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Lille Fiskerby

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Posts posted by Lille Fiskerby

  1. I think the reason you dont find that many scenarios/campaigns in there, is because they started with

    all the mods, there are more than 33 pages of mods.

    They have started migrating CMSF scenarios now from what I can see.

    I like the way the depot looks most of all because you will have all scenarios/campaigns under one

    so in CMBN you dont have to find out if its from a module or not.


  2. I would never have thought of Bulletpoints idea of slow movement but it does make some sense :

    you are a more easy target standing than crawling, I will try it out but there is one thing, your

    pixeltruppen gets tired very fast when using slow command vs. using hunt or quick command.

    BTW what about using the squads smoke granades in these kind of situations, if the enemy

    cant see you, you could move to a better position under the cover of smoke.


    Battlepack 1: The Great Swan

    Northern France and Belgium

    September 1944

    The first phase of the Great Swan occurred when the 43rd Wessex Division seized a crossing over the Seine at Vernon in an opposed assault crossing. The battle here lasted several days, and the first 24 hours in particular were considered to be very dangerous for the British troops. However the bridgehead was stabilised and then gradually expanded to make room for follow-on forces. Prelude, the first battle of the Campaign Amiens Tonight, is a semi-historical examination of the difficulties of pressing back the determined German resistance which was able to make good use of the thick forests along the Seine river banks.


    Great news JonS, did you by any chance read the book "Assault Crossing" by Ken Ford ? Its about the crossing of the Seine River at Vernon.

  4. More action :

    On the left flank the Panthergroup took the town Sazony and moved on to Point 202.8 (near river Yeryamka) and bumped into Soviet Tank Coy. destroing 9 x T34/85 without losses.

    In the center moved my Tigers to point 201.2 in overwatch KO'ed 2 x Su76 near Vasilievicy.
    Reserve Coy moved into Vasilievicy with one Pz. IV. Platoon
    lost one Pz. IV. to SU76, then KO'ed 1 SU76 with infantry and
    one with a Pz. IV.
    Managed to get total victory spend 1h. 53min.

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