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Lille Fiskerby

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Posts posted by Lille Fiskerby

  1. Hi guys


    If anyone wants to playtest this campaign its a 5 mission campaign complete v. 1.03, but no text yet, but I can say this :


    Coreunit - Panzerbrigade 101


    Panzerabteilung 2101 :

    36 x Panther Tanks

    3 x Company each 11 Panther Tanks and 3 Tanks in Bn. HQ

    4 x Möbelwagen


    Panzergrenadier Bn. 2101

    2 x Panzergrenadier Companys

    1 x Heavy Company


    Panzerpionier Company 2101

    2 x Platoons

    6 x 251/16


    Panzeraufklärungszug 2101

    Recon Platoon


    Mission 1 - Clearing the Way

    No. 1. Pz. Coy. (11 x Panther Tanks)

    No. 2. PzG. Coy 

    Recon Platoon

    Flak Platoon (4x Möbelwagen)


    Mission 2 - Obstinate Russians

    No. 3 Pz. Coy.

    No. 1 PzG. Coy. 

    Recon Platoon

    FlaK Platoon


    Mission 3 - Throwing Down the Gauntlet

    No. 1 Pz. Coy

    No. 2 PzG. Coy

    FlaK Pl.

    Heavy PzG. Coy.


    Mission 4 - Turning North

    No. 3 Pz. Coy.

    No. 1 PzG Coy.

    Pz. Pionier Coy.

    Kampfgruppe Gross (not core)


    Mission 5 - Breakthrough to 16th Army

    Complete Brigade.


    No text so you dont know when reinforcements arrive !


    Situation :


    18 August 1944


    We are part of Operation Doppelkopf.

    The soviet 51st Army has reach the Bay of Riga and cut Army Group North from Army Group Center (whats left of it).

    Our job is to reach 16th Army to make connection between the two Army Groups.


    ENY Forces

    417th Rifle Division

    3rd Guards Mechanized Corps

















  2. I like to use historic correct names, in my (only) scenario made for CMBN called "MG No Country for Tanks" I tried to be as authentical as

    possible and at that point in Op. Market Garden, on the 21st of September, IG was down to 3 Infantry Coys because of heavy casualties

    No. 1,2 and 4. But why Guards units use numbers instead of letters I dont know, problably a very old tradition.

  3. If you want some info on the Irish Guards there are this site : http://ww2talk.com/forums/forum/74-the-brigade-of-guards/

    After General Adair changed the formations of the Division shortly after Operation Bluecoat to let the Coldstream, Grenadier, Irish

    and Welsh form groups with the Battalions of their specific names (one armoured + one infantry battalion in each group) the

    Irish guards came up with their own Order of March :


    (Varied in detail, but not in principle.)

    A” Coy./Sqdn. Battle Group.
    One troop tanks.
    One troop tanks carrying one infantry platoon.
    A detachment of Royal Engineers.
    Company and Squadron H.Qs. and Artillery Forward Observation Officer.
    Third troop and Squadron H.Q. troop carrying infantry platoons.
    Two 3-inch mortars.
    Two 6-pdr. anti-tank guns
    A section of carriers (for administrative purposes).
    Detachment of Pioneer Platoon.

    R” (for Reconnaissance) Group.
    Officers commanding 3rd and 2nd (Armoured) Battalions.
    Representatives of the supporting arms.
    Honey tanks.
    Rear link and Command wireless trucks.

    O” (Order) Group.
    O.C. Support Company.
    O.C. “B” Battle Group.
    Pioneer Platoon (less one detachment).
    One troop 17-pdr. anti-tank battery.
    A section of carriers.
    Two detachments 3-inch mortars.
    Two detachments 6-pdr. anti-tank platoons.
    2nd (Armoured) Battalion Regimental Aid Post.

    B” Battle Group
    Squadron tanks.
    Infantry company in lorries.
    Artillery Forward Observation Officer.
    Detachment Royal Engineers.
    Two 3-inch mortars.
    Section of carriers.
    Detachment Pioneer Platoon.
    Two detachments 6-pdr. anti-tank platoons.

    C” Battle Group.
    Squadron tanks.
    Infantry company in lorries.

    Reserve Group.
    Fourth infantry company in lorries.
    Main Battalion H.Q.
    Troop 17-pdr. anti-tank guns (towed).
    3rd Battalion Regimental Aid Post.
    Section of the Field Ambulance.
    “A” Echelon, 3rd Battalion.
    Medium M.G. Platoon.
    “F” Echelon, 2nd Battalion.


    Gives you an idear how they were organized.

  4. What I liked the most about CMSF was the USMC and its "not so much as the Army high tech equipment" like the M16 and the Smaw and

    the unique TOE with 13 men in a rifle squad, it was so much fun to play with, and not to have all those Javelins as the Army units had.

    So I realy want USMC in a module but also VDV and their equipment, the French Army would be fun to.

  5. I also need more experience in this kind of missions, called in my Apaches to soon and got both of them KO'ed, its a question of destroying ENY air defence assets but at the

    same time have enough time to use all jets and helicopters without the ENY gets away.

    Learned that you can call in ARTY in the UAVs zone (the blue circle) with another team (not the one that ordered the UAV mission) as long as the firemission starts inside circle.

  6. I have about 40 minutes left in "Poking." I feel proper use of UAV and precision arty is key.

    I feel that to, use the Gray Eagle at the start only as observation then it cant be shoot down, KO all Tunguskas (with ARTY) and then call in the small Ravens which cant be

    shoot down by SAM's

  7. Got email, wanna download and the green button DOWNLOAD after putting license code is broken... Its doing nothing to me... why??? no download...

    I think you have to use the other download link on the same page not the green button

  8. And it's even arguable that it's a less-optimal thing to do as the range increases, since the arc rotates with the hull and a smaller angular deflection is required to throw the arc completely off the target if the arc only just covers it. You should be using broader arcs at longer range, not shorter.


    Never thought of arcs that way, will try it out.

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