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Lille Fiskerby

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Posts posted by Lille Fiskerby

  1. Thanks for the PDF, on page 13 it says: quote-

    By the 22d, competing weather systems from Russia and the Atlantic had brought on a hodgepodge of snow, blizzards, fog, and rain. In the north, the Sixth Panzer Army was bogged down by rain and mud. In the south, the Fifth Panzer Army was hampered in its swing around Bastogne by fog and snow. Along the German supply roads beyond the Eifel, the snow fell continuously.'

  2. Mission 6: "The assault on Geilenkirchen".


    The most important first, this map is a masterpiece, one of very best I have seen in CM, well done Dragonwynn.

    About the mission:

    The player receive no 25 pdrs. in the mission, realy missed them.

    The player is up against several Panthers but still no Fireflys ! some should arrive 45-50 minutes into the mission.

    The briefing says 84th recon but its SRY recce troop thats in the mission.

    The german bunkers is to isolated, I suggest put them all more closely to each other with trenches connecting them and some infantry in support.

    A trend in your deployment is to bring the german infantry on a single line, that is to easy to call artillery in on and attack from the sides, why not make some T, L or V shaped trenchlines with interlocking fields of fire to protect them ? 

    Considering its mostly urban fighting I suggest at least 10 more minutes to complete the mission.


  3. Mission 5: "A hard days night"

    Another defense night mission but on a lager scale than mission 4.


    German assault from 2 directions on Prummern with tank support: and about the tanks I would wait moving them into town before more infantry arrive, just 5-10 minutes then it will be much harder to knock them out.

    You chose the CO and 2i/c from SRY as the 2 tanks for the armour protection, I would not use them both in the same mission up front, maybe 2 Fireflys from 1 troop ?

    One ATG ammo bearer and one mortar section HQ are in the wrong setup areas.

    Maybe give the VG battalion some StuGs or something like that to support them.

  4. This ends phase I and its been fun, intense and interesting: I like the scale of your campaign, you have to do a lot of micromanaging to win the missions but thats great in my opinion. The maps are beatiful but the time in the missions could be a little longer but thas just me others maybe prefer it as it is.

    If I may comment on the TOE, you could add the Essex Field Art. Regt. it was 8 Armd Bde arty with 24 x Sexton SPGs, each armd regt had one battery attached.

  5. Mission 3: "Prummern"


    Beatiful map and very intense battle but:

    The germans can see your setup area so they can call arty down on your setup area which is wrong in my opinion please lower elevation in the setup area.

    70 minutes for the entire mission is to little time considering you have to take a farely large urban area and reinforcemants arrive a little to late, maybe 5-10 min. earlier will help a lot for the player, it takes time to get reinforcements forward through the minefield (even if its marked you still has to be careful in the minefield) and ready to support.

    Maybe add some US Battalion mortars to support ?

  6. Mission 2:"The woods at Rischden".


    You start with one Inf. Coy and get one Inf. Coy, a carrier Platoon and 2 x tanks later.

    You have to go through a wood with one Coy, it turns out that their is two german Inf. coys in the wood with several HMGs, that is almost impossible to do in 70 minutes.

    I lost the first time I played it which ended the campaign, second time I avoided the wood exept for touching the OBJ. in the wood.

    I suggest you use a smaller german force in the woods and move the HMGs further back into more open terrain where their range benefit them.

    Maybe add more artillery to the player, BTW nice to use the carrier pl. again nice firepower in that platoon.

    Maybe also add more time to the mission, on to the third mission now.

  7. 20 minutes into mission 1 "The red and the blue" and its very interesting and fun.


    Maybe you should check elevation around bunkers think they are to low you cant see them before 50 meters or so and its to easy for infantry to get behind them and KO them.

    Maybe some tank obstacles at rail/road junctions ? and some barb wire in front of trenches and at their flanks ?

    I have some info about the TOE of 8th Armd. Bde. if you like.

  8. Huge OOB, I will play in wego mode, very nice map.

    About the Sherwood Rangers Yeomanry (SRY): you use historical names which is fine by me, the CO of SRY in November was Lt. Col. Stanley Christopherson, he became CO in mid June 1944 and stayed in command until the end of the war. Any reason A Sq./SRY has no Sherman Fireflys ?

    It would be nice to know if objectives are touch or occupy.


  9. In the Werbomont mission I was really sorry I used all my 120 mm. Mortar rounds in the Storm on Stoumont mission, Mission 4 ! really, really missed them :)

    My infantry casualties was also very high in mission 4 over 130 casualties but I relied on my Panthers, lost 3 in mission 4, so they had to do a lot of support

    and maneuver.

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