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Posts posted by crispy131313

  1. Sorry to post my 2 cents again on your troubles, but with editor you can make china easier to move. One way would be to make mountains -1 movement cost instead of -2. You could also add more roads via the editor.

    One final thing and probaly easiest thing you could do is add +1 action points to Japan, India, and China's ground units as this would not effect the outcome of the game as these countries only are active in that theatre.

  2. Hi Bluestew,

    when I develop a new game engine

    Woah Did I hear that right! SC3!

    And to add some comments, you will be surprised what an advantage it is laying the smack down on Grazzini turn after turn in East Africa. The AI puts alot of MP's into keeping that place alive, and in the end you actually benefit as their are less MP's being spent in Europe. Not to mention your African troops are very experienced once you eventually knock that place out. Buying an army from South Africa, and using the Special Foces from India along with the African corps is usually enough kill Grazzini.

    Also, if there was easy movement in China, China would be done like dinner. Japan would overrun China very quickly in the early 1-2 years if you are playing as the Allies. China is a game of roads, keep an eye on the direction of the roads/trails and you will learn how to move around with little surprises.

  3. Hi, first of all love the game. I have really adjusted to the smaller map, no complaints about the game at all, I do have one question regarding Amphious Transports used by the AI.

    The AI seems a little dumb when it comes to ramming their Amphious Transports into my surface ships, in one case they just rammed into the same ship three times in a row in the same turn, after it was obviously uncovered under FOW. Is there any way I can make this less deadly for the AI? If in a patch the AI could somehow go around the uncovered surface ships that would be ideal, but for now does anyone have any ideas of how to make this less deadly for my AI opponents? I've considered scripting mass destroyers around the time of the big amphious assaults to help the AI, or giving the AI maxed out Amphious research from the beginning of the game, but I'm not sure what is the best route to take.

    I'd like to turn off the feature that allows surface ships to automatically attack transports that come into an adjacent hex in the mean time, does anyone know how to accomplish this?

  4. One feature I think would be extremely useful to have with Global Conflict is another check box on the options menu to toggle on/off Movement restrictions (i.e. Mountains, Rivers). This would allow the game to open up a bit strategy wise, and focus less on strategic roads especially through countries such as China. I'm not sure if it could be patched in or not, but it seems simple enough. I also know you can do this via editor, but it would be a handy option to have when choosing your pregame options prior to beginning a campaign.

  5. I've exhausted the current Strategic Command 2 Scenario's so I took a step back to the original Strategic Command European Theatre to kill the time as I wait. Gotta say I'm pretty hooked on the old game right now. I found countless scenario's on the internet some of which are damn near impossible to win.

  6. I'm curious where Italy will fit into all of this. With Russia as an Ally will Germany really need Italy, or would they be better off taking over the Boot and not exposing the underbelly of Europe.

    If the the War kicks off full tilt after Russia and Germany split Poland then Germany may have to make the decision to attack France or attack Italy first. It could really change the game, because depending on how fast the USA enters the war the surviving country could be where the Americans trench in.

  7. July 31, 1940

    German forces have finally succeed in storming into France. With French fighters apparently grounded, the German airforce have defeated the remaining tanks defending the French border. The french have formed a last line of defense before Paris, building fortifications around Rheims. The French Maginot line remains heavily fortified. Operation Seelowe, planned for early september may still be possible.

    From the rear, Franco continues to push onward into France. The 1st and 2nd Spanish armies have now captured Nantes, Orleans, and Falaise destroying France's 5th and hopefully last Tank group and a defending corps en route. They seem to be favourite targets of France's tactical bombers. Spanish infantry at Tangiers continue to defend against French forces.

    The Italian East African campaign is unfortunately losing momentum, while the DOAK await motorization from Germany.

    Italy prepares for war.

  8. July 10, 1940

    French tanks reach the front lines of the French/Belgian border and the German 2nd Army is destroyed. All is not bleak however, as German aircraft finally take control of the skies, knocking out 2 of the 4 visible French tank groups, which will surely soften up France's border defense. German's counter attack results in Germany's first gain's of French territory. Spain captures another small town, but is now involved in ground conflicts with french troops, creating a sucessful diversion.

    French Battleships continue to shell Spain's coast, while French ground troops attack Tangier.

    Romania inches closer to the Axis, as Russia annexes Bessarbaria.

  9. June 19, 1940

    France will be no walk in the park. German aircraft have revealed that France has upgraded to infantry weapons-2 and Heavy Tanks-2. Both ahead of German technology. Germany has yet to develop any anti-tank weaponry, and France appears to have Germany's armour outnumbered by atleast 3 to 1. These French advancements are a huge worry, as it seems now, Operation Seelowe's calendar date may be in jeaporady.

    Germany air knocked out 1 French artillery crew, a huge tactical gain. On the ground Germany has been forced into a defensive style border clash, as Germany awaits an oppurtune moment to move across Belgian borders into French territory.

    Spain's armies rest near Bordeaux, as Franco and his Armor catch up. There has been little resistance against Spain's invasion thus far, but the Spanish must be careful not to go near the constantly bombarded coastline.

    Norway, who has leaned towards the axis ever since Germany assured the nation that there would be no altercations resutling from the Altmark incident, has joined the Axis!

    It East Africa, the British colonial town of Malaki surrenders, and the Italian East African' troops and the DOAK are regrouping. The Kenyan city of Nairobi, and it's rich oil resources are the DOAK's next target.

  10. June 5, 1940

    The early week of Fall Gelb was a huge success. Netherlands and Belgium have both surrendered to German occupation. Belgium's African colonies now are under the control of the UK. 3 French Armies were completely destroyed as the Germany stomed towards France's border. France continues air superiority however, as German fighters take heavily losses.

    The Spanish 1st and 2nd armies have captured Bordeaux, but their march through the rear of France is no longer a surprise, and the French pilots are within striking range. French battleships have begun attacking the coast of Spain, both in the Atlantic and the Mediterannean, making any Italian Amphibious movement to the rear of France too risky to attempt. Italy continues to try to mobilize for their French invasion, but it appears the battle for France will be nearly completely up to the Germans.

    In the Atlantic, Axis submarines make first contact with a French destroyer, as they have taken residence along the coast of the Spanish Sahara.

    In East Africa, Malaki is surrounded, and surrender seems near.

    Meanwhile, Russia annexes the Baltic states.

  11. April 10, 1940

    Franco's Spain joins the Axis, and will participate in the planned invasion of France. Germany has now secured supply shipments from both Sweden and Norway, which will be a critical resource boost through the summer months. Axis airforces have been grounded, and are being remodelled to counter France's air superiority. Advanced Aircraft-1 and Long Range Aircraft-1 technology may be enough to make a difference.

    Italy has strengthened it's forces at Tobruk, however the Italian armies continue to be severely depleted of man power throughout it's home country. It may be quite some time before their Navy is battle ready. A recent advance in Industrial technology, and Spain's decision to join the Axis will aid in their preparations for major war.

    In East Africa, Haille Selassie narrowly escapes via rail, after his forces were mostly defeated. The DOAK now turn their attention to the British colonial town of Malaki.

  12. January 31, 1940

    The border clash with France continues with no losses to either side. Germany is biding it's time to bulk up for it's big spring offensive. Germany has had no luck developing any anti-tank weaponry and France has at least Heavy Tanks-1, and has showed air superiority thus far, whether though experience or luck. Axis subs continue their domination of the Atlantic convoy lanes, avoding any contact with Allied hunters. Germany's declaration of uncoditional submarine warfare did not boast well with the USA.

    In Africa, the DOAK has conquered British Somaliland and have turned their offense to the Italian-Sudan border where they are battling Haille Selassie and his forces.

  13. September 20, 1939

    Poland Surrenders after 2 weeks, and Germany cedes Eastern Poland to Russia. With the world in uproar, France and the UK declare war on Germany. India, Egypt, Canada, and the British African colonies follow suit and declare war on the Axis.

    Axis subs are succesful in disrupting Allied convoy lanes from Canada, India and British Africa, and the game of Cat and mouse begins.

    The Italian East Africa and the DOAK have begun invading British Somaliland, with much success, but the Somaliland Militia is yet to surrender.

    Along the Maginot line it is France on the attack, while Germany quietly waits for it's Forces to return from Poland.

  14. July 12, 1939

    Preperations for Fall Weiss continue, as Germany mobilizes it's armies and is now capable of upgrading it's infantry weapons. Spain has sent the Spanish Blue division to aid the Axis cause, leading Germany to beleive Spain may soon mobilize for war.

    The two German divisions finally reach the coast of Italian East Africa, and are now under the command of Von Arnim, and the DOAK. The Italian colonly is now nearly full moblized, and are preparing a surprise attack on British Somaliland.

    Germany also launches it's fleets of U-Boats into the Atlantic in anticipation of global support for the Allies.

  15. I thought I would make an After Action Report, I have not done this yet. I hope this provides feed back on this great Mod for it's developer Cantona66.

    April 5, 2009

    Czechslovakia follows in Austria's foosteps joining the Axis. Fall Weiss appears to be on schedule, as Axis forces begin to mount around Poland.

    The UK and France have continued to inch closer to war, unsettled about German's actions to occupy Saarland, and the Rheinland. However, Germany's occupation of neutral Denmark has proven not to be enough to see the Allies declare war on Germany just yet.

    Romania, Sweden, and Spain have been targets of Germany's diplomatic efforts, resulting in Romania beginning Oil shipments to Germany, and Spain coupled with Franco's victory has seen the Spanish begin to lean heavily towards the Axis cause.

    Two German divisions (I & III Corps) continue their unsuspected voyage around the bottom of Africa, destined to join forces with the DOAK in Italian East Africa.

  16. The game as a whole had an amazing feel to it though. The battle with France is tricky, you can really set yourself back and lose some very important untis, if you are not careful with your attacks. Because of the slow moving calendar, usually Paris will fall with enough time to prepare Seelowe. So the battle with France is done well.

    Operation Seelowe is possible but it is a definite strain on man power. Garrisoning England and Ireland afterwards was difficult to do, as most of my militias, were already garrisoning key partisans areas in Poland and France. Though again i like this, it made these decisions that much more costly, as they were of course beneficial.

    Yugoslavia is a true thorn, right on the heels of war with Russia. Although it isn't anything Italy and an ally such as Hungary can not take care of.

    Egypt is well done, the Allies had alot of firepower. If I could suggest one change, it would be to have the Commonwealth HQ arive much earlier so th at the 1st and 7th armour battalion's are something to fear. As it is now, Tobruk will never fall from the hands of the Italians, not even momentarily.

    In version 1.9 I understand you have scripted the UK to attack all the colonies (Spanish, and Italian) throughout Africa, so I will just say good idea.

    The USA, I have seen this country less and less through many scenario's attack French North Africa, and Tunisia I am not sure if you have this scripted, but it would be a refreshing change, and would put alot of pressure on the Egyptian campaign.

    Then of course Russia, the real Battlefield. Here's a skeleton recap of what I expereinced:

    1941: I tried to be as built up as I could along the Russian border as Italy and Hungary were left to battle the Yugoslavians, and Germany raised new units to attack Greece. Romania's forces are strong enough to take Odessa, and Germany is able to blitzkrieg into Russia. The summer offensive is very tough, and it takes many turns to advance and captures the small towns scattered though Russia.

    Late of 1941, Leningrad still stands, Moscow seems out of reach, and my Italian and Romanian forces and blasted at the gates of the Kaukas. I am forced to retreat from Rostov, and the Russians reclaim Sevastapool as I lost a total of 5 Italian and Romanian armies combined in the retreat. In the villages infront of Moscow the Russians begin to surround my armies and tanks, leaving me to only wonder what I can do to stop the coming onslaught.

    I pulled all my aircraft back to Poland, before the coming Soviet winter, and spend the cold months building elite status from their experience. I turn towards England, which only finally was defeated in the summer of 1941. My paraptroopers and Special Forces are elite 12-14 strength. I replace them with my Norwegian garrisons, and transefer them to the gates of moscow just in time for the spring thaw of 1942.

    1942: Once the fog clears, my elite airforce returns and makes mincemeat of Leningrad, and my England troops storm towards Moscow, destroying everything in it's way, soon after they are aided by my airforce. The surprise offensive Fall Blau, left Russia extremely vulernable, and I was able to take Moscow.

    The passing winter saw Egypt, Trans Jordan and Iran fall to Axis forces, which forced Russia to protect the back entrance to the Kaukas. At this point with time hopefully on my side I bascially rolled the dice that the USA was not on it's way towards England and pushed all my resources towards Stalingrad for the win.


    Some suggestions for Russia:

    The surprise offensive script of Fall Blau may have been a little too much help to keep this campaign lasting long enough, to see the Allies return to Western Europe.

    Possibly some fortifications around Stalingrad, or a unit script raising defensive forces around the Russian's alternate capital after Moscow falls.

    This was a long post I know, I just thought you deserved some feedback for all the hard work!

  17. USA became active around April 1941. I just opened my last save file for the game, and in August USA had 12 Armies, 10 Corps, 2 Artilleries, 1 Tank, and 1 HQ.

    They could have done some serious damage. Could it be a shortage of HQ's? I seem to recall that in other games, (Fall Weiss, Storm of Steel etc.) that the USA would never transport its troops to England without it's preset HQ arriving via the production que.

    The USA did halt my West Africa campaign with a trio of Heavy Bombers, however it was the wrong theatre to make a difference in.

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