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Posts posted by crispy131313

  1. April 28, 1940

    Paris is surrounded there is nothing I can do. The French Armour takes a pop at the 4th Army behind Paris, 5 damage, he's down to 3. There is nothing else to do. I reinforce the corps and Army that helps hold the Capital. It's the only city left in France. The Danish have allowed Germany to just walk in, and the Axis controls what would have been Greenland.

    Benghazi is occupied by the Brits. We continue down the road to Tripoli. 2 Carriers with Naval support move forward and reduce everything to 0. Entrenchment, the city, the port. The Italians want to make a stand. They boast infantry weapons lv.2 and have Italian HQ. The French Navy working against the clock continue to harrass Italian Navy units, not sure if this is good or not. French sub hits another cruiser in port, it does 1 damage. A sinking Battleship tries to bombard Rome. I don't even think they woke anyone up.

    In East Africa the Sudanese take a hit themselves and back off, the Blackshirts have reinforced their unit. They would rather be an annoyance.

    China: The Stalemate continues. The war is costing the Japanese more then the Chinese.

  2. They are great pics! Thanks Scook.

    March 31, 1940

    France could fall as soon as next turn, if not then surely the next. The snow is gone and it appears spring has come. With the Italians set to move into Bordeaux there will be nothing left standing except Paris. Our capital besieged we share what little ammo that is left with the surrounding defending units. A British cruiser pings a German Army on the coast.

    In Africa Beghazi has been cleared of all Italians. We need now only march in to rebuild. There is nothing standing between O'Connor and victory at Tripoli except it's defending corps. With no leadership coming from France the French Navy goes berzerk and sails into Italian waters looking for some firefights. We draw only 2 hits from parked Naval units while taking heavy losses.

    In East Africa the blackshirts and Sudan defenders still engage, nothing happening though. A corps from Rhodesia captures the Italian port. The Italian Airforce has obviously abandoned

    China: The Japanese continue to ping us, but we stand stall. The "Flying Tigers" have arrived.

  3. March 3, 1940

    France: The French abandon the Maginot line to avoid being cut off from the capital. The French army is in disary. The German 4th army has managed to slip behind enemy lines and is between Paris and Nantes. Only French Armour and the 2nd Army can boast high strengths in the days before France will fall. A fury of movement sees the French hold the same defensive line around Paris we have achieved since the early winter. French aircraft has retreated. Next turn could be a massacare. The Italians have already captured Marseilles. Canadian convoy's continue to be sunk.

    Tobruk has fallen to the British in North Africa after a combined aircraft (from the sea) and troop engagement. The British take minimal losses. There is no time to slow down. The B.A.I army reaches Beghazi where the Italian army awaits. Mussolini saw no need to lend better weaponry to the 5th army when he had the chance. They'll have to make due. The Beghazi port is completely surrounded, no hope of reinforcement. Tripoli's port is at 0. O'Connor from Tobruk: "The War in North Africa will be decisive."

    The Sudan corps contines to take the fight to Addis Ababa alone. Another 1-0 firefight victory. The Blackshirts drop to strength 6. We have lost track of the East African navy, they have dissapeared into the Pacific... Or South Atlantic?

    China: I think I could forget to play China for a turn and I'd still be ok. The Chinese have bunkered in and are in high spirits.

  4. February 4, 1940

    In Europe the French reinforce the very front lines infront of Paris. There is little room for error, we do not attack. The french are running out of manpower westardly on the maginot line. Their is no longer German armour adjacent to Paris, but a 10 strength army in its place. It's snowing but muddy. Spring is coming soon. Subs are lurking in the Canadian convoy lane again.

    It's February but in North Africa it looks more like New Years! The entire french fleet opens fire on every Italian harbour and bombs Tobruk to bits! The french receive support from the Royal Navy stationed in the Mediterranean, and their are 2 Carriers smashing the Italian Army in Tobruk. O'Connor leads the assault on Tobruk behind the W.D.F. and B.A.I Army's reducing the Italians to strength 1 and 0 supply. Tobruk will surrender within weeks. There is little the Italian Navy can do. We have them outnumbered. The Commonwealth HQ arrives in Egypt and New Zealend has stationed troops there.

    In East Africa Platt sends the Sudan Defence corps to attack the Blackshirts and they do damage (1). The Italian navy in port tries to escape but the Aussies were lurking in the waters and followed the convoy lines Southward to their prey but do minimal damage.

    China: You guessed. We sit.

    Russia: Russia ends the war with Finland, small territorial gains.

  5. France: The German 4th army adjacent to Paris feels the wrath of the French armour from from within the city, reducing the (+1 exp.) army to 4. My tank takes 1 hit. Behind it the Hoopner tank group is strength six. There is not much wiggle room (one open square between Paris and Brussels) so these weak units might hinder any further Blitzkrieg this month. The French 3rd army attacks a second German armour from the maginot line, an unhealthy 4-2 trade off and backs off the line. A corps moves in it's place to hold our solid defensive line once more. But Italy Joins the Axis!

    China: Foochow is supply 1. It's a matter of time now. Chinese reinforce front lines, stay on the defensive.

  6. I will also try to figure out the pictures in the coming turns.

    Dec 10, 1939

    Europe is frozen, and the snow blows over Britian and France, grounding any possible counter attacks from the sky. The 5th army is pulled of the west end of the Maginot line and is replaced by a corps. Our front lines remain at full strength 5 armies wide. Can't make it a cake walk for our blonde haired friends.

    Axis vessels continue to elude us in the Atlantic. Luckily they seem to be taking a break. But where is the Graf Spree. It's been MIA since September.

    Asia: The Chinese once again do nothing and lick their wounds. Foochow is a Japanese MPP killer, as Battleships are taking hits trying to weaken the Chinese 2nd corps. Every Japanese unit south of Chengchow seems to be on wheels. We have to maintain a sollid wall from Chensha to Nanning.

  7. November 12, 1939

    French forces continue to bunker waiting for the coming unslaught. Only the winter can save them. The Maginot line has not been touched.

    The German Graf Spree has been quiet since it's early raids on Trinidad and is somewhere in the vastness of the Atlantic. Meanwhile the Canadians continue to feel the harassment of the wolf pack.

    Asia: China raises a new corps to replace the hole the Chinese 5th army left behind East of Changsha. Again no attacks. The Chinese sit and wait.

  8. The March to Warsaw was the last straw. Australia, Canada, and South Africa declare war on Germany. The British viceroy in India does not crack under pressure, and India remains neutral. The B.A.I army is transferred from India.

    In Poland the remaing troops strike back, doing minor damage to a tank and corps, while a Polish army destroys the Danzig harbour and declares it their own. It won't last long.

    Oil continues to spill off Trinidad, and the Canadians feel the first wrath of the German submarines.


    China does some gutsy reorganizing around Chengchow giving up important entrenchment. The Chinese HQ moves back and no army is in the open. Only one fire fight in the South. A 1-0 ping for the Chinese army. A small victory.

  9. I agree with nothing gamey, I wouldn't like to see neutral ships used for spotting either. As far as diplomacy goes, I think a game of this scale diplomacy is important. Also I'd be happy to let Rambo set up UFC #3. As soon as Rambo starts a thread and assigns each of us a side, I would be happy to give a pre-game background and take it from there. I look forward to our match Scook.

  10. Axis surface raiding from ports seems a little overkill. I was just able to totally cut off every major ports supply to the point where only Cuba was sending convoys. I then would have no use for my wolfpacks, since I could just sit surface ships along spanish coast. I turned them all off via the script page, as I thought this was going to kill the Allies because of the high costs of units. The game is going great so far other than that.

  11. Because Italian East Africa and Ethiopia are are both minors of Italy and the UK, the two parent nations are at war. What could change, and I would reccommend it so that Italy can actually take the time to mobilize for war, would be make Ethiopia a minor nation of the United States. Because Ethiopia is annexed by Italian East Africa after the nation falls, it does not really matter if they are a minor of the UK. This would mean that Italy's war entry could be much more historical, and the North African campaign would not begin early. Italy would be at war with the United States, after the USA joins, but that is immenent anyways.

  12. The only way to move planes from Europe to the USA is by the operate command like Armuss said, which should be easy if you are Allied, unless the planes are from a minor country that can only operate back to their home country. If you are the Axis then you must first capture a city in the USA and have the minimum supply available to operate them to the captured city.

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