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Posts posted by Frankster65

  1. I completely agree with sburke on this one. I only play WeGo myself and it is precisely for the reasons sburke stipulted. I can't tell you how many times I watched amazing things happen in the replay that I never would have caught in real time play. I also like the fact of losing control during that minute battle where your orders are shown consequences and there is nothing you can do to change it. Makes it more real for me.

  2. It is a price I'll gladly pay for all the goodies 2.0 is giving us. I'm sure it won't take long before the community 'strikes back'. It is years ago someone adviced me to take a look at CMBO if I was into wargames. Boy, am I glad I followed that advice.

    Same here Aragorn2002. I still remember that day I downloaded the demo for the original CMx1. I was in utter and complete awe. I still am. You modders with your artistic talent may have to do some work to upgrade your mods but I feel as you mention, it really will be worth it in the long run with what BF has done with the engine and the choices we now have. Now let us go to battle. :)

  3. What is it called? Can't see anything called serial number.

    It will be a large list of numbers. When you purchased the upgrade, the page where you download, there should have been a white box with those numbers in it. That was the serial number for your upgrade. You should be able to see it in the section of your account where you downloads are. Martyr is correct as well. Should be in your email too.

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