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Posts posted by crispy131313

  1. November 1941


    Rommel's request for air support is granted. 7th armour at El Alamein destoryed. the road to Egypt looks alot clearer.

    {East Africa}

    Blackshirts are reinforced but are under heavy fire from Allied air. Just East the Graf Spree raids India's ports.


    Partisans appear in Foochow but die right away. Japanese are pulling out of the North supply suddenly is becoming non-existent. Chinese campaign has officially turned sour.

  2. October 1941


    Allies abandon Gibraltar, but we forget to move in. Silly mistake. So we sit beside it and look in. German's DOW and conquer Portugal and make the USA mad. Still not build up on the USSR border.


    An agressive Chinese Army dies in the near Lanchow. Overall the Chinese are going on the attack and doing well. We have actually formed a wall to stop them in the North. The South is a mess as well.

  3. September 1941


    A corps left for dead dies in Britain. We are slowly spreading the word northward that the country is now under German occupation. Tanks attack Gibraltar, air attack Gibraltar they are low on supply, strength-3. Next turn they fall. We continue to stall Barabossa.


    A few fighter attacks on HQ near Alexandria. The British airforce is in Sudan and has set their eyes on the Blackshirts in East Africa. The East Italian destroyer is still messing up their convoys.


    What a mess this has turned into. We are pulling back from Lanchow, we need to reorganize and reaccess our tactics.


    Dipolomacy gamble is paying off. I've invested nearly 2500 MPP's into diplomacy this game. That's 10 Tanks, or 5 Carriers, or 25 Corps etc.

  4. August 1940


    The British forces can't evecauate the island fast enough. The Canadian Tank group in Manchester, and british corps in Bristol killed, an Allied minor corps trapped on the coast will die soon. There is still one city left in the North. The UK chosses to move their government to Canada.


    Rommel says no attacks on El Alamein this turn. Iraq joins the Axis.


    Same old. Attacks in the north, kicking tires in the South. No kills to report.

  5. August 1941


    Axis continue to advance towards Manchester, landing a very scary (lv.4) Tank group. We kill a corps, smash another down to 2. German corps moves adjacent to Manchester. Bristol's supply bombed heavily down to 0 supply. The result is half of the British infantry is a hex away from being cut off completely.


    Italian infantry attack the entrenched 7th armoured at El Alamein, maybe not wise but we might as well stretch the British MPP's.


    More corps pounding near Lanchow. Chinese air is attacking from Yumen. Quiet elsewhere. No doubt Rambo is seeing Japanese activity in the Pacific.

  6. April 1944


    Bad news:

    The battle for Bulgaria is lost by the Allied forces. Greece is evacuated and no Russian tanks sent to the front lines.

    Good news:

    We make sucessful landings across the rest of Europe. The British take control of Sicily, the Italian defender bites the dust. A large and strong British/American strike force lands in Spain, the corps defending Madrid reduced to 3. Germans have no way into the coutnry. Also the Americans grab a vacant Norwegian coastal town.


    Russian infantry advance closer to the Germans defensive lines. Losses will come but Stalin does not care. It looks like a stalmate on the Russian/Japanese front lines.

    {Pacific Theatre}

    China. Rain. Burma. Rain. Dutch East Indies. Rain. We make contact with German sub in the Pacific, grab another Dutch outer island town.

  7. July 1940


    Germans kill a corps near Manchester, and move an Italian corps next to the new capital and hit a weak destroyer in port. Germans are looking strong in Britain overall. We juggle our navy around, with air support from France/Belgium and sink another BB and DD. In Gibraltar we back off for a turn.


    We set up positions around El Alamein, no attacks.


    Not even trying to attack Chengsha at this point. We are making noise near Lanchow instead.

  8. June 1941


    The German army reinforces their position around London and brings in some fresh corps to shield the city from counter attack. Some navy action, and Axis air units get invloved dinging the large allied Navy in the English Channel. Some spread out damage overall, but a British Battleship and Cruiser sink. Paratroopers and Tank unit smash the Gibraltar corps down to 1.


    The Afrika Corps finishes off the LRDG forces retreating to Siwa. They knew they would never make it. We move Italian army to the front line infront of El Alamein.

    {South Atlantic}

    U-30 Sub is in trouble with Aussies all around, we do some damage and run.


    Didn't try much this turn. Some damage in the North.

  9. March, 1944


    Russians destory advancing German Tank group and Army near Turkish border, even more tanks are sent to the front lines. Some pops to a corps trying to make ground en route to Athens. Much rain over France, we just hit coastal towns from the sea. Not much is happening at Sicily this turn.


    Russian troops continue to fight back agaisnt advancing Japanese in the far east. We get a couple hits, take a couple hits.

    The Russian/German stalemate continues. Eventually those German lines will have to become thinner.


    American Air is the only offensive I have right now, we continue to bomb and start aiming for their own air units. Raining again in Burma, if not for our Indian tanks we would be accomplishing nothing.


    Dutch Easties not going according to plan..

  10. May 11, 1940


    British corps near London dies. Axis air mucks it up over London with the Formidable Carrier from New Castle, we move our wolfpacks to surround the port while nailing the carrier down to 2. There are alot of corps clogging up the island. Manchester is guarded by Canadian Tank group.


    Rommel has arrived in Libya and takes charge of the Afrika Corps (Army +1 exp.) They immediatley are sprung into action to assist the Italians, we kill a british corps, and knock the LRDG down to 2.


    U-30 Submarine kills the transport in the South Atlantic but bumps into Aussie Cruiser afterwards, and takes 1 hit.


    Another dead Chinese army near Sian. A corps near Lanchow takes a beating. Things are getting quieter in the South, the entrenchment warfare is not in my favour.

  11. April 13, 1941


    Rain again over France and Britain grounds the entire Luftwaffe. We make our move anyways, Both Army's near London attack, Tanks make their landing known and destroy the 7th Armour to seize London. We have a foot hold on the Island now.


    Italian Army counters the Allied attack from Egypt smashing the W.D.F Army down to 4. We will make a stand at Tobruk. Gibraltar supply is down to 2 after Italian Navy smashes the fortress again.


    Dead corps near Lanchow. We severely weaken an army near Sian. Bombers start to hit Changsha, my achilles heal.


    Both USA and USSR not pleased about London falling. Hopefully Rambo can update on what happened there at end turn. Yugoslavia Joins the Axis.

  12. March 16th, 1941


    Germans make their landing around London, Leeb is in control of 2 Army's and a corps. Lots of Air support from Belgium and France, we knock out all entrenchment in London, the defending unit the 7th Armour is reduced to 7. In the sea we knock out a number of Allied ships, lost count but a couple BB's for sure and some DD's hurt or killed. No German naval casualties yet, but that may be because the Carrier's didn't show up. Lots of new British units pop up over Britain.


    German Paras fly across the Med to fight for Gibraltar, Axis tanks takes a ping and retreats to Madrid. Italian surface fleets smash on the fortress and port.


    East Italian Destroyer finds Rhodesia corps trying to sail around South Africa, worth 2 hits.


    The chinese in the mountains are proving very difficult. We order our troops to make their way past Lanchow. If they want to fight in the mountains we'll just walk by.


    USA is furious over Seelowe. Stalin, well he took another dip into Hitler's pocket.

  13. February 1940


    Spain surrenders in the rain after a pounding from German Tanks. Bulgaria joins the Axis, I guess they weren't too mad about Spain after all?


    Some pings against the Gibraltar corps that sailed to Casablanca, no damage. I'm guessing it's the BEF that sailed from Bordeaux that is in Gibraltar.


    The Graf Spree continues to harass the South African port.


    Yenan falls after a large attack from land and Sea. A sizeable Chinese force hides behind the river on the path to Nanning. We take the turn totally off in the South. The Chinese can safely celebrate the new years in Changsha.


    The Americans are being spoon fed by Axis diplomats, they move further from the war (12%). We have invested a LARGE amount of MPP's for a long time. We are only now starting to get some luck.

  14. In my most recent game with Rambo I actually should have not accepted Vichy. It was a mistake on my part, I wanted Spain to join the Axis at a cost (plus get the extra units.) I did not realize the event would not fire after I took Algeria if I accepted Vichy. I am very very dissapointed that I made tha mistake. It will hang over my head the entire game.

  15. February 27, 1944


    Some attacks on a corps near Sofia, lots of rain so most air attacks grounded. Russian tanks are piling up. British army and HQ land in Sicily, it's raining there so it's a slow turn. More shore bombardment, a sub dies in the Atlantic.


    Russians start to fight back in the far east,mostly minor pings.

    {Pacific Theatre}

    Kind of a slow turn everywhere over here. I'm being cautuious around the Dutch East Indies. China and Burma some minor pinging.

  16. November 1940


    Good weather holds in France so Germany DOW's Spain. We kill an army as we advance into the country with Tanks and air support.


    Casablanca seems very far to walk through the desert. British counter attacked last turn near Tobruk but have returned behind their fortress.


    Corps dies in the North. We don't go full blast on Changsha this turn, so nothing accomplished in the South.


    Both Japan and Germany have been very active on diplomacy, hits are rare but they are decisive. Even after the DOW to Denmark, Benelux, Tunisia, Algeria and Spain the USSR is 9% and USA 18%.

  17. {Europe}

    The Allied Navy seems to have vanished into thin air. Not sure what's up with that? Axis recapture Bordeaux, and Hungary and Romania join the Axis.


    Italian Navy sinks Aussier Crusier near Tobruk. Some shots exchanged between Italian and British infantry in the desert.


    Changsha is demoralizing. This city is really holding for the Chinese. In the North another corps is near dead from flank attacks.

  18. Late September, 1940


    A Italian Bomber used for spotting tells us the coast is clear (maybe) so Axis moves to dislodge British forces on the West coast of France, we kill the corps near Brest, and do good damage at Bordeaux.

    Sick of being bottled up the Kriegsmarine makes its way into the English Channel looking for a fight.


    Casablanca remains under Allied control. Looks like some mop up duty is required. We back off from El Alamein this turn for some rest.


    Changsha continues to hold on by the skim of their teeth, we are pounding them with everything we got. In the North we begin flank tactics moving behind their entrenched lines. We do some damage to a corps, and nail a HQ for some extra punishment.

  19. August 4, 1940


    5th Mt. Corps moves to the coast of Franc to take a peek, Allied Battleship waiting. Seems like a trap, going to have to think about this.


    War spreads to Algeria, both Italian and German troops move near the capital. Italian BB's destroy supply, this will be over soon. Malta down to strength 3, while we ping El Alamein with Italian Army and Axis Air.


    Chinese army in Changsha barely holds on (strength 1) as they are surrounded by Massive Japanese strike force. In the North we break though decisively. An Army and SF have made it behind enemy lines, we find HQ's and planes. Rambo will have to do some schuffling.

    Side note:

    I am absolutely disgusted with how ineffective Diplomacy is. There is no way the percentage's are accurate.

  20. January 30, 1940


    Shore bombardment at Bordeaux, Lisbon, Gibraltar, and Palermo. Allied air gets a couple hits on the corps at Palermo, and decide the time is right to cut off the rail supply, via Corps near Nantes. Nothing accomplished in Bulgaria.


    Bad Weather continues to halt everything.


    The USA finally makes a move. US forces land all over the Dutch East Indies, capturing the town of Palembang, the Oil near the capital, and the town of Makasar. MaCathur takes charge. US Carriers sink 2 BB's one of which was the mighty Yamato flagship. Batavia port damaged to 2 which will stop the golden convoy.


    A couple pings near Chungking and American bombers continue to pound Peking. Japanese SF reduced down to 2 in Burma.

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