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Posts posted by Frankster65

  1. I just played a little, and my .30 cal machineguns took some time before they were deployed. No insta deploy there.

    The first thing I did when installing patch was test a HMG team of Americans, HMG was the water cooled variety and a 81mm mortar team. They both instantly deployed when arriving at end spot. Absolutely no deploy times utilized.

  2. No complaining here. ;) This is a "celebration of a great game" thread. We have had a month playing this game for this scenario and loved every minute of it. And just to set the record straight

    You got it backwards. Scenario depot, the modders etal would have nothing to work on if it weren't for BFC and frankly I doubt BFC is at all dependent on us for their sales. I don't think we hurt sales (one does have to wonder sometimes) but with no data it is presumptive to think we somehow keep BFC hobbling along despite themselves. Sure we present a community to enjoy it together, but I was buying BFC products for years and never even visited the forum. I had all the CMx1 games and all of CMSF and posted once. It wasn't until CMBN came out that I got really involved on this forum and started checking out all the modder's material. If this AAR somehow does help sales, great. Personally I don't think it will as anyone who sees it is probably here because they bought it already. This was more intended to make the forum a nicer place for them to be, and maybe make folks feel like they could jump in here and not worry about if they knew the air speed velocity of an english sparrow tied to an APCR round and it's splatter effect.

    We are just really thankful that a small team of folks understand what a very small niche community wants in a tactical wargame and tries their very best (which is damned good) to deliver. They put up with our bitchin and moanin and occasional good idea, they listen to the problems we uncover in the game, spend innumerable hours trying to nail down cause and effect and fix them without breaking everything else, many of them working for free. They tolerate us inquiring into their business model and telling them how they should run it despite us having no access whatsoever to their sales data (nor probably any experience running a business). They support us troubleshooting crappy PCs that we refuse to upgrade and insist they try and make a very computing intensive game run on 10 year old laptops. They teach us how to correct our anti virus programs to stop blocking the game instead of saying- "it is your anti virus software, go call their 800 number". They even put up with folks making negative comparisons of their products to their competitors on their own site. And just so I don't forget them, the crew of beta testers who take a ton of abuse that suggests they sit around doing nothing and how could they miss such an obviously glaring error that is totally ruining the game for me!!! I don't envy you guys, yeah you get to play the game first but geez talk about under appreciated.

    I deal with a lot of vendors in my business and when I come across ones that obviously love their product and will take this much time assisting me with problems that aren't really theirs, I have to be impressed.

    Don't get me wrong, I love the modding community. Well .. maybe like is more appropriate. They have me worrying about helmets now, God help me. But as much as I love Mord, Aris, Juju and EZs work (and Vein's and....), they didn't make the game good nor even great for me. They simply made it better. Without this game engine all the modding in the world wouldn't matter.

    Yes BFC this AAR is for you. Thanks

    So very, very well said. Kudos to you and Broadsword65!

  3. In CMBN packing up time works as advertized; it's just the deploy that is bugged. Then again I don't recall seeing any crew-served weapon in CMBN without a functioning deploy button.

    I'm also pretty sure that deploy time did work in CMBN version 1.0.

    It did Vanir Ausf B. It was after that first patch that the deploy times got screwed up. And you are correct again with respect to packing up time. I've not seen any problems with packing up times. They've worked as advertised.

  4. To the best of my recollection this bug appeared with the 1.10 patch for CMBN. The upside is that it really gives a boost to the defending side in PBEMs. ;)

    LOL...yes that is why I would like to see it fixed ASAP. ;)

    And it is not just the mortars. In the same scenario, the anti-tank gun crew sets up almost instantly without any penalty. MG42 in another scenario is not quite right either. It appears to me to be any crew served weapon.

  5. Last night was I playing a mission in CMFI. I noticed my 81mm mortar crew was deploying its crew served weapon without any penalty time regarding set-up. The time on the icon was supposed to be something like 43 seconds (don't quote me on that).

    They deployed the weapon instantly. The issue is exactly like what was found in this referenced thread.


    Can someone else here in the forum confirm this please?

  6. I marvel every day at the CM graphics and how good they are. The detail of the infantry battle harness with all the various equipment and weapons hanging from a plethora of camoflauged troops. Various helmets with different camo, webbing etc. Different variations in the same squad. The recoil of the big 88's from either the Tiger or Flak guns. The actual combat actions of the figures themselves and how good they look in the throes of organized mayhem.

    You can't tell me this doesn't look good.

  7. Yeah I realize this is probably heresy, but I look at this one as so much eye candy. Unless we have maps of scale large enough to warrant it, I don't really see myself having my Infantry hitchhike a ride. I am much more focused on some nuances of TAC AI and possibly some UI additions. Being able to poke around a corner with an MG or AT weapon would be a huge deal for urban fighting and likely be used far more often.

    Was playing a scenario from TF Panther in CMSF last night and even fighting against the AI I was totally impressed (and immersed) with the overall urban combat. Just a couple additions for the WW2 battlefield could make for a helluva game experience for Aachen or Stalingrad. I know this one has been talked to death and I understand the difficulties involved, but the gun elevation concerns for armor in built up areas could also have huge ramifications for urban combat. I'd take any of those over tank riding any day of the week and twice on weekends!

    Absolutely agree. +1

  8. For certain. I tried to create a map in CMBN fro a real place. Several frustrating hours with little to show for it later - I gave up. I am more than half way through a map in CMFI (if my PBEM partners would just slow down a bit:-). I have spent many hours - most of which were actually enjoyable. I have a nice looking map with the basic elevations done and the farms and forest for about half. So, still lost of work to do but I find my self looking forward to it.

    I would defiantly wait for 2.0 to arrive for CMBN.

    I had the same experience with trying to make a map for CMBN. Gave up after many long hours. Got some ideas for battles I'd like to try on certain terrain. Am waiting with eager anticipation for the 2.0 upgrade for CMBN.

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