot (adjacent 3 armies, 1 corps). End turn: fighting breaks out between Chinese Nationalists and Communists.

  11. The USA did not receive a dime out of it. Although the USA gave Britain 125 MPP+ a while ago to hand it over to them.

    November 10, 1940

    A corps next to Bristol's feel the wrath of British air, we reduce it to 1, and the BEF from the town finishes them off. Their are Axis fighters (1 German, 1 Italian) on British soil, they are right behind London. Axis bombers are attacking from France and Denmark. British bombers smack all of German's supply back to 0 once more.

    China: Chinese armies smack around a Japanese Army to strength 4 that is trying to inch closer to our Capital around Cheng Sha. We take a couple of hits but we don't think we're in much danger next turn.

    Overall I'm very happy winter is approaching. The Japanese are finally starting to gain some momentum in China, and the Axis air raids on Britian can slow down. Very fun so far, and the real war has not even begun!

  12. Oct 13, 1940

    Our main defensive line infront of Manchester is broken, we are forced to move aircraft out of harms way. BEF army in Bristol attacks Paratroopers, they are down to 6, we take 2 hits. Corps, fighters attack strength 3 Hoepner tank, we can't get the kill but German armour is down to 1. Our Bombers hit our own port and London to reduce supply back to double 0's. We don't worry about intercepts from France as it's raining. It's already October and bad weather is creeping in. Still no Axis HQ supporting their attack but it looks like more troops are landing around London. Scook is determined but must know that time is running out. There are reports of huge amounts of axis funds going into diplomacy.

    The Japanese are finally rolling in China, they are getting kills. But we get one too. The New 4th Army from Chengchow, and the 2nd route army from a fortification reduce a 9 strentgh army down to 2; Flying Tigers finish them off. Our first kill, feels nice.

    USA occupies Fort de France.

  13. September 15, 1940

    The battle of Britain continues. UK Tac Air takes a swing at the Hoepner tank group and then the 7th armour pulls a hit and run to reducing the German armour to 4. The Germans are still all supply 0. The British have fromed a straight line of defence from Bristol to New Castle (port) to protect Manchester. Other than the attack on Hoepner we reinforce the lines and hope we can hold.

    The malta corps is in for an ugly fight for Cagliari port in the Med.

    In China we are seeing aggressive Japanese ground activity, we are starting to take some big hits. Even still only Chang Sha and Foochow have fallen in the past year.

  14. August 18, 1940

    Seelowe Espisode II: The British strike back!

    British reinforcements poor into battle as the US offers the UK destoryers in return for Caribbean colonies, we graciously accept. The naval situation is lookign a tad better around home base. US made french aircraft is delivered to Canada and Manchester, and the 7th armour is formed on our home island, as well we show off some fresh units.

    British bombers soften up Bock and with the help of a british corps the 7th armour sends Bock straight back to Germany. The German armies are left to fend for themselves. There only hope for supply; British occupied London, is smashed to bits, the closest port is the same story. A very tough road lies ahead for our nemesis.

    In the Med. the Italian navy has been quiet. Too quiet. Maybe it's time to draw them out. The Malta corps goes for a swim and lands in Cagliari we pop a fresh cruiser for 4 points. Italy should be short a port or 2 by my count by now. The Italian HQ near Tripoli is dead, we take the port. It's lights out for the Axis on this side, no more eyes on our navy.

    China: It's all quiet on my end. "Charlie" is getting used to the cave life.

  15. July 21, 1940

    The invasion of Britain continues, with the British hurrying their corps defenders around the island. We try to block/delay more landings around London by stationing our corps along the Southern coast. A British bomber out of intercept range nails Bock for a hit, and a corps strikes but doesn't muster anything. The British cruiser at strength 1 escapes London's port and dashes into the sea. The Royal Navy does not counter attack, their are too many subs lurking around. Our defender in London is entrenched x6 and the BEF Army in Bristol x4. We are ready to dog it out. The Germans are fully commiting to Seelowe. I am pretty sure I am seeing more troops loading into transports.

    In North Africa Italy's hold on Libya is over. We capture Tripoli behind strikes from 2 Army's and a corps, backed by Naval support. An Italian HQ holds control of the port. They have not a square to move. In the East the Blackshirts are annoying we strike twice with corps doing nothing, we take a hit.

    Asia: A Chinese army takes a swing at the Japanase Army occupying Cheng Sha. A 1-0 loss for us. We continue to play it safe. Communist 100 regiments is brought into action for an offensive that will likely not happen.

  16. June 23, 1940

    Seelowe is a go! The Germans have become Amphibious. The Royal Navy tries to fight back. The Illustrious Carrier fights through intercepts to hit an Axis cruiser and a Battleship finishes it off southwest of London. An axis submarine dives from destroyer attacks and catches The Royal Oak off guard as it attempts to open up the blockade formed between Brussels and London. The Royal oak takes 5 damage. Damn subs! British troops try hurry to the coast to block landings by the city. We are certainly not defensless but I'm not sure how this will turn out. The USA is watching.

    In Africa the final attack on Tripoli is underway. The corps takes a few hits, but it could take a few turns with the HQ there. Too bad the Royal Navy was busy down here.

    China: The Japs finally make their move on Cheng Sha. In retaliation the Chinese raise 2 new Armies, to reinforce the wall from Nanning to Chengsha. It will be a tough nut to crack.

  17. May 26, 1940

    Paris has fallen 7 months after the Germany Army began it's invasion of France. The French government installed Vichy, and be damned if we recgonize that. The French colonies are divided but French Equitorial Africa is on our side. From Britain we take a fly over France to see what's going on attacking an Italian bomber with our own fighters, but are intercepted. Our fighter and the Italian bomber takes a hit. Operation Catapult goes off without a hitch, so much for the Algerian Navy.

    In North Africa we continue to pound any supply that the Italians have. Our assault on Tripoli will come soon. The Italian Navy remains quiet. In the East we foolishly puled away from the Blackshirts and they have spanking new weapons (lv.2). Oh well he'll make good target practice soon. A formation of random corps are closing in, and we've captured the unguarded coastal town.

    China: The Japanese continue to fire sandbags. We take some bruises, but nothing gets bloody.

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